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the origins of contemporary france-3-第31部分

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 Letters by M。 de la Jaille; etc。  M。 de la Jaille; sent to Brest

to take command of the Dugay…Trouin; arrives there Nov。27。 While at

dinner; twenty persons enter the room; and announce to him; 〃in the

name of many others;〃 that his presence in Brest is causing trouble;

that he must leave; and that 〃he will not be allowed to take command

of a vessel。〃 He replies; that he will leave the town; as soon as he

has finished his dinner。 Another deputation follows; more numerous

than the first one; and insists on his leaving at once; and they act

as his escort。 He submits; is conducted to the city gates; and there

the escort leaves him。 A mob attacks him; and 〃his body is covered

with contusions。  He is rescued; with great difficulty; by six brave

fellows; of whom one is a pork…dealer; sent to bleed him on the spot。

〃This insurrection is due to an extra meeting of 'The Friends of the

constitution;' held the evening before in the theater; to which the

public were invited。〃 M。 de la Jaille; it must be stated; is not a

proud aristocrat; but a sensible man; in the style of Florian's and

Berquin's heroes。 But just pounded to a jelly; he writes to the

president of the 〃Friends of the Constitution;〃 that; 〃could he have

flown into the bosom of the club; he would have gladly done so; to

convey to it his grateful feelings。 He had accepted his command only

at the solicitation of the Americans in Paris; and of the six

commissioners recently arrived from St。 Domingo。〃  Mercure de

France; April 14; article by Mallet du Pan  〃I have asked in vain for

the vengeance of the law against the assassins of M。 de la Jaille。

The names of the authors of this assault in full daylight; to which

thousands can bear witness; are known to everybody in Brest。

Proceedings have been ordered and begun; but the execution of the

orders is suspended。 More potent than the law; the motionnaires;

protectors of assassins; frighten or paralyze its ministrants。〃

'28' Mercure de France; Nov。 12 (session of Oct。 31st; 1792)。

'29'  Decree of Feb。 8; and others like it; on the details; as; for

instance; that of Feb。 7。

'30' April 9; at the Jacobin Club; Vergniaud; the president; welcomes

and compliments the convicts of Chateau…vieux。

'31'  Mortimer…Ternaux; book I; vol。 I。 (especially the session of

April 15)。

'32' Comtat (or comtat Venaisssin) ancient region in France under

papal authority from 1274 to 1791。(SR)

'33' Moniteur; XII。 335。 … Decree of March 20 (the triumphal entry of

Jourdan and his associates belongs to the next month)。

'34' Moniteur;  XII。 730 (session of June 23)。

'35'  Moniteur; XII。 230 (session of April 12)。

'36' Moniteur。 XI。 6; (session of March 6)。

'37' Moniteur; XI。 123; (session of Jan。 14)

'38'  150 years later these rights were written into the International

Declaration of Human Rights in Paris in 1948。 (SR)。

'39' Mercure de France;  Dec。 23 (session of Dec。 23); p。98。

'40' Moniteur; X。 178 (session of Oct。 20; 1791)。 Information supplied

by the deputies of the Upper and Lower Rhine departments。  M。 Koch

says: 〃An army of émigrés never existed; unless it be a petty

gathering; which took place at Ettenheim; a few leagues from

Strasbourg。 。  。 (This troop) encamped in tents; but only because it

lacked barracks and houses。〃   M。 …; deputy of the lower Rhine;

says: 〃This army at Ettenheim is composed of about five or six hundred

poorly…clad; half…paid men; deserters of all nations; sleeping in

tents; for lack of other shelter; and armed with clubs; for lack of

fire…arms and deserting every day; because money is getting scarce。

The second army; at Worms; under the command of a Condé; is composed

of three hundred gentlemen; and as many valets and grooms。 I have to

add; that the letters which reach me from Strasbourg; containing

extracts of inside information from Frankfort; Munich; Regensburg; and

Vienna; announce the most pacific intentions on the part of the

different courts; since receiving the notification of the king's

submission。〃 The number of armed emigrants increases; but always

remain very small (Moniteur; X。 678; letter of M。 Delatouche; an

eyewitness; Dec。 10)。 〃I suppose that the number of emigrants

scattered around on the territories of the grand…duke of Baden; the

bishop of Spires; the electorates; etc。; amounts to scarcely 4;000


'41' Moniteur; X。 418 (session of Nov。 15; 1791)。 Report by the

minister Delessart。 In August; the emperor issued orders against

enlistments; and to send out of the country all Frenchmen under

suspicion; also; in October; to send away the French who formed too

numerous a body at Ath and at Tournay (Now in Belgium)。  Buchez et

Roux; XII。 395; demands of the king; Dec。 14;   Ibid。; XIII。 15; 16;

19; 52; complete satisfaction given by the Elector of Trèves; Jan。 1;

