a voyage to abyssinia-第11部分
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this religious temper of the people; as well as the authority they receive from it; by excommunicating them; as they often do; for the least trifle in which their interest is concerned。
No country in the world is so full of churches; monasteries; and ecclesiastics as Abyssinia; it is not possible to sing in one church or monastery without being heard by another; and perhaps by several。 They sing the psalms of David; of which; as well as the other parts of the Holy Scriptures; they have a very exact translation in their own language; in which; though accounted canonical; the books of the Maccabees are omitted。 The instruments of music made use of in their rites of worship are little drums; which they hang about their necks; and beat with both their hands; these are carried even by their chief men; and by the gravest of their ecclesiastics。 They have sticks likewise; with which they strike the ground; accompanying the blow with a motion of their whole bodies。 They begin their concert by stamping their feet on the ground; and playing gently on their instruments; but when they have heated themselves by degrees; they leave off drumming; and fall to leaping; dancing; and clapping their hands; at the same time straining their voices to the utmost pitch; till at length they have no regard either to the tune or the pauses; and seem rather a riotous than a religious assembly。 For this manner of worship they cite the psalm of David; 〃O clap your hands all ye nations。〃 Thus they misapply the sacred writings to defend practices yet more corrupt than those I have been speaking of。
They are possessed with a strange notion that they are the only true Christians in the world; as for us; they shunned us as heretics; and were under the greatest surprise at hearing us mention the Virgin Mary with the respect which is due to her; and told us that we could not be entirely barbarians since we were acquainted with the mother of God。 It plainly appears that prepossessions so strong; which receive more strength from the ignorance of the people; have very little tendency to dispose them to a reunion with the Catholic Church。
They have some opinions peculiar to themselves about purgatory; the creation of souls; and some of our mysteries。 They repeat baptism every year; they retain the practice of circumcision; they observe the Sabbath; they abstain from all those sorts of flesh which are forbidden by the law。 Brothers espouse the wives of their brothers; and to conclude; they observe a great number of Jewish ceremonies。
Though they know the words which Jesus Christ appointed to be used in the administration of baptism; they have without scruple substituted others in their place; which makes the validity of their baptism; and the reality of their Christianity; very doubtful。 They have a few names of saints; the same with those in the Roman martyrology; but they often insert others; as Zama la Cota; the Life of Truth; Ongulari; the Evangelist; Asca Georgi; the Mouth of Saint George。
To bring back this people into the enclosure of the Catholic Church; from which they have been separated so many ages; was the sole view and intention with which we undertook so long and toilsome a journey; crossed so many seas; and passed so many deserts; with the utmost hazard of our lives; I am certain that we travelled more than seven thousand leagues before we arrived at our residence at Fremona。
We came to this place; anciently called Maigoga; on the 21st of June; as I have said before; and were obliged to continue there till November; because the winter begins here in May; and its greatest rigour is from the middle of June to the middle of September。 The rains that are almost continually falling in this season make it impossible to go far from home; for the rivers overflow their banks; and therefore; in a place like this; where there are neither bridges nor boats; are; if they are not fordable; utterly impassable。 Some; indeed; have crossed them by means of a cord fastened on both sides of the water; others tie two beams together; and placing themselves upon them; guide them as well as they can; but this experiment is so dangerous that it hath cost many of these bold adventurers their lives。 This is not all the danger; for there is yet more to be apprehended from the unwholesomeness of the air; and the vapours which arise from the scorched earth at the fall of the first showers; than from the torrents and rivers。 Even they who shelter themselves in houses find great difficulty to avoid the diseases that proceed from the noxious qualities of these vapours。 From the beginning of June to that of September it rains more or less every day。 The morning is generally fair and bright; but about two hours after noon the sky is clouded; and immediately succeeds a violent storm; with thunder and lightning flashing in the most dreadful manner。 While this lasts; which is commonly three or four hours; none go out of doors。 The ploughman upon the first appearance of it unyokes his oxen; and betakes himself with them into covert。 