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allow the same Rights to others they would be allowed themselves; and which containes in it all the other Lawes besides; is the same which Moses sets down; Levit。 19。 18。 Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self; and our Saviour calls it the summe of the morall Law; Mat。 22。 36。 Master; which is the great Commandement in the Law? Jesus said unto him; Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart; and with all thy soul; and with all thy mind; this is the first and great Commandement; and the second is like unto it; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self。 On these two Commandements hang all the Law and the Prophets。 But to love our neighbor as our selves; is nothing else; but to grant him all we desire to have granted to our selves。     XIII。 By the tenth Law respect of Persons is forbid; as also by these places following; Mat。 5。 45。 That ye may be children of your Father which is in Heaven; for he maketh the sun to rise on the Evill; and on the Good; &c。 Collos。 3。 11。 There is neither Greek; nor Jew; circumcision; nor uncircumcision; Barbarian; or Scythian; bond; or free; but Christ is all; & in all。 Acts 10。 34。 of a truth; I perceive; that God is no respecter of Persons。 2 Chron。 19。 7。 There is no iniquity with the Lord our God; nor respect of Persons; nor taking of gifts。 Ecclus。 35。 12。 The Lord is Judge; and with him is no respect of Persons。 Rom。 2。 11。 For there is no respect of Persons with God。     XIV。 The eleventh Law; which commands those things to be held in common which cannot be divided; I know not whether there be any expresse place in Scripture for it; or not; but the practise appears every where in the common use of Wels; Wayes; Rivers; sacred things; &c。 for else men could not live。     XV。 We said in the twelfth place; that it was a Law of Nature; That where things could neither be divided; nor possess'd in common; they should be dispos'd by lot; which is confirmed as by the example of Moses; who by Gods command; Numb。 34。 divided the severall parts of the land of promise unto the Tribes by Lot: So Acts I。 24。 by the example of the Apostles; who receiv'd Matthias; before Justus; into their number; by casting LotS; and saying; Thou Lord; who knowest the hearts of all men; shew whether of these two thou hast chosen; &c。 Prov。 16。 33。 The lot is cast into the lappe; but the whole disposing thereof is of the Lord。 And which is the thirteenth Law; the Succession was due unto Esau; as being the First…born of Isaac; if himself had not sold it; (Gen。 25。 30。) or that the Father had not otherwise appointed。     XVI。 Saint Paul writing to the Corinthians; Epist。 1。 Chap。 6。 reprehends the Corinthians of that City for going to Law one with another before infidell Judges who were their enemies; calling it a fault; that they would not rather take wrong; and suffer themselves to be defrauded; for that is against that Law; whereby we are commanded to be helpful to each other。 But if it happen the Controversie be concerning things necessary; what is to be done? Therefore the Apostle; Ver。 5。 speaks thus; I speak to your shame。 Is it so that there is not one wise man among you; no; not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? He therefore; by those words confirmes that Law of Nature which we call'd the fifteenth; to wit; Where Controversies cannot be avoided; there by the consent of Parties to appoint some Arbiter; and him some third man; so as (which is the 16 Law) neither of the Parties may be judge in his own Cause。     XVII。 But that the Judge; or Arbiter; must receive no reward for his Sentence; (which is the 17。 Law) appears; Exod。 23。 8。 Thou shalt take no gift; for the gift blindeth the wise; and perverteth the words of the righteous。 Ecclus。 20。 29。 Presents and gifts blind the eyes of the wise。 Whence it followes; that he must not be more oblig'd to one part then the other; which is the 19。 Law; and is also confirm'd; Deut。 1。 17。 Ye shall not respect Persons in Judgment; ye shall hear the small as well as the great; and in all those places which are brought against respect of Persons。

    XVIII。 That in the judgement of Fact; witnesses must be had; (which is the 18。 Law) the Scripture not only confirmes; but requires more then one; Deut。 17。 6。 At the mouth of two witnesses; or three witnesses; shall he that is worthy of death be put to death。 The same is repeated; Deut。 19。 15。

