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栽怩弌傍利 卦指云慕朕村 紗秘慕禰 厘議慕尺 厘議慕禰 TXT畠云和墮 〆辺茄欺厘議箝誓匂〇


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lue察i was able to plaster the walls with pictures。 it looks much more cheerful。 when the van daans arrive察well be able to build cupboards and other odds and ends out of the wood piled in the attic。

margot and mother have recovered somewhat。 yesterday mother felt well enough to cook split´pea soup for the first time察but then she was downstairstalking and forgot all about it。 the beans were scorched black察and no amount of scraping could get them out of the pan。

last night the four of us went down to the private office and listened to england on the radio。 i was so scared someone might hear it that i literally begged father to take me back upstairs。 mother understood my anxiety and went with me。 whatever we do察were very afraid the neighbors might hear or see us。 we started off immediately the first day sewing curtains。 actually察you can hardly call them that察since theyre nothing but scraps of fabric察varying greatly in shape察quality and pattern察which father and i stitched crookedly together with unskilled fingers。 these works of art were tacked to

the windows察where theyll stay until we e out of hiding。

the building on our right is a branch of the keg pany察a firm from zaandam察and on the left is a furniture workshop。 though the people who work there are not on the premises after hours察any sound we make might travel through the walls。 weve forbidden margot to cough at night察even though she has a bad cold察and are giving her large doses of codeine。

im looking forward to the arrival of the van daans察which is set for tuesday。 it will be much more fun and also not as quiet。 you see察its the silence that makes me so nervous during the evenings and nights察and id give anything to have one of our helpers sleep here。

its really not that bad here察since we can do our own cooking and can listen to the radio in daddys office。

mr。 kleiman and miep察and bep voskuijl too察have helped us so much。 weve already canned loads of rhubarb察strawberries and cherries察so for the time being i doubt well be bored。 we also have a supply of reading material察and were going to buy lots of games。 of course察we cant ever look out the window or go outside。 and we have to be quiet so the people downstairs cant hear us。

yesterday we had our hands full。 we had to pit two crates of cherries for mr。 kugler to can。 were going to use the empty crates to make bookshelves。

someones calling me。


ment added by anne on september 2g察1942此not beina able to ao outside upsets me more than i can say察and im terrified our hidina place will be discovered and that well be shot。 that察of course察is a fairly dismal prospect。

sunday察july 12察1942

theyve all been so nice to me this last month because of my birthday察and yet every day i feel myself drifting further away from mother and margot。 i worked hard today and they praised me察only to start picking on me again five minutes later。

you can easily see the difference between the way they deal with margot and the way they deal with me。 for example察margot broke the vacuum cleaner察and because of

that weve been without light for the rest of the day。 mother said察 well察margot察its easy to see youre not used to working察otherwise察youd have known better than to yank the plug out by the cord。; margot made some reply察and that was the end of the story。

but this afternoon察when i wanted to rewrite something on mothers shopping list because her handwriting is so hard to read察she wouldnt let me。 she bawled me out again察and the whole family wound up getting involved。

i dont fit in with them察and ive felt that clearly in the last few weeks。 theyre so sentimental together察but id rather be sentimental on my own。 theyre always saying how nice it is with the four of us察and that we get along so well察without giving a moments thought to the fact that i dont feel that way。

daddys the only one who understands me察now and again察though he usually sides with mother and margot。 another thing i cant stand is having them talk about me in front of outsiders察telling them how i cried or how sensibly im behaving。 its horrible。

and sometimes they talk about moortje and i cant take that at all。 moortje is my weak spot。 i miss her every minute of the day察and no one knows how often i think of her察whenever i do察my eyes fill with tears。 moortje is so sweet察and i love her so much that i keep dreaming shell e back to us。

i have plenty of dreams察but the reality is that well have to stay here until the war is over。 we cant ever go outside察and the only visitors we can have are miep察her husband jan察bep voskuijl察mr。 voskuijl察mr。 kugler察mr。 kleiman and mrs。 kleiman察though she hasnt e because she thinks its too dangerous。

ment added by anne in september 1942此daddys always so nice。 he understands me perfectly察and i wish we could have a heart´to´heart talk sometime without my bursting instantly into tears。 but apparently that has to do with my age。

