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ties of the President of the United States to the best of my ability and defend;protect and preserve the Constitution of the United States。(我谨庄严宣誓;我必竭尽全力执行合众国总统职务,恪守、维护和捍卫合众国宪法。)    
      preserve作名词时表示“蜜饯;禁区;保护物”。special preserve意为“专门的工作”,如:She considers the arranging of flowers in the church to be her own preserve。(她认为在教堂中插花是她的专门工作。)    
      39。 On the other;it links these concepts to everyday realities in a manner which is parallel to the links journalists forge on a daily basis as they cover and ment on the news。    
      【译文】 另一方面,法律又将这些观念与日常生活中的实际联系在一起,其方式就如同新闻工作者在报道和评论新闻事件时,以日常生活为基础一样。    
      【析句】 句子的主干是it links these concepts to everyday realities,it指“法律”。in a manner作状语,which引导一个较长的定语从句(which is parallel… on the news)。这个定语从句的主干是which is parallel to the links,其中the links跟了一个定语从句journalists forge on a daily basis,状语从句as they cover and ment on the news修饰动词forge。    
      【讲词】 reality意为“现实;现实性”,everyday reality意思是“日常生活中的实际情况”。reality相关的词组:bring sb。 back to reality(使某人面对现实;不再抱有幻想),in reality(事实上;其实),make sth。 a reality(实现某事;落实)。    
      in a manner(of)或in the manner that表示“以……方式”。It is more important that his plays are produced in the manner that he intended。(应该以他设想的方式演绎他的剧本,这一点更为重要。)另外,记住一些常用的词组,如:in a manner of speaking(在某些方面;可以说),after a manner(马马虎虎地),after the manner of(仿效),all manner of(各种各样的),in like manner(同样地),in such a manner(于是;如此),in this manner(如此)。    
      40。 But the idea that the journalist must understand the law more profoundly than an ordinary citizen rests on an understanding of the established conventions and special responsibilities of the news media。    
      【译文】 但是,新闻工作者对于法律的理解应该比普通公民更加深刻,这个观点建立在理解新闻媒体的既定规范和特殊的社会责任的基础之上。    
      【析句】 句子主语是the idea,后面跟了一个定语从句(that the journalist… ordinary citizen),谓语是rests on,宾语是an understanding of the established conventions和special responsibilities of the news media。    
      【讲词】 profound意为“深刻的”,汉语中的“深远的意义”和“深远的影响”在译成英语时常用这个词。    
      rest on表示“建立在……之上;以……为基础(根据);依赖于,取决于”。《中国日报》一篇文章的标题:Reform Success Rests on Educating Officials(改革的成功取决于对政府官员的教育)。A lot of responsibility rests on your shoulders。(你的责任很重。)    
      41。 In fact;it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a petent job on political stories。    
      【译文】 实际上,很难想象那些对于加拿大宪法的基本特点缺乏清晰了解的新闻工作者如何能够胜任政治新闻报道的工作。    
      【析句】 it是形式主语,实际主语是to see how journalists…can do a petent job on political stories,定语从句(who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution)修饰journalists。    
      【讲词】 grasp在句中作名词,在此词义同understanding或prehension。    
      petent意为“有能力的;胜任的”。He is petent for the task。(他胜任这项任务。)You must find a petent executive assistant。(你应该找一位能干的行政助理。)    
      stories在句中表示“新闻报道”,等于news stories;如:political stories(政治新闻)。    
      42。 While ment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories;it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments。    
      【译文】 律师的评论和反应当然能够提升新闻报道的价值,但是,记者们最好还是依靠自己对于事件重要性的认识来做出判断。    
      【析句】 这是一个主从复合句,从句是while引导的状语从句,主句是形式主语it引导的句子,真实主语是to rely on… judgments。    
      【讲词】 reaction意为“反应”,但根据此句可以理解为“感受;感想;回应”等。    
      enhance意为“提高,提升”。She had a sweetness to her face;a warmth that was enhanced by luminous dark eyes。(她的面容甜美,因那双明亮的黑眼睛而增添了友善。)Passing the English examination should enhance your chances of getting the position。(通过了英语考试该会增加你获得这个职位的机会。)句中enhance stories表示邀请律师对相关的报道进行评述或表达自己的感受会提升新闻的价值。    
      significance意为“重要性;意义”,在句中表示“新闻报道的意义”。One’s notion(understanding) of significance表示“自己对某事意义的认识或理解”。

