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proved to be correct。

On the Fourth of July; 1900; came the celebration of our national

independence at Leipsic; and being asked to respond to the first

regular toast; and; having at my former visit dwelt especially

upon the Presidency; my theme now became the character and

services of the President himself; and it was a pleasure to find

that my statement was received by the German press in a way that

showed a reaction from previous injustice。

During August and September preceding the political campaign

which resulted in Mr。 McKinley's reelection I was in the United

States。 It was the hottest summer in very many years; and

certainly; within my whole experience; there had been no torrid

heat like that during my visits to Washington。 Nearly every one

seemed prostrated by it。 Upon arriving at the Arlington Hotel; I

found two old friends unnerved by the temperature; one of them

not daring to risk a sunstroke by going to the train which would

take him to his home in Chicago Retiring to one's room at night;

even in the best…situated hotels; was like entering an oven。 The

leading official persons were generally absent; and those who

remained seemed hardly capable of doing business。 But there was

one exception。 Going to the White House to pay my respects to the

President; I found him the one man in Washington perfectly cool;

serene; and unaffected by the burning heat or by the pressure of

public affairs。 Although matters in Cuba; in Porto Rico; in the

Philippines in China; and in the political campaign then going on

must have been constantly in his mind; he had plenty of time;

seemed to take trouble about nothing; and kept me in his office

for a full hour; discussing calmly the various phases of the

situation as they were affected by matters in Germany。

His discussion of public affairs showed the same quiet insight

and strength which I had recognized in him when we first met; in

1884; as delegates at the Chicago National Convention。 One thing

during this Washington interview struck me especially: I asked

him if he was to make any addresses during the campaign; he

answered: 〃No; several of my friends have urged me to do so; but

I shall not。 I intend to return to what seems to me the better

policy of the earlier Presidents: the American people have my

administration before them; they have ample material for judging

it; and with them I shall silently leave the whole matter。〃 He

said this in a perfectly simple; quiet way; which showed that he

meant what he said。 At the time I regretted his decision; but it

soon became clear that he was right。

At the beginning of the year 1901 came the two…hundredth

anniversary of the founding of the Prussian kingdom。

Representatives of the other governments of the world appeared at

court in full force; and; under instructions from the President;

I tendered his congratulations and best wishes to the monarch; as


May it please Your Majesty: I am instructed by the President to

present his hearty congratulations on this two…hundredth

anniversary of the founding of the Kingdom of Prussia; and; with

his congratulations; his best wishes for Your Majesty's health

and happiness; as well as the health and happiness of the Royal

Family; and his earnest hopes for the continued prosperity of

Your Majesty's Kingdom and Empire。

At the same time I feel fully authorized to present similar

congratulations and good wishes from the whole people of the

United States。 The ties between the two nations; instead of being

weakened by time; have constantly grown stronger。 As regards

material interests they are bound together by an enormous

commerce; growing greatly every year: as regards deeper

sentiments; no man acquainted with American History forgets that

the House of Hohenzollern was one of the first European powers to

recognize American Independence; and that it was Frederick the

Great who made that first treaty;a landmark in the history of

International Law;the only fault of which was that the world

was not far enough advanced to appreciate it。 We also remember

that Germany was the only foreign country which showed decided

sympathy for us during our Civil Warthe second struggle for our

national existence。

I also feel fully authorized; in view of Your Majesty's interest

in everything that ministers to the highest interests of

civilization; to express thanks for service which the broad

policy of Germany has rendered the United States in throwing open

to American scholars its Universities; its Technical Schools; its

conservatories of Art; its Museums; and its Libraries。 Every

University and advanced school of learning in the United States

recognizes the fact that Germany has been our main foreign

teacher; as regards the higher ranges of Science; Literature; and

Art; and I may be allowed to remind Your Majesty; that while

Great Britain is justly revered by us as our mother country

Germany is beginning to hold to us a similar relation; not only

as the fatherland of a vast number of American citizens; but as

one of the main sources of the intellectual culture spread by our

universities and schools for advanced learning。

Allow me; then; sir; to renew the best wishes of the President

and people of the United States; with their hopes that ever

blessing may attend Your Majesty; the House of Hohenzollern the

Kingdom of Prussia; and the German Empire。

The Emperor in his reply spoke very cordially of the President's

special telegram; which he had received that morning; and then

gave earnest utterance to his belief that the time is coming when

the three great peoples of Germanic descent will stand firmly

together in all the great questions of the world。

The religious ceremonies in the Palace Chapel; with magnificent

music; the banquet; which included pertinent speeches from the

monarchs; and the gala representation at the opera all passed off

well: but; perhaps; that which will dwell longest in my memory

took place at the last。 The performance consisted of two pieces:

one a poem glorifying Prussia; recited with music; the other a

play; in four acts; with long; musical interludes; deifying the

great Elector and the house of Hohenzollern。 Though splendid in

scenic setting and brilliant in presentation it was very long;

and the ambassadors' box was crowded and hot。 In the midst of it

all the French ambassador; the Marquis de Noailles; one of the

most suave courteous; and placid of men; quietly said to me; with

inimitable gravity; 〃What a bore this must be to those who

understand German! (Comme ca doit etre ennuyeux a ceux qui

correprennent l'Allexnand!)〃 This sudden revelation of a lower

depth of boredomfrom one who could not understand a word of the

playwas worthy of his ancestors in the days of Saint…Simon and


During the following summer two great sorrows befell me and mine;

but there is nothing to be here chronicled save that in this; as

in previous trials; I took refuge in work which seemed to be

worthy。 The diplomatic service in summer is not usually exacting;

especially when one has; as I had; thoroughly loyal and judicious

embassy secretaries。 As in a former bereavement I had turned to a

study of the character and services of John of Portugal and his

great successors in the age of discovery; so now I turned to Fra

Paolo Sarpi and the good fight he fought for Venice and humanity。

To my large collection of books on the subject; made mainly in

Italy; I added much from the old book…shops of Germany; and with

these revised my Venetian studies。 An old dream of mine had been

to bring out a small book on Fra Paolo: now I sought; more

modestly; to prepare an essay。'6' The work was good for me。

Contemplation of that noblest of the three great Italians between

the Renaissance and the Resurrection of Italy did something to

lift me above sorrow; reading his words; uttered so calmly in all

the storm and stress of his time; soothed me。 Viewed from my

work…table on the island of Rugen; the world became less dark as

I thought upon this hero of three centuries ago。

'6' This essay has since been published in the 〃Atlantic Monthly〃

of January and February; 1904。

{Included etext: Project Gutenberg}


THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY: A MAGAZINE OF Literature; Science; Art; and

Politics VOLUME XCIII {From January; 1904Number DLV。 and

February; 1904Number DLVI。}


Press; Cambridge 1904


The Riverside Press; Cambridge; Mass。; U。S。A。 Electrotyped and

Printed by H。 O。 Houghton & Company



A thoughtful historian tells us that; between the fourteenth

century and the nineteenth; Italy produced three great men。 As

the first of these; he names Machiavelli; who; he says; 〃taught

the world to understand political despotism and to hate it;〃 as

the second; he names Sarpi who 〃taught the world after what

manner the Holy Spirit guides the Councils of the Church;〃 and as

the third; Galileo; who 〃taught the world what dogmatic theology

is worth when it can be t
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