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the great war syndicate-第5部分

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if they could。  They put on more steam; and went ahead

at greater speed。  In such a furious onslaught the

crabs might not dare to attack them。


But they did not understand the nature nor the

powers of these enemies。  In less than twenty minutes

Crab A had laid hold of one of the men…of…war; and Crab

B of the other。  The rudders of both were shattered and

torn away; and while the blades of one propeller were

crushed to pieces; the other; with nearly half its

shaft; was drawn out and dropped into the ocean。 

Helplessly the two men…of…war rose and fell upon the



In obedience to orders from the repeller; each crab

took hold of one of the disabled vessels; and towed it

near the mouth of the harbour; where it was left。


The city was now in a state of feverish excitement;

which was intensified by the fact that a majority of

the people did not understand what had happened; while

those to whom this had been made plain could not

comprehend why such a thing should have been allowed to

happen。  Three of Her Majesty's ships of war; equipped

and ready for action; had sailed out of the harbour;

and an apparently insignificant enemy; without firing a

gun; had put them into such a condition that they were

utterly unfit for service; and must be towed into a dry

dock。  How could the Government; the municipality; the

army; or the navy explain this?


The anxiety; the excitement; the nervous desire to

know what had happened; and what might be expected

next; spread that evening to every part of the Dominion

reached by telegraph。


The military authorities in charge of the defences

of the city were as much disturbed and amazed by what

had happened as any civilian could possibly be; but

they had no fears for the safety of the place; for the

enemy's vessels could not possibly enter; nor even

approach; the harbour。  The fortifications on the

heights mounted guns much heavier than those on the

men…of…war; and shots from these fired from an

elevation might sink even those 〃underwater devils。〃 

But; more than on the forts; they relied upon their

admirable system of torpedoes and submarine batteries。 

With these in position and ready for action; as they

now were; it was impossible for an enemy's vessel;

floating on the water or under it; to enter the harbour

without certain destruction。


Bulletins to this effect were posted in the city;

and somewhat allayed the popular anxiety; although many

people; who were fearful of what might happen next;

left by the evening trains for the interior。  That

night the news of this extraordinary affair was cabled

to Europe; and thence back to the United States; and

all over the world。  In many quarters the account was

disbelieved; and in no quarter was it thoroughly

understood; for it must be borne in mind that the

methods of operation employed by the crabs were not

evident to those on board the disabled vessels。  But

everywhere there was the greatest desire to know what

would be done next。


It was the general opinion that the two armoured

vessels were merely tenders to the submerged machines

which had done the mischief。  Having fired no guns; nor

taken any active part in the combat; there was every

reason to believe that they were intended merely as

bomb…proof store…ships for their formidable consorts。 

As these submerged vessels could not attack a town; nor

reduce fortifications; but could exercise their power

only against vessels afloat; it was plain enough to see

that the object of the American Syndicate was to

blockade the port。  That they would be able to maintain

the blockade when the full power of the British navy

should be brought to bear upon them was generally

doubted; though it was conceded in the most wrathful

circles that; until the situation should be altered; it

would be unwise to risk valuable war vessels in

encounters with the diabolical sea…monsters now lying

off the port。


In the New York office of the Syndicate there was

great satisfaction。  The news received was incorrect

and imperfect; but it was evident that; so far;

everything had gone well。


About nine o'clock the next morning; Repeller No。

1; with her consort half a mile astern; and preceded by

the two crabs; one on either bow; approached to within

two miles of the harbour mouth。  The crabs; a quarter

of a mile ahead of the repeller; moved slowly; for

between them they bore an immense net; three or

four hundred feet long; and thirty feet deep; composed

of jointed steel rods。  Along the upper edge of this

net was a series of air…floats; which were so graduated that they

were sunk by the weight of the net a few feet below the

surface of the water; from which position they held the

net suspended vertically。

This net; which was intended to protect the

repeller against the approach of submarine torpedoes;