正文2004 Part A Text 1

      2004 Part A Text 1    
      1。 It is an interactive feature that lets visitors key in job criteria such as location;title;and salary;then Emails them when a matching position is posted in the database。    
      【译文】 它的特点是互动,允许访问者自定求职标准,诸如工作地点、职位和薪水。当资料库里出现与个人要求相匹配的工作岗位时,它就会通过电子邮件通知求职者。    
      【析句】 该句是一个典型的强调句,说明正是这样的互动特点(an interactive feature)。that 后面连接两个谓语动词结构,一个说明让访问者设定求职的标准,一个说明资料库里出现与个人求职标准匹配的工作岗位时会通过电子邮件通知求职者。such as location; title;and salary以举例的方式说明job criteria。when引导的时间状语从句说明资料库会在什么情况下通知求职者。    
      【讲词】 interactive是一个流行词,意为“互动的,相互作用的”,其动词形式是 interact,名词形式为interaction。比如,“互动电视节目”可以说interactive TV program。    
      post作名词时表示“岗位,张贴”,作动词时有两个基本意思,一是表示“(张)贴”,例如:post a message on the internet(在网上发了一个帖子);二是表示“岗位分派”,例如:She was posted to the branch office in Nanjing。(她被派到设在南京的分公司。)    
      2。 Instead;the best strategy is to use the agent as a kind of tip service to keep abreast of jobs in a particular database; when you get Email;consider it a reminder to check the database again。    
      【译文】 相反,最佳的策略是把代理当作一种提示服务,以便及时跟踪某一资料库里的工作岗位信息。当你收到电子邮件时,把它当作是一种提醒,再去查一查资料库。    
      【析句】 该句由两个分句组成,后一分句对前一分句作进一步解释。前一分句的主干是 the best strategy is to use the agent,as引导的介词短语结构意为“当作是……”。不定式结构to keep abreast of jobs in a particular database表示目的。    
      【讲词】 tips指小费,但也可以表示“提示”,即所谓的“(小)贴士”。作动词时, tip表示“提供小费(或提示、信息等)”。注意该句中的词组tip service 的意思是“提示服务”。The police were tipped off about their plan to hijack the plane。(警方接到了线报,知道了他们的劫机计划。)    
      abreast意为“并肩地;并排地”,keep abreast of是一个词组,表示“跟上;不落后于”。“与时俱进”用英语表示就是to keep abreast of the times。    
      3。 “I would not rely on agents for finding everything that is added to a database that might interest me;” says the author of a jobsearching guide。    
      【译文】 一位职位搜索指南的作者说:“我不会依赖代理在添加到数据库里的所有内容中逐一寻找可能令我感兴趣的东西。”    
      【析句】 在这个句子中,定语从句that is added to a database that might interest me修饰everything,其中定语从句that might interest me说明a database。再加上主句是一个否定句,因而整个句子就显得复杂了。如果如下改写一下,相信就容易理解了:I would not rely on agents for finding everything that is added to a database;but I would only try to find things that might interest me。    
      【讲词】 guide 作名词时意为“向导;指南;简介”,作动词时表示“带路;引导;指导;操纵;影响”。Martin guided him to the receptionroom。 (马丁将他领到接待室。)He guided the pany through the difficulties。 (他带领公司渡过了难关。)Our youth people must be guided against the use of drugs。 (应该引导我们的年轻人远离毒品。)    
      4。 When CareerSites agent sends out messages to those who have signed up for its service;for example;it includes only three potential jobs—those it considers the best matches。    
      【译文】 比如,当求职网(CareerSite)的代理向注册服务的用户发送信息时,它只提供三个它认为最可能匹配的岗位。    
      【析句】 该句子的主干是it includes only three potential jobs。When引导的是一个时间状语从句,在这个从句中又有一个定语从句who have signed up for its service,用来修饰those。破折号后的those it considers the best matches是potential jobs的同位语。for example是插入成分,说明这是一个例子。    
      【讲词】 sign up指签名申请。You have to sign up for the service。(你只有申请才能获得服务。)当然sign up有时就等于sign,例如:The record pany has signed up the girl。(唱片公司刚与那个姑娘签约。)    
      5。Some use them to keep a close watch on the demand for their line of work or gather information on pensation to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise。    
      【译文】 有些人利用它们(搜索代理)密切关注本行业的需求,或搜集有关补偿信息,为增薪谈判作好准备。    
      【析句】 该句的主干是Some use them。to keep a close watch… work和gather information… a raise是两个并列的不定式结构,在句子中做目的状语。第二个目的状语又含有一个表示目的的不定式短语 to arm themselves when negotiating for a raise。    
      【讲词】 keep watch等于watch。例如:Keep watch on the market tonight;as the central bank may announce its decision to raise the interest rate。(今晚关注市场的动向,因为中央银行可能会宣布调整利息。)    
      demand“要求;需求”。I think I have the right to demand for an explanation。(我认为我有权要求得到解释。)The demand for copper increased drastically in the second half of the year。(下半年对铜的需求有了大幅上涨。)    
      pensation主要含义是“补偿”,例如:Nothing can pensate the young mother for the loss of her favorite daughter。(年轻的妈妈丧失了自己心爱的女儿,这是任何东西也弥补不了的。

正文2004 Part A Text 2

      2004 Part A Text 2    
      6。 This;for those as yet unaware of such a disadvantage;refers to discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower
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