    XIX。 Drunkennesse; which we have therefore in the last place numbred among the breaches of the Naturall Law; because it hinders the use of right Reason; is also forbid in sacred Scripture for the same reason。 Prov。 20。 1。 Wine is a mocker; strong drink is raging; whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise。 And Chap。 31。 4; 5。 It is not for Kings to drink wine; lest they drink; and forget the Law; and pervert the judgement of any of the afflicted: but that we might know that the malice of this vice consisted not formally in the quantity of the drink; but in that it destroyes Judgement and Reason; it followes in the next Verse; Give strong drink to him that is ready to perish; and wine to those that be heavy of heart。 Let him drink; and forget his poverty; and remember his misery no more。 Christ useth the same reason in prohibiting drunkenesse; Luk。 21。 34。 Take heed to your selves; lest at any time your hearts be overcharg'd with surfetting and drunkennesse。

    XX。 That we said in the foregoing Chapter; The Law of Nature is eternall; is also prov'd out of the fifth of S。 Matth。 18。 Verily I say unto you; till Heaven and Earth Passe; one jot; or one tittle; shall in no wise Passe from the Law; and Psal。 119。 v。 160。 Every one of thy righteous judgements endureth for ever。

    XXI。 We also said; That the Lawes of Nature had regard chiefly unto Conscience; that is; that he is just; who by all possible endeavour strives to fulfill them。 And although a man should order all his actions (so much as belongs to externall obedience) just as the Law commands; but not for the Lawes sake; but by reason of some punishment annext unto it; or out of Vain glory; yet he is unjust。 Both these are proved by the Holy Scriptures。 The first; Esay 55。 7。 Let the wicked forsake his way; and unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return unto the Lord; and he wil have mercy upon him; and to our God; for he will abundantly pardon。 Ezek。 18。 31。 Cast away from you all your transgressions whereby you have transgressed; & make you a new heart; and a new spirit; for why will you die O house of Israel? By which; and the like places; we may sufficiently understand that God will not punish their deeds whose heart is right。 The second out of the 29。 of Isay 13。 The Lord said; Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth; and with their lips doe honour me; but have removed their heart far from me; therefore I will proceed; &c。 Mat。 5。 20。 Except your righteousnesse shall exceed the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisees ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; and in the following verses our Saviour explains to them how that the commands of God are broken; not by Deeds only; but also by the Will; for the Scribes and Pharises did in outward act observe the Law most exactly; but for Glories sake onely; else they would as readily have broken it。 There are innumerable places of Scripture in which is most manifestly declar'd that God accepts the Will for the Deed; and that as well in good; as in evill actions。     XXII。 That the Law of Nature is easily kept; Christ himself declares in the 11。 Chapter of Saint Matthew 28; 29; 30。 Come unto me; &c。 Take my yoke upon you; and learn of me; &c。 for my yoke is easie; and my burthen light。

    XXIII。 Lastly; the Rule by which I said any man might know whether what he was doing; were contrary to the Law; or not; to wit; what thou wouldst not be done to; doe not that to another; is almost in the self same words delivered by our Saviour; Mat。 7。 12。 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you; do you even so to them。

    XXIV。 As the law of nature is all of it Divine; so the Law of Christ by conversion; (which is wholly explain'd in the 5; 6; and 7。 Chapter of S。 Matthewes Gospell) is all of it also (except that one Commandement of not marrying her who is put away for adultery; which Christ brought for explication of the divine positive Law; against the Jewes; who did not rightly interpret the Mosaicall Law) the doctrine of Nature: I say the whole Law of Christ is explain'd in the fore…named Chapters; not the whole Doctrine of Christ; for Faith is a part of Christian Doctrine; which is not comprehended under the title of a Law; for Lawes are made; and given; in reference to such actions as follow our will; not in order to our Opinions; and; Belief which being out of our power; follow not the Will。

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