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some people do not want to use their own hands to make a fortune。 They also can not bear a poor life; so they make such a shameful choice。    

  To solve this problem; the government and the mon people should join their hands。 On the one hand; the government should issue policies to take care of those people who are really in need of help。 Those fake beggars should be educated and punished in order that they give up begging and live a decent life。 On the other hand; mon citizens should also extend helping hands。 They should report such madeup beggars to the police as soon as possible。 If they can help such people learn skills; find jobs and live a normal life; it should be much better。    



  次段的前两句对图画所描述的群体做了总结——第一句话同时使用了remind。。。of。。。和who引导的定语从句,是个很好的模板句。第二句话以instead开头,凸显了对比。此句中有disguise oneself as(伪装为)和make easy money(轻松赚钱)两个词组,大家注意识记。之后对该现象做出了解释。    




正文考研英语考前30天狂背作文 下载八




  Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay in which you should:    

  1。 describe the two pictures;    

  2。 interpret their meaning; and    

  3。 point out the reasons for such phenomenon。    

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2。    




  As is depicted by the two pictures; a sharp contrast is shaped between the parents and the son。 In the left drawing; the parents are working hard in the field; bending over and sweating heavily。 Near them is a basket with very simple food in it。 However; in the right drawing; their son is squandering the money on luxurious food and chatting on mobile phone。    

  How pitiful the parents are! They spare no efforts to earn money in order to support their son’s study and life in university。 They seem to be willing to do everything that is helpful to their beloved son。 But; in return; the son spends the money as he likes without knowing how hard his parents work for it and how he should use it to better prepare himself for future career。    

  In my opinion; the reasons for this phenomenon e down to one essential point—failure of both family and school education。 For one thing; quite a lot of Chinese parents spoil their children。 All parents’ love for children is the same; but different is the way of showing it。 Many parents hope too much that their children will have a bright future; which; in their eyes; means key universities; hot majors; good salaries and so on。 So they try their best to satisfy the children’s demands instead of teaching them to struggle for future with their own hands。 For another; centered on exam marks; the school education also fails; to a large extent; to impart moral standards to the children; especially the conception of selfreliance and hard struggle。    

  In a word; to change the phenomenon described by the above pictures; a reform in our current education system is not only necessary but urgent。    





  Directions 2    

  Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:    

  1。 describe the picture; and    

  2。 point out the reasons why more and more foreigners like to live in China。    

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2。    




  What an attractive scene it is! On such a peaceful and beautiful morning by West Lake; a middleaged foreigner is jogging—he is enjoying the fresh air; cool breeze and charming scenery。 From this picture; we can see clearly that the foreigner enjoys life in this Chinese city; Hangzhou。    

  As a matter of fact; in the past few years; more and more foreigners have chosen to live in China。 Some work here; some pursue their study in universities and even some join volunteer activities in China。 The reasons why more and more foreigners like to live in China can be listed as follows。 To begin with; since China’s reform and openingup in 1978; our country has witnessed great progress in nearly all aspects of the society; especially in economy; which provides a far better environment of working; investing and studying for foreigners。 Second; economic globalization has made cultural blending possible and necessary。 Foreigners have e to know more and more about Chinese culture and bee influenced by it; which has formed the important basis of their living in China。 Last but not the least; it is obvious that with every effort we have made in environmental protection; our country has bee a place more and more suitable and pleasant to live in。    

  In my opinion; the arrival of foreigners brings more chances and opportunities of economic development。 So why not seize such chances to embrace our bright future?    







  Directions 3    

  Study the following drawing carefully and write an essay in which you should:    

  1。 describe the drawing;    

  2。 analyze the reasons why it is difficult for university graduates to find a job; and    

  3。 point out the possible ways to solve the problem。    

  You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2。    


  《招员工七名》 这篇文章关注的是当前重要的就业难问题。它的要求非常明确,在描述图画后,先给出原因,再给出解决办法,这是非常常见的文章模式。    


  The recruiting fair in the above drawing is filled with young graduates each holding a pile of resumes in their hands。 Around a desk in the front of the drawing; there are dozens of students waiting to hand in their resumes but only seven are wanted by the pany as is written on a board beside the desk。    

  It is clear that the drawer wants to draw our attention to the difficulty that today’s university graduates are faced with in finding a job。 In fact; in many universities and colleges; the employment rate of graduates is lower than 50% and much fewer can find a satisfactory job。 The reasons for this situation can be listed as follows。 In the first place; the enrolment expansion of universities and colleges has resulted in a great increase in the number of graduates every year; which has exceeded the increase in positions in the job market。 What makes things worse is that quite a lot of students like to choose those hot majors when they enter the university and to look for jobs in big developed cities when they graduate。 So it is even more difficult for them to find a suitable job。    

  From my point of view; the society and the graduates need to join their hands in the endeavor to solve this problem。 On the one hand; the society should continue to focus on economic development so as to provide bigger employment chances for the graduates。 On the other hand; the students should choose the majors that they are really interested in and well capable of and broaden their horizon when looking for jobs。 Only in this way can they gain larger space for their future career。    






  Directions 4    

  Study the following table carefully and write an essay in which you should:    

  1。 describe the table;    

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