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the origins of contemporary france-3-第106部分

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the moderation of the 31st of May; Legendre and Danton are the men who

opposed the revolutionary steps which we had taken on those great days

to crush out all the aristocrats in Paris!〃

'128' Schmidt; I。 244。 Report by Dutard; May 18。

'129' Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 253 and following pages; session of May

27。 … Mortimer…Ternaux; VII。 294。  Buchez et Roux; XXVIII。 9

(〃Précis rapide〃 by Gorsas)。

'130' Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 258。 Meillan; 43。

'131' Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 259 (words of Raffet)。

'132' Meillan; 44。  Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 267; 280。

'133' Meillan; 44。  Placed opposite the president; within ten paces of

him; with my eyes constantly fixed on him; because in the horrible din

which disgraced the Assembly we could have no other compass to steer

by; I can testify that I neither saw nor heard the decree put to

vote。〃 Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 278。 Speech by Osselin; session of May

28: 〃I presented the decree as drawn up to the secretaries for their

signatures this morning。 One of them; after reading it; observed to me

that the last article had not been decreed; but that the preceding

articles had been。〃 … Mortimer…Ternaux; VII。 562。 Letter of the deputy

Michel。 May 29。 〃The guards were forced; and the sanctuary of the law

invested from about four to ten hours; so that nobody could leave the

hall even for the most urgent purposes。

'134' Mortimer…Ternaux; VII。 308。 Extract from the official reports of

the patriotic club of Butte…des…Moulins; May 30。 〃Considering that the

majority of the section; known for incivism and its antirevolutionary

spirit; would decline this election or would elect commissaries not

enjoying the confidence of patriots;〃 。 。 the patriotic club takes

upon itself the duty of electing the two commissaries demanded。

'135' Durand…Maillan; 297。  〃Fragment;〃 by Lanjuinais。 〃Seven

strangers; seven outside agents; Desfieux; Proly; Pereyra; Dubuisson;

Gusman; the two brothers Frey; etc。; were set up by the commune as an

insurrectionary committee。〃 Most of them are vile fellows; as is the

case with Varlet; Dobsen; Hassenfratz; Rousselin; Desfieux; Gusman;


'136' Buchez et Roux; XXVIII。 156。 〃We; members of the revolutionary

commission; citizens Clémence; of the Bon…Conseil section; Dunouy; of

the Sans…culottes section; Bonin; of the section of Les Marchés;

Auvray of  the section of Mont…Blanc; Séguy; of the section of Butte…

des…Moulins; Moissard; of Grenelle; Berot; canton d'Issy; Rousselin;

section of the Unité; Marchand; section of Mont…Blanc; Grespin;

section of Gravilliers。〃 They resign on the 6th of June。  The

commission; at first composed of nine members; ends in comprising

eleven (Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 316; official reports of the commune。

May 31。) then 25 (Speech by Pache to the Committee of Public Safety;

June 1。)

'137' Buchez et Roux XXVII。 306。 Official reports of the commune; May

31。 … Ibid。; 316。 Mortimer…Ternaux; VII。 319。

'138' Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 274 Speech by Hassenfratz to the Jacobin

Club; May 27。

'139' Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 346 (speech by Lhuillier in the

Convention; May 31)。

'140' Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 302; session of the Convention; May 30。

Words uttered by Hassenfratz; Varlet; and Chabot; and denounced by


'141' Madame Roland; 〃Appel à l'impartiale postérité。〃 Conversation of

Madam Roland on the evening of May 31on the Place du Carrusel with an


'142' Buchez et Roux; 307…323。 Official reports of the commune; May


'143' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 2494; register of the revolutionary

committee of the Réunion section; official report of May 31; 6 o'clock

in the morning。

'144' Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 335; session of the Convention; May 31。

Petition presented by the commissaries in the name of forty…eight

sections; their credentials show that they are not at first authorized

by more than twenty…six sections。

'145' Buchez et Roux; 347; 348。 Mortimer…Ternaux; VII。 350 (third

dispatch of the H?tel…de…ville delegates; present at the session):

〃The National Assembly was not able to accept the above important

measures。 。 。 until the perturbators of the Assembly; known under the

title of the 'Right;' did themselves the justice to perceive that they

were not worthy of taking part in them; they evacuated the Assembly;

after the great gesticulations and imprecations; to which you know

they are liable。〃

'146' Dauban; 〃La Demagogie en 1793。〃 Diary of Beaulieu; May 31。 …

Declaration of Henriot; Germinal 4; year III。 … Buchez et Roux;


