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And Immortality。                                         

We slowly drove; he knew no haste;

And I had put away

My labor; and my leisure too;

For his civility。

We passed the school where children played;

Their lessons scarcely done;

We passed the fields of gazing grain;

We passed the setting sun。

We paused before a house that seemed

A swelling of the ground;

The roof was scarcely visible;

The cornice but a mound。

Since then 't is centuries; but each

Feels shorter than the day

I first surmised the horses' heads

Were toward eternity。


She went as quiet as the dew

From a familiar flower。

Not like the dew did she return

At the accustomed hour!

She dropt as softly as a star

From out my summer's eve;

Less skilful than Leverrier

It's sorer to believe!



At last to be identified!

At last; the lamps upon thy side;

The rest of life to see!

Past midnight; past the morning star!

Past sunrise! Ah! what leagues there are

Between our feet and day!


Except to heaven; she is nought;

Except for angels; lone;

Except to some wide…wandering bee;

A flower superfluous blown;

Except for winds; provincial;

Except by butterflies;

Unnoticed as a single dew

That on the acre lies。

The smallest housewife in the grass;

Yet take her from the lawn;

And somebody has lost the face

That made existence home!


Death is a dialogue between

The spirit and the dust。

〃Dissolve;〃 says Death。 The Spirit; 〃Sir;

I have another trust。〃

Death doubts it; argues from the ground。

The Spirit turns away;

Just laying off; for evidence;

An overcoat of clay。


It was too late for man;

But early yet for God;

Creation impotent to help;

But prayer remained our side。

How excellent the heaven;

When earth cannot be had;

How hospitable; then; the face

Of our old neighbor; God!




When I was small; a woman died。

To…day her only boy

Went up from the Potomac;

His face all victory;

To look at her; how slowly

The seasons must have turned

Till bullets clipt an angle;

And he passed quickly round!

If pride shall be in Paradise

I never can decide;

Of their imperial conduct;

No person testified。

But proud in apparition;

That woman and her boy

Pass back and forth before my brain;

As ever in the sky。


The daisy follows soft the sun;

And when his golden walk is done;

   Sits shyly at his feet。

He; waking; finds the flower near。

〃Wherefore; marauder; art thou here?〃

   〃Because; sir; love is sweet!〃

We are the flower; Thou the sun!

Forgive us; if as days decline;

   We nearer steal to Thee; 

Enamoured of the parting west;

The peace; the flight; the amethyst;

   Night's possibility!




No rack can torture me;

My soul's at liberty

Behind this mortal bone

There knits a bolder one

You cannot prick with saw;

Nor rend with scymitar。

Two bodies therefore be;

Bind one; and one will flee。

The eagle of his nest

No easier divest

And gain the sky;

Than mayest thou;

Except thyself may be

Thine enemy;

Captivity is consciousness;

So's liberty。




I lost a world the other day。

Has anybody found?

You'll know it by the row of stars

Around its forehead bound。

A rich man might not notice it;

Yet to my frugal eye

Of more esteem than ducats。

Oh; find it; sir; for me!


If I should n't be alive

When the robins come;

Give the one in red cravat

A memorial crumb。

If I could n't thank you;

Being just asleep;

You will know I'm trying

With my granite lip!


Sleep is supposed to be;

By souls of sanity;

The shutting of the eye。

Sleep is the station grand

Down which on either hand

The hosts of witness stand!

Morn is supposed to be;

By people of degree;

The breaking of the day。

Morning has not occurred!

That shall aurora be

East of eternity;

One with the banner gay;

One in the red array; 

That is the break of day。


I shall know why; when time is over;

And I have ceased to wonder why;

Christ will explain each separate anguish

In the fair schoolroom of the sky。

He will tell me what Peter promised;

And I; for wonder at his woe;

I shall forget the drop of anguish

That scalds me now; that scalds me now。


I never lost as much but twice;

And that was in the sod;

Twice have I stood a beggar

Before the door of God!

Angels; twice descending;

Reimbursed my store。

Burglar; banker; father;

I am poor once more!

End of Series 1

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