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rich dad poor dad-第29部分

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 money work hard for you and your life will be easier and happier。 Today; don't play it safe; play it smart。
Take Action!

Many of you were given two great gifts: your mind and your time。 It is up to you to do what you please with both。 With each dollar bill that enters your hand; you and only you have the power to determine your destiny。 Spend it foolishly; you choose to be poor。  Spend it on liabilities; you join the middle class。 Invest it in your mind and learn how to acquire assets and you will be choosing wealth as your goal and your future。 The choice is yours and only yours。  Every day with every dollar; you decide to be rich; poor or middle class。
Choose to share this knowledge with your children; and you choose to prepare them for the world that awaits。 No one else will。
You and your children's future will be determined by choices you make today; not tomorrow。
We wish you great wealth and much happiness with this fabulous gift called life。

Robert Kiyosaki; Sharon Lechter

About the Authors…Robert T。 Kiyosaki

〃The main reason people struggle financially is because they spent years in school but learned nothing about money。 The result is; people learn to work for money。。。 but never learn to have money work for them。〃 says Robert。
Born and raised in Hawaii; Robert is fourth…generation Japanese American。 He es from a prominent family of educators。 His father was the head of education for the State of Hawaii。 〃After high school; Robert was educated in New York and upon graduation; he joined the U。 S。 Marine Corps and went to Vietnam as an officer and a helicopter gunship pilot。
Returning from the war; Robert's business career began。 In 1977 he founded a pany that brought to the market the first nylon and Velcro 〃surfer〃 wallets; which grew into a multi…million dollar worldwide product。 He and his products were featured in Runner's World; Gentleman's Quarterly; Success Magazine; Newsweek; and even Playboy。
Leaving the business world; he co…founded in 1985; an international education pany that operated in seven countries; teaching business and investing to tens of thousands of graduates。
Retiring at age 47; Robert does what he enjoys most。。。 investing。 Concerned about the growing gap between the haves and have nots; Robert created the board game CASHFLOW; which teaches the game of money; here before only known by the rich。
Although Robert's business is real estate and developing small cap panies; his true love and passion is teaching。 He has shared the speaking stage with such greats as Og Mandino; Zig Ziglar; and Anthony Robbins。 Robert Kiyosaki's message is clear。  〃Take responsibility for your finances or take orders all your life。 You're either a master of money or a slave to it。〃 Robert holds classes that last from 1 hour to 3 days teaching people about the secrets of the rich。 Although his subjects run from investing for high returns and low risk; to teaching your children to be rich; to starting panies and selling them; he has one solid earth shaking message。 And that message is; Awaken The Financial Genius that lies within you。 Your genius is waiting to e out。
This is what world famous speaker and author Anthony Robbins says about Robert's work。
〃Robert Kiyosaki's work in education is powerful; profound; and life changing。 I salute his efforts and remend him highly。〃
During this time of great economic change; Robert's message is priceless。

About the Authors…Sharon L。 Lechter

Wife and mother of three; CPA; consultant to the toy and publishing industries and business owner; Sharon Lechter has dedicated her professional efforts to the field of education。
She graduated with honors from Florida State University with a degree in accounting。 She joined the ranks of what was then one of the big eight accounting firms; and went on to bee the CFO of a turnaround pany in the puter industry; tax director for a national insurance pany and founder and Associate Publisher of the first regional woman's magazine in Wisconsin; all while maintaining her professional credentials as a CPA。
Her focus quickly changed to education as she watched her own three children grow。 It was a struggle to get them to read。 They would rather watch TV。
So she was delighted to join forces with the inventor of the first electronic 〃talking book〃 and help expand the electronic book industry to a multi…million dollar international market。 Today; she remains a pioneer in developing new technologies to bring the book back into
children's lives。
As her own children grew; she was keenly involved in their education。 She became a vocal activist in the areas of mathematics; puters; reading and writing education。
〃Our current educational system has not been able to keep pace with the global and technological changes in the world today。 We must teach our young people the skills; both scholastic and financial; that they will need not only to survive; but to flourish; in the world they face。〃
As co…author of Rich Dad Poor Dad and the CASHFLOW Quadrant she now focuses her efforts in helping to create educational tools for anyone interested in bettering their own financial education。
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