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A day or two later; on another of our walks; I asked him how and

when; in his opinion; a decided advance in Russian liberty and

civilization would be made。 He answered that he thought it would

come soon; and with great power。 On my expressing the opinion

that such progress would be the result of a long evolutionary

process; with a series of actions and reactions; as heretofore in

Russian history; he dissented; and said that the change for the

better would come soon; suddenly; and with great force。

As we passed along the streets he was; as during our previous

walks; approached by many beggars; to each of whom he gave as

long as his money lasted。 He said that he was accustomed to take

a provision of copper money with him for this purpose on his

walks; since he regarded it as a duty to give when asked; and he

went on to say that he carried the idea so far that even if he

knew the man wanted the money to buy brandy he would give it to

him; but he added that he would do all in his power to induce the

man to work and to cease drinking。 I demurred strongly to all

this; and extended the argument which I had made during our

previous walk; telling him that by such giving he did two wrongs:

first; to the beggar himself; since it led him to cringe and lie

in order to obtain as a favor that which; if he did his duty in

working; he could claim as a right; and; secondly; to society by

encouraging such a multitude to prey upon it who might be giving

it aid and strength; and I again called his attention to the

hordes of sturdy beggars in Moscow。 He answered that the results

of our actions in such cases are not the main thing; but the

cultivation of proper feelings in the giver is first to be


I then asked him about his manual labor。 He said that his habit

was to rise early and read or write until noon; then to take his

luncheon and a short sleep; and after that to work in his garden

or fields。 He thought this good for him on every account; and

herein we fully agreed。

On our return through the Kremlin; passing the heaps and rows of

cannon taken from the French in 1812; I asked him if he still

adhered to the low opinion of Napoleon expressed in 〃War and

Peace。〃 He said that he did; and more than ever since he had

recently read a book on Napoleon's relations to women which

showed that he took the lowest possible view of womankind。 I then

asked him if he still denied Napoleon's military genius。 He

answered that he certainly did; that he did not believe in the

existence of any such thing as military genius; that he had never

been able to understand what is meant by the term。 I asked; 〃How

then do you account for the amazing series of Napoleon's

successes?〃 He answered; 〃By circumstances。〃 I rejoined that such

an explanation had the merit; at least; of being short and easy。

He then went on to say that battles are won by force of

circumstances; by chance; by luck; and he quoted Suvaroff to this

effect。 He liked Lanfrey's 〃History of Napoleon〃 and Taine's book

on the Empire; evidently because both are denunciatory of men and

things he dislikes; but said that he did not believe in Thiers。

We came finally under the shade of the great tower and into the

gateway through which Napoleon entered the Kremlin; and there we

parted with a hearty good…bye。

The question has been asked me; at various times since; whether;

in my opinion; Tolstoi is really sincere; and allusion has been

made to a book published by a lady who claims to have been in

close relations with his family; which would seem to reveal a

theatrical element in his whole life。 To this my answer has

always been; and still is; that I believe him to be one of the

most sincere and devoted men alive; a man of great genius and; at

the same time; of very deep sympathy with his fellow…creatures。

Out of this character of his come his theories of art and

literature; and; despite their faults; they seem to me more

profound and far…reaching than any put forth by any other man in

our time。

There is in them; for the current cant regarding art and

literature; a sound; sturdy; hearty contempt which braces and

strengthens one who reads or listens to him。 It does one good to

hear his quiet sarcasms against the whole fin…de…siecle

businessthe 〃impressionism;〃 the 〃sensationalism;〃 the vague

futilities of every sort; the 〃great poets〃 wallowing in the mud

of Paris; the 〃great musicians〃 making night hideous in German

concert…halls; the 〃great painters〃 of various countries mixing

their colors with as much filth as the police will allow。 His

keen thrusts at these incarnations of folly and obscenity in the

last quarter of the nineteenth century; and especially at those

who seek to hide the poverty of their ideas in the obscurity of

their phrases; encourage one to think that in the next generation

the day of such pretenders will be done。 His prophesying against

〃art for art's sake〃; his denunciation of art which simply

ministers to sensual pleasure; his ridicule of art which can be

discerned only by 〃people of culture〃; his love for art which has

a sense; not only of its power; but of its obligations; which

puts itself at the service of great and worthy ideas; which

appeals to men as menin this he is one of the best teachers of

his time and of future times。

Yet here come in his unfortunate limitations。 From his

substitutions of assertion for inference; and from the inadequacy

of his view regarding sundry growths in art; literature; and

science; arises endless confusion。

For who will not be skeptical as to the value of any criticism by

a man who pours contempt over the pictures of Puvis de Chavannes;

stigmatizes one of Beethoven's purest creations as 〃corrupting;〃

and calls Shakspere a 〃scribbler〃!

Nothing can be more genuine than his manner: there is no posing;

no orating; no phrase…making; a quiet earnestness pervades all

his utterances。 The great defect in him arises; as I have already

said; from a peculiarity in the development of his opinions:

namely; that during so large a part of his life he has been wont

to discuss subjects with himself and not with other men; that he

has; therefore; come to worship idols of his own creation; and

often very unsubstantial idols; and to look with misgiving and

distrust on the ideas of others。 Very rarely during our

conversations did I hear him speak with any real enthusiasm

regarding any human being: his nearest approach to it was with

reference to the writings of the Rev。 Adin Ballou; when he

declared him the foremost literary character that America has

produced。 A result of all this is that when he is driven into a

corner his logic becomes so subtle as to be imperceptible; and he

is very likely to take refuge in paradoxes。

At times; as we walked together; he would pour forth a stream of

reasoning so lucid; out of depths so profound and reach

conclusions so cogent; that he seemed fairly inspired。 At other

times he would develop a line of argument so outworn; and arrive

at conclusions so inane; that I could not but look into his face

closely to see if he could be really in earnest; but it always

bore that same expressionforbidding the slightest suspicion

that he was uttering anything save that which he believed; at

least for the time being。

As to the moral side; the stream of his thought was usually

limpid; but at times it became turbid and his better ideas seemed

to float on the surface as iridescent bubbles。

Had he lived in any other country; he would have been a power

mighty and permanent in influencing its thought and in directing

its policy; as it is; his thought will pass mainly as the

confused; incoherent wail and cry of a giant struggling against

the heavy adverse currents in that vast ocean of Russian life:

          〃The cry of some strong swimmer in his agony。〃

The evolution of Tolstoi's ideas has evidently been mainly

determined by his environment。 During two centuries Russia has

been coming slowly out of the middle agesindeed; out of perhaps

the most cruel phases of mediaeval life。 Her history is; in its

details; discouraging; her daily life disheartening。 Even the

aspects of nature are to the last degree depressing: no

mountains; no hills; no horizon; no variety in forests; a soil

during a large part of the year frozen or parched; a people whose

upper classes are mainly given up to pleasure and whose lower

classes are sunk in fetishism; all their poetry and music in the

minor key; old oppressions of every sort still lingering; no help

in sight; and; to use their own cry; 〃God so high and the Czar so


When; then; a great man arises in Russia; if he gives himself

wholly to some well…defined purpose; looking to one high aim and

rigidly excluding sight or thought of the ocean of sorrow about

him; he may do great things。 If he be Suvaroff or Skobeleff or

Gourko he may win great battles; if he be Mendeleieff he may

reach some epoch…making discovery in science; if he be Derjavine

he may write a poem like the 〃Ode to God〃; if he be Antokolsky he

may carve statues like 〃Ivan the Terrible〃; if he be Nesselrode

he may hold all Europe enchained to the ideas of the autocrat; if

he be Mi
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