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the garotters-第6部分

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ROBERTS; coming forward anxiously:  'But; my dear Willis'

WILLIS; clapping his hand over his mouth; and leading him back to
his place:  'We can't let you talk now。  I've no doubt you'll be
considerate; and all that; but Dr。 Lawton has the floor。  Go on;
Doctor!  Free your mind!  Don't be afraid of telling the whole
truth!  It will be better for you in the end。'  He rubs his hands
gleefully; and then thrusting the points of them into his waistcoat
pockets; stands beaming triumphantly upon Lawton。

LAWTON:  'Do you think so?'  With well…affected trepidation 'Well;
friends; if I must confess thisthis'

WILLIS:  'High…handed outrage。  Go on。'

LAWTON:  'I suppose I must。  I shall not expect mercy for myself;
perhaps you'll say that; as an old and hardened offender; I don't
deserve it。  But I had an accomplicea young man very respectably
connected; and who; whatever his previous life may have been; had
managed to keep a good reputation; a young man a little apt to be
misled by overweening vanity and the ill…advised flattery of his
friends; but I hope that neither of you gentlemen will be hard upon
him; but will consider his youth; and perhaps his congenital moral
and intellectual deficiencies; even when you find your watcheson
Mr。 Campbell's person。'  He leans forward; rubbing his hands; and
smiling upon Campbell; 'How will that do; Mr。 Campbell; for a

WILLIS; turning to Mrs。 Crashaw:  'One ahead; Aunt Mary?'

LAWTON; clasping him by the hand:  'No; generous youtheven!'  They
shake hands; clapping each other on the back with their lefts; and
joining in the general laugh。

BEMIS; coming forward jovially:  'Well; now; I gladly forgive you
bothor whoever DID rob meif you'll only give me back my watch。'

WILLIS:  '_I_ haven't got your watch。'

LAWTON:  'Nor I。'

ROBERTS; rather faintly; and coming reluctantly forward:  'II have
it; Mr。 Bemis。'  He produces it from one waistcoat pocket and hands
it to Bemis。  Then; visiting the other:  'And what's worse; I have
my own。  I don't know how I can ever explain it; or atone to you for
my extraordinary behaviour。  Willis thought you might finally see it
as a joke; and I've done my best to pass it off lightly'

WILLIS:  'And you succeeded。  You had all the lightness of a sick

ROBERTS:  'I'm afraid so。  I'll have the chain mended; of course。
But when I went out this evening I left my watch on my dressing…
table; and when you struck against me in the Common I missed it; and
supposed I had been robbed; and I ran after you and took yours'

WILLIS:  'Being a man of the most violent temper and the most
desperate courage'

ROBERTS:  'But I hope; my dear sir; that I didn't hurt you

BEMIS:  'Not at allnot the least。'  Shaking him cordially by both
hands:  'I'm all right。  Mrs。 Roberts has healed all my wounds with
her skilful needle; I've got on one of your best neckties; and this
lace handkerchief of your wife's; which I'm going to keep for a
souvenir of the most extraordinary adventure of my life'

LAWTON:  'Oh; it's an old newspaper story; Bemis; I tell you。'

WILLIS:  'Well; Aunt Mary; I wish Agnes were here now to see Roberts
in his character of MORAL hero。  He 'done' it with his little
hatchet; but he waited to make sure that Bushrod was all right
before he owned up。'

MRS。 ROBERTS; appearing:  'Who; Willis?'

WILLIS:  'A very great and good manGeorge Washington。'

MRS。 ROBERTS:  'I thought you meant Edward。'

WILLIS:  'Well; I don't suppose there IS much difference。'

MRS。 CRASHAW:  'The robber has been caught; Agnes。'

MRS。 ROBERTS:  'Caught?  Nonsense!  You don't mean it!  How can you
trifle with such a subject?  I know you are joking!  Who is it?'

YOUNG BEMIS:  'You never could guess'

MRS。 BEMIS:  'Never in the world!'

MRS。 ROBERTS:  'I don't wish to。  But oh; Mr。 Bemis; I've just come
from my own children; and you must be merciful to his family!'

BEMIS:  'For your sake; dear lady; I will。'

BELLA; between the portieres:  'Dinner is ready; Mrs。 Roberts。'

MRS。 ROBERTS; passing her hand through Mr。 Bemis's arm:  'Oh; then
you must go in with me; and tell me all about it。'

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