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labor to raise the character of the younger generation of Poles;

in the hope that Poland might do what Scotland had donerise by

sound mental and moral training from the condition of a conquered

and even oppressed part of a great empire to a controlling

position in it。 This advice was; of course; in vain; and he is

now building air…castles amid the fogs of London。

In my life at Berlin as ambassador there was a tinge of sadness。

Great changes had taken place since my student days in that city;

and even since my later stay as minister。 A new race of men had

come upon the stage in public affairs; in the university; and in

literary circles。 Gone was the old Emperor William; gone also was

the Emperor Frederick; and Bismarck and Moltke and a host of

others who had given dignity and interest to the great

assemblages at the capital。 Gone; too; from the university were

Lepsius; Helmholtz; Curtius; Hoffmann; Gneist; Du Bois…Reymond;

and Treitschke; all of whom; in the old days; had been my guests

and friends。 The main exceptions seemed to be in the art world。

The number of my artist friends during my stay as minister had

been large; and every one of them was living when I returned as

ambassador; the reason; of course; being that when men

distinguish themselves in art at all; they do so at an earlier

age than do high functionaries of state and professors in the

universities。 It was a great pleasure to find Adolf Menzel;

Ludwig Knaus; Carl Beeker; Anton von Werner; and Paul Meyerheim;

though grown gray in their beautiful ministry; still daily at

work in their studios。

Three only of my friends of the older generation in the Berlin

faculty remained; and as I revise these lines the world is laying

tributes upon the grave of the last of themTheodor Mommsen。

With him my relations were so peculiar that they may deserve some


During my earlier stays in Berlin he had always seemed especially

friendly to the United States; and it was therefore with regret

that on my return I found him in this respect greatly changed: he

had become a severe critic of nearly everything American; his

earlier expectations had evidently been disappointed; we clearly

appeared to him big; braggart; noisy; false to our principles;

unworthy of our opportunities。 These feelings of his became even

more marked as the Spanish…American War drew on。 Whenever we met;

and most often at a charming house which both of us frequented;

he showed himself more and more bitter; so that finally our paths

separated。 There comes back to me vividly one evening when I

sought to turn off a sharp comment of his upon some recent

American news by saying: 〃You must give a young nation like ours

more time。〃 On this he exclaimed: 〃You cannot plead the baby act

any longer。 More time! You have HAD time; you are already three

hundred years old!〃 Having sought in vain to impress on him the

fact that the policy of our country is determined not wholly by

the older elements in its civilization; but very largely by newer

commonwealths which must require time to develop a policy

satisfactory to sedate judges; he burst into a tirade from which

I took refuge in a totally different discussion。

Some days later came another evidence of his feeling。 Meeting an

eminent leader in political; and especially in journalistic;

circles; I was shown the corrected proofsheets of an 〃interview〃

on the conduct of the United States toward Spain; given by

Mommsen。 It was even more acrid than his previous utterances; and

exhibited sharply and at great length our alleged sins and

shortcomings。 Certainly a representative of the American people

was not bound to make supplication; in such a matter; even to so

eminent a scholar and leader of thought; and my comment was

simply as follows: 〃I have no request to make in the premisesof

Mommsen or of anybody。 The article will of course have no effect

on the war; of that there can be but one result: the triumph of

the United States and the liberation of the Spanish islands of

the West Indies; but may there not be some considerations of a

very different order as regards Mommsen himself? Why not ask him;

simply; where his friends are; his readers; his old students; his

disciples? Why not ask him whether he finds fewer clouds over the

policy of Spain than over that of the United States; of which

country; despite all its faults; he has most hope; and for which;

in his heart; he has the greater feeling of brotherhood?〃

How far this answer influenced him I know not; but the article

was never published; and thenceforth there seemed some revival of

the older kindly feeling。 At my own table and elsewhere he more

than once became; in a measure; like the Mommsen of old。 One

utterance of his amused me much。 My wife happening; in a talk

with him; to speak of a certain personage as 〃hardly an ideal

man;〃 he retorted: 〃Madam; is it possible that you have been

married some years and still believe in the ideal man?〃

His old better feeling toward America came out especially when I

next called upon him with congratulations upon his birthdayhis

last; alas! But heartiest of all was he during the dinner given

at my departure。 My speech was long;over an hour;for I had a

message to deliver; and was determined to give ita message

which I hoped might impress upon my great audience reasons for a

friendly judgment of my country。 As I began; Mommsen came to my

sidejust back of me; his hand at his ear; listening intently。

There the old man stood from the first word to the last; and on

my conclusion he grasped me heartily with both handsa

demonstration rare indeed with him。 It was our last greeting in

this world。

Would that there were space to dwell upon those in the present

generation of professors who honored me with their friendship;

but one is especially suggested here; since he was selected to

make a farewell address on the occasion above referred toAdolf

Harnack。 At various times I had heard him discourse profoundly

and brilliantly at the university; but came to know him best at

the bicentenary of the Berlin Academy; when he had just added to

the long list of his published works his history of the academy;

in four quarto volumes: a wonderful work; whether considered from

an historical; psychological; or philosophical point of view。 His

address on that occasion was masterly; and his conversation at

various social functions instructive and pithy。 I remember in one

of them; especially; his delineation of the characteristics and

services of Leibnitz; who was one of the founders of the Royal

Academy; and it was perfection in that kind of conversation which

is worthy of men claiming to possess immortal souls: for it

brought out; especially; examples of Leibnitz's amazing

forethought as to European policy; which seemed at times like

divinely inspired prophecies。 He also gave me a number of

interesting things which he had noted in his studies of Frederick

the Great。 Some of them I had found already in my own reading;

but one of them I did not remember; and it was both comical and

characteristic。 A rural Protestant pastor sent a petition to the

King presenting a grievance and asking redress。 It was to the

effect that his church was on one side of a river in Silesia; and

that a younger pastor; whose church was on the opposite side; was

drawing all his parishioners away from him。 On the back of the

petition Frederick simply wrote; 〃Tell him to go and preach on

the other side of the river: that will drive his people back


Hearing Harnack and his leading colleagues in discourse at the

university or academy; or in private; whether in their loftier or

lighter moods; one could understand why the University of Berlin;

though one of the youngest; is the foremost among the

universities of the world。



An interesting event of this period was the appearance in Berlin

of ex…President and Mrs。 Harrison。 The President had but recently

finished his long and wearisome work before the Venezuela

Arbitration Tribunal at Paris; and was very happy in the

consciousness of duty accomplished and liberty obtained。 Marks of

high distinction were shown them。 The sovereigns invited them to

attend the festivities at Potsdam in honor of the Queen and Queen

Mother of Holland; who were then staying there; and treated them

not only with respect; but with cordiality。 The Emperor conversed

long with the President on various matters of public interest: on

noted Americans whom he had met; on the growth of our fleet; on

recent events in our history; and the like; characteristically

ending with a discussion of the superb music which we had been

hearing; and at the supper which followed insisted that Mrs。

Harrison should sit at his side; the Empress giving a similar

invitation to Mr。 Harrison。 At a later period a dinner was given

to the ex…President by the chancellor of the empire; Prince

Hohenlohe; at which a number of the leading personages in the

empire were present; and it was a pleasure to show my own respect

for the former chief magistrate by a reception which was attended

by about two hundred of our American colony; and a dinner at

which he and Mrs。 Harrison made t
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