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the origins of contemporary france-3-第36部分

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severe for Mandrin;'42' because their war is not merely on public

persons and property; as his was; but on the possessions; the

proprieties; and the lives of private individuals。  One detachment

alone; at one time; extorts in Cavaillon 25;000 francs; in Baume

12;000; in Aubignon 15;000; in Pioline 4;800; while Caumont is taxed

2;000 francs a week。 At Sarrians; where the mayor gives them the keys;

they pillage houses from top to bottom; carry off their plunder in

carts; set fire; violate and slay with all the refinements of torture

of so many Hurons。 An old lady of eighty; and a paralytic; is shot at

arms length; and left weltering in her blood in the midst of the

flames。 A child five years of age is cut in two; its mother

decapitated; and its sister mutilated; they cut off the ears of the

curé; set them on his brow like a cockade; and then cut his throat;

along with that of a pig; and tear out the two hearts and dance around

them。'43'  After this; for fifty days around Carpentras; to which they

lay siege in vain; the unprovoked; cruel instincts of the chauffeurs

manifested at a later date; the ancient cannibalistic desires which

sometimes reappear in convicts; and the perverted and over…strained

sensuality found in maniacs; have full play。

On beholding the monster it has nourished; Avignon; in alarm; utters

cries of distress。'44'  But the brute; which feels its strength; turns

against its former abettors; shows its teeth; and exacts its daily

food。  Ruined or not; Avignon must furnish its quota。 〃In the

electoral assembly; Mainvielle the younger; elected elector; although

he is only twenty…two; draws two pistols from his belt and struts

around with a threatening air。〃'45'  Duprat; the president; the better

to master his colleagues; proposes to them to leave Avignon and go to

Sorgues; which they refuse to do; upon this he orders cannon to be

brought; promises to pay those who will accompany him; drags along the

timid; and denounces the rest before an upper national court; of which

he himself has designated the members。 Twenty of the electors thus

denounced are condemned and proscribed; Duprat threatens to enter by

force and have them executed on the spot; and; under his leadership;

the army of Mandrins advances against Avignon。  Its progress is

arrested; and; for two months; restrained by the two mediating

commissioners for France; they reduce its numbers; and it is on the

point of being disbanded; when the brute again boldly seizes its prey;

about to make its escape。  On the 21st of August; Jourdan; with his

herd of miscreants; obtains possession of the palace。  The municipal

body is driven out; the mayor escapes in disguise; Tissot; the

secretary; is cut down; four municipal officers and forty other

persons are thrown into prison; while a number of houses belonging to

the fugitives and to priests are pillaged; and thus supply the bandits

with their first financial returns。'46'  Then begins the great

fiscal operation which is going to fill their pockets。  Five front

men; chosen by Duprat and his associates; compose; with Lécuyer as

secretary; a provisional municipal body; which; taxing the town

300;000 francs and suppressing the convents; offers the spoils of the

churches for sale。 The bells are taken down; and the hammers of the

workmen engaged in breaking them to pieces are heard all day long。 A

strong…box full of plate; diamonds; and gold crosses; left with the

director of the Mont…de…Piété; on deposit; is taken and carried off to

the commune; a report is spread that the valuables pawned by the poor

had been stolen by the municipality; and that those 〃robbers had

already sent away eighteen trunks full of them。〃  Upon this the women;

exasperated at the bare walls of the churches; together with the

laborers in want of work or bread; all the common class; become

furious; assemble of their own accord in the church of the Cordeliers;

summon Lécuyer to appear before them; drag him from the pulpit and

massacre him。'47'

This time there seems to be an end of the brigand party; for the

entire town; the populace and the better class; are against them;

while the peasants in the country shoot them down wherever they come

across them。  Terror; however; supplies the place of numbers; and;

with the 350 hired killers bravos still left to them; the extreme

Jacobins undertake to overcome a city of 30;000 souls。 Mainvielle the

elder; dragging along two cannon; arrives with a patrol; fires at

random into the already semi…abandoned church; and kills two men。

Duprat assembles about thirty of the towns…people; imprisoned by him

on the 31st of August; and; in addition to these; about forty artisans

belonging to the Catholic brotherhoods; porters; bakers; coopers; and

day…laborers; two peasants; a beggar; a few women seized haphazard and

on vague denunciations; one of them; 〃because she spoke ill of Madame

Mainvielle。〃 Jourdan supplies the executioners; the apothecary Mende;

brother…in…law of Duprat; plies them with liquor; while a clerk of

Tournal; the newsman; bids them 〃kill all; so that there shall be no

witnesses left。〃 Whereupon; at the reiterated orders of Mainvielle;