'147' Mortimer…Ternaux; VII。 565。 Letter of the deputy Loiseau; June


'148' Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 352 to 360; 368 to 377。 Official reports

of the commune; June 1 and 2。  Proclamation of the revolutionary

committee; June 1。 〃Your delegates have ordered the arrest of all

suspected persons concealing themselves in the sections of Paris。 This

arrest is in progress in all quarters。〃

'149' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 2494。  Section of the Réunion;

official report; June 1。 Ibid。; June 2。 Citizen Robin is arrested on

the 2nd of June; 〃for having manifested opinions contrary to the

sovereignty of the people in the National Assembly。〃 The same day a

proclamation is made on the territory of the section by a deputation

of the commune; accompanied by one member and two drummers; 〃tending

(tendantes) to make known to the people that the country will be saved

by awaiting (en atendans) with courage the decree which is to be

rendered to prevent traitors (les traitre) from longer sitting in the

senate house。〃   Ibid。; June 4。 The committee decides that it will

add new members to its number; but they will be taken only from all

〃good sans…culote;  no notary; no notary's clerk; no lawyers nor their

clerks; no banker nor rich landlord〃 being admissible; unless he gives

evidence of unmistakable civism since 1789。 Cf。 F7; 2497 (section of

the Droits de l'Homme); F7; 2484 (section of the Halle…au…blé); the

resemblance in orthography and in their acts; the registry of the

Piques section (F7; 2475) is one of the most interesting; here may be

found the details of the appearance of the ministers before it; the

committee that examines them does not even spell their names

correctly; 〃Clavier〃 being often written for Clavière; and 〃Goyer〃 for


'150' Buchez et Roux; XXVIII。 19。

'151' Buchez et Roux; XXVII。357。 Official reports of the commune; June


'152' Meillan; 307。  〃Fragment;〃 by Lanuinais。 … 〃Diurnal;〃 of

Beaulieu; June 2。 … Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 399 (speech by Barère)。

'153' Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 357。 Official reports of the commune;

June 1。

'154' Meillan; 53; 58; 307。 Buchez et Roux; XXVIII。 14 (Précis; by


'155' Buchez et Roux; XXVII 359。 Official reports of the commune; June

1。 〃One member of the Council stated that on going to the Beaurepaire

section he was not well received; that the president of this section

spoke uncivilly to him and took him for an imaginary municipalist;

that he was threatened with the lock…up; and that his liberty was

solely due to the brave citizens of the Sans…culottes section and the

gunners of the Beaurepaire section  who went with him。〃 

Preparations for the investment began on the 1st of June。 (〃Archives

Nationales;〃 F7; 2497; official reports of the Droits de l'Homme

section; June 1。) Orders of Henriot to the commandant of the section

to send 〃400 homme et la compagnie de canonier avec le 2 pièces de

canon au Carouzel le long des Thuilerie plasse de la Révolution。〃

'156' 〃Lanjuinais states 100;000 men; Meillan 50;000; the deputies of

the Somme say 60;000; but without any evidence。 Judging by various

indications I should put the number much lower; on account of the

disarmament and absentees: say 30;000 men; the same as May 31。

'157' Mortimer…Ternaux; VII。 566。 Letter of the deputy Loiseau: 〃I

passed through the whole of one battalion; the men all said that they

did not know why the movement was made; that only their officers

knew。〃 (June 1。)

'158' Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 400。 Session of the Convention; June 2。 …

… XXVIII。 43 (report by Saladin)。

'159' Mortimer…Ternaux; VII。 392。 Official report of the Jacobin Club;

June 2  〃The deputies were so surrounded as not to be able to go out

even for special purposes。〃   Ibid。; 568 Letter of the deputy


'160' Buchez et Roux; XXVIII。 44。 Report by Saladin。   Meillan; 237。

 Mortimer…Ternaux  VII。 547。 Declaration of the deputies of the


'161' Meillan; 52。  Pétion; 〃Mémoires;〃 109 (Edition Dauban)。 

Lanjuinais (〃Fragment〃)   〃Nearly all those called Girondists

thought it best to stay away。〃  Letter of Vergniaud June 3 (in the

Republican Fran?ais; June 5; 1793)。 〃I left the Assembly yesterday

between 1 and 2 o'clock。〃

'162' Lanjuinais; 〃Fragment;〃 299。

'163' Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 400。

'164' Robinet; 〃Le Procès de Danton;〃 169。 Words of Danton (according

to the  notes of a juryman; Topino…Lebrun)。

'165' Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 44。 Report by Saladin。 … Meillan; 59。 …

Lanjuinais; 308; 310。

'166' Buchez et Roux; XXVII。 401

'167' Mortimer…Ternaux; VII。 569。 Letter of the deputy Loiseau。 …

Meillan; 62。

'168' Buchez et Roux; XXVI。 341。 Speech by Chasles in the Convention;

May 2: 〃The farmers 。 。 。  are nearly all aristocrats。〃

'169' Or workhouses; see Taine: 〃Notes on England〃 page 214: 〃It is an

English principle that the indigent; by giving up their freedom; have

a right to be supported。 Society pays the cost; but shuts them up and

sets them to work。 As this condition is repugnant to them; they avoid

the workhouse as much as possible。〃  Similar institutions existed in

France before the revolution。 (SR)。

'170' Sieyès (quoted by Barante; 〃Histoire de la Convention;〃 III。

169) thus describes it: 〃The fake p
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