id like to spend all my time writing察but that would probably get boring。

up to now ive only confided my thoughts to my diary。 i still havent gotten around to writing amusing sketches that i could read aloud at a later date。 in the future im going to devote less time to sentimentality and more time to reality。



friday察august 14察1942

dear kitty

ive deserted you for an entire month察but so little has happened that i cant find a

newsworthy item to relate every single day。 the van daans arrived on july 13。 we thought they were ing on the fourteenth察but from the thirteenth to sixteenth the germans were sending out call´up notices right and left and causing a lot of unrest察so they decided it would be safer to leave a day too early than a day too late。

peter van daan arrived at nine´thirty in the morning while we were still at breakfast。 peters going on sixteen察a shy察awkward boy whose pany wont amount to much。 mr。 and mrs。 van daan came half an hour later。

much to our amusement察mrs。 van daan was carrying a hatbox with a large chamber pot inside。 ;i just dont feel at home without my chamber pot察─she exclaimed察and it was the first item to find a permanent place under the divan。 instead of a chamber pot察mr。 van d。 was lugging a collapsible tea table under his arm。

from the first察we ate our meals together察and after three days it felt as if the seven of us had bee one big family。 naturally察the van daans had much to tell about the week wed been away from civilization。 we were especially interested in what had happened to our apartment and to mr。 goldschmidt。

mr。 van daan filled us in此 monday morning at nine察mr。 goldschmidt phoned and asked if i could e over。 i went straightaway and found a very distraught mr。

goldschmidt。 he showed me a note that the frank family had left behind。 as instructed察he was planning to bring the cat to the neighbors察which i agreed was a good idea。 he was afraid the house was going to be searched察so we w=nt through all the rooms察straightening up here and there and clearing the breakfast things off the table。 suddenly i saw a notepad on mrs。 franks desk察with an address in maastricht written on it。 even though i knew mrs。 frank had left it on purpose察i pretended to be surprised and horrified and begged mr。 goldschmidt to burn this incriminating piece of paper。 i swore up and down that i knew nothing about your disappearance察but that the note had given me an idea。 mr。 goldschmidt察i said察i bet i know what this address refers to。 about six months ago a high´ranking officer came to the office。 it seems he and mr。 frank grew up together。 he promised to help mr。 frank if it was ever necessary。 as i recall察he was stationed in maastricht。 i think this officer has kept his word and is somehow planning to help them cross over to belgium and then to switzerland。 theres no harm in telling this to any friends of the franks who e asking about them。 of course察you dont need to mention the part about maastricht。 and after that i left。 this is the story most of your friends have been told察because i heard it later from several other people。

we thought it was extremely funny察but we laughed even harder when mr。 van daan told us that certain people have vivid imaginations。 for example察one family living on

our square claimed they sawall four of us riding by on our bikes early in the morning察and another woman was absolutely positive wed been loaded into some kind of military vehicle in the middle of the night。


friday察august 21察1942

dear kitty

now our secret annex has truly bee secret。

because so many houses are being searched for hidden bicycles察mr。 kugler thought it would be better to have a bookcase built in front of the entrance to our hiding place。

it swings out on its hinges and opens like a door。 mr。 voskuijl did the carpentry work。

mr。 voskuijl has been told that the seven of us are in hiding察and hes been most helpful。

now whenever we want to go downstairs we have to duck and then jump。 after the first three days we were all walking around with bumps on our foreheads from banging our heads against the low doorway。 then peter cushioned it by nailing a towel stuffed with wood shavings to the doorframe。 lets see if it helps

im not doing much schoolwork。 ive given myself a vacation until september。 father wants to start tutoring me then察but we have to buy all the books first。

theres little change in our lives here。 peters hair was washed today察but thats nothing special。 mr。 van daan and i are always at loggerheads with each other。 mama always treats me like a baby察which i cant stand。 for the rest察things are going better。 i dont think peters gotten any nicer。 hes an obnoxious boy who lies around on his bed all day察only rousing himself to do a little carpentry work before returning to his nap。 what a dope

mama gave me another one of her dreadful sermons this morning。 we take the opposite view of everything。 daddys a sweetheart察he may get mad at me察but it never lasts longer than five minutes。

its a beautiful day outside察nice and hot察and in spite of everything察we make the most of the weather by lounging on the folding bed in the attic。


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