Tournal; Duprat; and Jourdan; with a complications of hilarious

lewdness;'48' the massacre develops itself on the 16th of October and

following days; during sixty…six hours; the victims being a couple of

priests; three children; an old man of eighty; thirteen women; two of

whom are pregnant; in all; sixty…one persons; with their throats slit

or knocked out and then cast one on top of each other into the

Glacière hole; a mother on the body of her infant; a son on the body

of his father; all finished off with rocks; the hole being filled up

with stones and covered over with quicklime on account of the

smell。'49'  In the meantime about a hundred more; killed in the

streets; are pitched into the Sorgues canal; five hundred families

make their escape。 The ousted bandits return in a body; while the

assassins who are at the head of them; enthroned by murder; organize

for the benefit of their new band a legal system of brigandage;

against which nobody defends himself。'50'

These are the friends of the Jacobins of Arles and Marseilles; the

respectable men whom M。 d'Antonelle has come to address in the

cathedral at Avignon。'51'  These are the pure patriots; who; with

their hands in the till and their feet in gore; caught in the act by a

French army; the mask torn off through a scrupulous investigation;

universally condemned by the emancipated electors; also by the

deliberate verdict of the new mediating commissioners;'52' are

included in the amnesty proclaimed by the Legislative Assembly a month

before their last crime。 … But the sovereigns of the Bouches…du…Rh?ne

do not regard the release of their friends and allies as a pardon:

something more than pardon and forgetfulness must be awarded to the

murderers of the Glacière。  On the 29th of April; 1792; Rebecqui and

Bertin; the vanquishers of Arles; enter Avignon'53' along with a

cortége; at the head of which are from thirty to forty of the

principal murderers whom the Legislative Assembly itself had ordered

to be recommitted to prison; Duprat; Mainvielle; Toumal; Mende; then

Jourdan in the uniform of a commanding general crowned with laurel and

seated on a white horse; and; lastly; the dames Duprat; Mainvielle and

Tournal; in dashing style; standing on a sort of triumphal chariot;

during the procession the cry is heard; 〃The Glacière will be full

this time! 〃  On their approach the public functionaries fly; twelve

hundred persons abandon the town。  Forthwith each terrorist; under the

protection of the Marseilles bayonets; resumes his office; like a man

at the head of his household。 Raphel; the former judge; along with his

clerk; both with warrants of arrest against them; publicly officiate;

while the relatives of the poor victims slain on the 16th of October;

and the witnesses that appeared on the trial; are threatened in the

streets; one of them is killed; and Jourdan; king of the department

for an entire year; begins over again on a grand scale; at the head of

the National Guard; and afterwards of the police body; the same

performance which; on a small scale; he pursued under the ancient

régime; when; with a dozen 〃armed and mounted〃 brigands; he traversed

the highways; forced open lonely houses at night; and; in one chateau

alone; stole 24;000 francs。


The other departments。   Uniform process of the Jacobin conquest。 

Preconceived formation of a Jacobin State。

The Jacobin conquest takes place like this: already in during April;

1792; through acts of violence almost equal to those we have just

described; it spreads over more than twenty departments and; to a

smaller degree; over the other sixty。'54'  The composition of the

parties is the same everywhere。 On one side are the irresponsible of

all conditions;

 〃squanderers who; having consumed their own inheritance; cannot

tolerate that of another; men without property to whom disorder is a

door open to wealth and public office; the envious; the ungrateful

whose obligations to their benefactors the revolution cancels; the

hot…headed; all those enthusiastic innovators who preach reason with a

dagger in their hand; the poor; the brutal and the wretched of the

lower class who; possessed by one leading anarchical idea; one example

of immunity; with the law dumb and the sword in the scabbard; are

stimulated to dare all things

On the other side are the steady…going; peaceable class; minding their

own business; upper and lower middle class in mind and spirit;

 〃weakened by being used to security and wealth; surprised at any

unforeseen disturbance and trying to find their way; isolated from

each other by diversity of interests; opposing only tact and caution

to persevering audacity in defiance of legitimate means; unabl
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