which might be directed from the shore; was anchored at

each end; two very small buoys indicating its position。 

The crabs then falling astern; Repeller No。 1 lay to;

with the sunken net between her and the shore; and

prepared to project the first instantaneous motor…bomb

ever used in warfare。

The great gun in the bow of the vessel was loaded

with one of the largest and most powerful motor…bombs;

and the spot to be aimed at was selected。  This was a

point in the water just inside of the mouth of the

harbour; and nearly a mile from the land on either

side。  The distance of this point from the vessel being

calculated; the cannon was adjusted at the angle called

for by the scale of distances and levels; and the

instrument indicating rise; fall; and direction was

then put in connection with it。


Now the Director…in…chief stepped forward to the

button; by pressing which the power of the motor was

developed。  The chief of the scientific corps then

showed him the exact point upon the scale which would

be indicated when the gun was in its proper position;

and the piece was then moved upon its bearings so

as to approximate as nearly as possible this direction。


The bow of the vessel now rose upon the swell of

the sea; and the instant that the index upon the scale

reached the desired point; the Director…in…chief

touched the button。


There was no report; no smoke; no visible sign that

the motor had left the cannon; but at that instant

there appeared; to those who were on the lookout; from

a fort about a mile away; a vast aperture in the waters

of the bay; which was variously described as from one

hundred yards to five hundred yards in diameter。  At

that same instant; in the neighbouring headlands and

islands far up the shores of the bay; and in every

street and building of the city; there was felt a sharp

shock; as if the underlying rocks had been struck by a

gigantic trip…hammer。


At the same instant the sky above the spot where

the motor had descended was darkened by a wide…

spreading cloud。  This was formed of that portion of

the water of the bay which had been instantaneously

raised to the height of about a thousand feet。  The

sudden appearance of this cloud was even more terrible

than the yawning chasm in the waters of the bay or

the startling shock; but it did not remain long in

view。  It had no sooner reached its highest elevation

than it began to descend。  There was a strong sea…

breeze blowing; and in its descent this vast mass of

water was impelled toward the land。


It came down; not as rain; but as the waters of a

vast cataract; as though a mountain lake; by an

earthquake shock; had been precipitated in a body upon

a valley。  Only one edge of it reached the land; and

here the seething flood tore away earth; trees; and

rocks; leaving behind it great chasms and gullies as it

descended to the sea。


The bay itself; into which the vast body of the

water fell; became a scene of surging madness。  The

towering walls of water which had stood up all around

the suddenly created aperture hurled themselves back

into the abyss; and down into the great chasm at the

bottom of the bay; which had been made when the motor

sent its shock along the great rock beds。  Down upon;

and into; this roaring; boiling tumult fell the

tremendous cataract from above; and the harbour became

one wild expanse of leaping maddened waves; hissing

their whirling spray high into the air。


During these few terrific moments other things

happened which passed unnoticed in the general

consternation。  All along the shores of the bay and in

front of the city the waters seemed to be sucked away;

slowly returning as the sea forced them to their level;

and at many points up and down the harbour there were

submarine detonations and upheavals of the water。


These were caused by the explosion; by concussion;

of every torpedo and submarine battery in the harbour;

and it was with this object in view that the

instantaneous motor…bomb had been shot into the mouth

of the bay。


The effects of the discharge of the motor…bomb

astonished and even startled those on board the

repellers and the crabs。  At the instant of touching

the button a hydraulic shock was felt on Repeller No。

1。  This was supposed to be occasioned the discharge of

the motor; but it was also felt on the other vessels。 

It was the same shock that had been felt on shore; but

less in degree。  A few moments after there was a great 

heaving swell of the sea; which tossed and rolled the

four vessels; and lifted the steel protecting net

so high that for an instant parts of it showed

themselves above the surface like glistening sea…ghosts。


Experiments with motor…bombs had been made in

unsettled mountainous districts; but this was the first

one which had ever exerted its power under water。


On shore; in the forts; and in the city no one for

an instant supposed that the ter
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