Travellers provide for their security in the neighbouring villages; or set up their tents; everybody flies to some shelter; as well to avoid the unwholesomeness as the violence of the rain。 The thunder is astonishing; and the lightning often destroys great numbers; a thing I can speak of from my own experience; for it once flashed so near me; that I felt an uneasiness on that side for a long time after; at the same time it killed three young children; and having run round my room went out; and killed a man and woman three hundred paces off。 When the storm is over the sun shines out as before; and one would not imagine it had rained; but that the ground appears deluged。 Thus passes the Abyssinian winter; a dreadful season; in which the whole kingdom languishes with numberless diseases; an affliction which; however grievous; is yet equalled by the clouds of grasshoppers; which fly in such numbers from the desert; that the sun is hid and the sky darkened; whenever this plague appears; nothing is seen through the whole region but the most ghastly consternation; or heard but the most piercing lamentations; for wherever they fall; that unhappy place is laid waste and ruined; they leave not one blade of grass; nor any hopes of a harvest。
God; who often makes calamities subservient to His will; permitted this very affliction to be the cause of the conversion of many of the natives; who might have otherwise died in their errors; for part of the country being ruined by the grasshoppers that year in which we arrived at Abyssinia; many; who were forced to leave their habitations; and seek the necessaries of life in other places; came to that part of the land where some of our missionaries were preaching; and laid hold on that mercy which God seemed to have appointed for others。
As we could not go to court before November; we resolved; that we might not be idle; to preach and instruct the people in the country; in pursuance of this resolution I was sent to a mountain; two days' journey distant from Maigoga。 The lord or governor of the place was a Catholic; and had desired missionaries; but his wife had conceived an implacable aversion both from us and the Roman Church; and almost all the inhabitants of that mountain were infected with the same prejudices as she。 They had been persuaded that the hosts which we consecrated and gave to the communicants were mixed with juices strained from the flesh of a camel; a dog; a hare; and a swine; all creatures which the Abyssins look upon with abhorrence; believing them unclean; and forbidden to them; as they were to the Jews。 We had no way of undeceiving them; and they fled from us whenever we approached。 We carried with us our tent; our chalices; and ornaments; and all that was necessary for saying mass。 The lord of the village; who; like other persons of quality throughout Aethiopia; lived on the top of a mountain; received us with very great civility。 All that depended upon him had built their huts round about him; so that this place compared with the other towns of Abyssinia seems considerable; as soon as we arrived he sent us his compliments; with a present of a cow; which; among them; is a token of high respect。 We had no way of returning this favour but by killing the cow; and sending a quarter smoking; with the gall; which amongst them is esteemed the most delicate part。 I imagined for some time that the gall of animals was less bitter in this country than elsewhere; but upon tasting it; I found it more; and yet have frequently seen our servants drink large glasses of if with the same pleasure that we drink the most delicious wines。
We chose to begin our mission with the lady of the village; and hoped that her prejudice and obstinacy; however great; would in time yield to the advice and example of her husband; and that her conversion would have a great influence on the whole village; but having lost several days without being able to prevail upon her to hear us on any one point; we left the place; and went to another mountain; higher and better peopled。 When we came to the village on the top of it; where the lord lived; we were surprised with the cries and lamentations of men that seemed to suffer or apprehend some dreadful calamity; and were told; upon inquiring the cause; that the inhabitants had been persuaded that we were the devil's missionaries; who came to seduce them from the true religion; that foreseeing some of their neighbours would be ruined by the temptation; they were lamenting the misfortune which was coming upon them。 When we began to apply ourselves to the work of the mission we could not by any means persuade any but the lord and the priest to receive us into their houses; the rest were rough and untractable to that degree that; after having converted six; we despaired of making any farther progress; and thought it best to remove to other towns where we might be better received。
We found; however; a more unpleasing treatment at the next place; and had certainly ended our lives there had we not been protected by the governor and the priest; who; though not reconciled to the Roman Church; yet showed us the utmost civility; the governor informed us of a design against
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