1792; communicated to the Assembly Jan。 6; publication of the

elector's orders in the electorate; Jan。 3。 The French envoy reports

that they are fully executed; which news with the documents; are

communicated to the Assembly; on the 8th; 16; and 19th of January。 

〃 Correspondance de Mirabeau et M。 de la Marck;〃 III。287。 Letter of M。

de Mercy…Argenteau; Jan。 9; 1792。  〃The emperor has promised aid to

the elector; under the express stipulation  that he should begin by

yielding to the demands of the French; as otherwise no assistance

would be given to him in case of attack。〃

'42' Mallet du Pan; 〃Mémoires;〃 I。 254 (February; 1792)。  〃

Correspondance de Mirabeau et du M。 de la Marck;〃 III。 232 (note of M。

de Bacourt)。 On the very day and at the moment of signing the treaty

at Pilnitz; at eleven o'clock in the evening; the Emperor Leopold

wrote to his prime minister; M。 de Kaunitz; 〃that the convention which

he had just signed does not really bind him to anything; that it only

contains insignificant declarations; extorted by the Count d'Artois。〃

He ends by assuring him that 〃neither himself nor his government is in

any way bound by this instrument。〃

'43'  Words of M。 de Kaunitz; Sept。 4; 1791 (〃Recueil;〃 by Vivenot; I。


'44' Moniteur;  XI。 142 (session of Jan。 17)。 … Speech by M。

Delessart。 … Decree of accusation against him March 10。 … Declaration

of war; April 20。 … On the real intentions of the King; cf。 Malouet;

〃Malouet; 〃Mémoires〃 II。 199…209; Lafayette; 〃Mémoires;〃 I。 441 (note

3); Bertrand de Molleville; 〃Mémoires;〃 VI。 22; Governor Morris; II。

242; letter of Oct。 23; 1792。

'45' Moniteur; X。 172 (session of Oct。 20; 1791)。 Speech by Brissot。 …

… Lafayette; I。 441。 〃It is the Girondists who; at this time; wanted a

war at any price〃 … Malouet; II。 209。 〃As Brissot has since boasted;

it was the republican party which wanted war; and which provoked it by

insulting all the powers。〃

'46' Buchez et Roux; XII。 402 (session of the Jacobin Club; Nov。 28;


'47' Gustave III。; King of Sweden; assassinated by Ankerstrom; says:

〃I should like to know what Brissot will say。〃

'48' On Brissot's antecedents; cf。 Edmond Biré; 〃La Légende des

Girondins。〃 Personally; Brissot was honest; and remained poor。 But he

had passed through a good deal of filth; and bore the marks of it。 He

had lent himself to the diffusion of an obscene book; 〃Le Diable dans

un bénitier;〃 and; in 1783; having received 13;355 francs to found a

Lyceum in London; not only did not found it; but was unable to return

the money。

'49' Moniteur; XI。 147。  Speech by Brissot; Jan。 17。 Examples from

whom he borrows authority; Charles XII。; Louis XIV。; Admiral Blake;

Frederic II。; etc。

'50' Moniteur。  X。 174。  〃This Venetian government; which is nothing

but a farce 。 。 。  Those petty German princes; whose insolence in the

last century despotism crushed out。 。 。  Geneva; that atom of a

republic。 。 。That bishop of Liège; whose yoke bows down a people that

ought to be free 。 。 。 I disdain to speak of other princes。 。 。 That

King of Sweden; who has only twenty…five millions income; and who

spends two…thirds of it in poor pay for an army of generals and a

small number of discontented soldiers。 。 。 As to that princess

(Catherine II。); whose dislike of the French constitution is well

known; and who is about as good looking as Elizabeth; she cannot

expect greater success than Elizabeth in the Dutch revolution。〃

(Brissot; in this last passage; tries to appear at once witty and well


'51' Letter of Roland to the king; June 10; 1792; and letter of the

executive council to the pope; Nov。 25; 1792。 Letter of Madame Roland

to Brissot; Jan。 7; 1791。 〃Briefly; adieu。 Cato's wife need not

gratify herself by complimenting  Brutus。〃

'52' Buchez et Roux; XII。 410 (meeting of the Jacobin club; Dec。 10;

1791)。 〃A Louis XIV。 declares war against Spain; because his

ambassador had been insulted by the Spanish ambassador。 And we; who

are free; might hesitate for an instant!〃

'53' Moniteur; X; 503 (session of Nov。29)。 The Assembly orders this

speech to be printed and distributed in the departments。

'54' Moniteur ; X。 762 (session of Dec。 28)。

'55' Moniteur; XI。 147; 149 (session of Jan。17); X。 759 (session of

Dec。 28)。  Already; on the 10th of December; he had declared at the

Jacobin club: 〃A people that has conquered its freedom; after ten

centuries of slavery; needs war。 War is essential to it for its

consolidation。〃 (Buchez et Roux; XII。 410)。  On the 17th of January;

in the tribune; he again repeats: 〃I have only one fear; and that is;

that we may not have war。〃

'56' Moniteur; XI。 119 (session of Jan。13)。 Speech by Gensonné; in the

name of the diplomatic committee; of which he is the reporter。

'57' Moniteur; XI。 158 (session of Jan。 18)。  The Assembly orders the

printing of this speech。

'58' Moniteur; XI。 760 (session of Dec。 28)。

'59' Moniteur; XI。 149 (session of Jan。 17)。 Speech by Brissot。

'60' Moniteur; XI。 178 (session 
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