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the origins of contemporary france-3-第38部分

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the Memoirs〃 of Barbaroux; 40; 41)。 Blanc…Gilly must have been

acquainted with these characters; inasmuch as he made use of them in

the August riot; 1789; and for which he was indicted。 … Cf。 Fabre

〃Histoire de Marseilles;〃 II。 422。

'4' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3197。 Correspondence of Messrs。

Debourge; Gay; and Lafitte; commissioners sent to Provence to restore

order in accordance with an act of the National Assembly。 Letter of

May 10; 1791。 Letter of May 10。 1791; and passim。

'5' Mayor Martin; says Juste; was a sort of Pétion; weak and vain。 

Barbaroux; clerk of the municipality; is the principal opponent of M。

Lieutaud。 … The municipal decree referred to is dated Sept。 10; 1790。

'6' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3197。 Letters of three commissioners;

April 13; 17; 18; and May 10; 1791。

'7' Blanc…Gilly; 〃Réveil d'Alarme。〃 Ibid。; 〃Every time that the

national guard marched outside the city walls; the horde of homeless

brigands never failed to close up in their rear and carry devastation

wherever they went。〃

'8' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3197。 Correspondence of the three

commissioners; letter of May 10;1791。 〃The municipality of Marseilles

obeys only the decrees it pleases; and for eighteen months has not

paid a cent into the city treasury。…Proclamation of April 13。 …

Letters of April 13 and 18。

'9' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 letter of the municipal officers of

Marseilles to the minister; June 11; 1791。  They demand the recall

of the three commissioners; one of their arguments being as follows:

〃In China; every mandarin against whom public opinion is excited is

dismissed  from his place; he is regarded as an ignorant instructor;

who is incapable of gaining the love of children for their parent。〃

'10' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 letter of the commissioners; May 25; 1791。

〃It is evident; on recording the proceedings at Aix and Marseilles;

that only the accusers and the judges were guilty。〃  Petition of the

prisoners; Feb。 1。 〃The municipality; in despair of our innocence and

not knowing how to justify its conduct; is trying to buy up witnesses。

They say openly that it is better to sacrifice one innocent man than

disgrace a whole body。 Such ale the speeches of the sieur Rebecqui;

leading man; and of Madame Elliou; wife of a municipal officer; in the

house of the sieur Rousset。〃

'11' Letter of M。 Lieutaud to the commissioners; May 11 and 18; 1791。

〃If I have not  fallen under the assassin's dagger I owe my

preservation to your strict orders and to the good behavior of the

national guard and the regular troops 。 。 。 At the hearing of the case

today; the prosecutor on the part of the commune ventured to threaten

the court with popular opinion and its avenging fury。 。 。 The people;

stirred up against us; and brought there; shouted; 'Let us seize

Lieutaud and take him there by force and if he will not go up the

steps; we will cut his head off!'  The hall leading to the courtroom

and the stairways were filled with barefooted vagabonds。〃 Letter of

Cabrol; commander of the national guard; and of the municipal officers

to the commissioners; May 21。 That picket…guard of fifty men on the

great square; is it not rather the cause of a riot than the means of

preventing one? A requisition to send four national guards inside the

prison; to remain there day and night; is it not insulting citizen

soldiers; whose function it is to see that the laws are maintained;

and not to do jail duty?〃

'12' Letter of M。 d'Olivier; lieutenant…colonel of the Ernest

regiment; May 28。  Extracts from the papers of the secretary to the

municipality; May 28 (Barbaroux is the clerk)。 … Letter of the

commissions; May 29

'13' Letter of the commissioners; June 29。

'14' Letter of M。 Laroque…Dourdan; naval commander at Marseilles; Oct。

18; 1791。 (in relation to the departure of the Swiss regiment)。

'15' The elections are held on the 13th of November; 1791。 Martin; the

former mayor; showed timidity; and Mouraille was elected in his place。

'16' 〃Archives Nationales。〃 F 7 3197。 Letter (printed) of the

Directory to the Minister of War; Jan。 4; 1792。  Letter of the

municipality of Marseilles to the Directory; Jan。 4; and the

Directory's reply。 … Barbaroux; 〃Mémoires;〃 19。  Here we see the

part played by Barbaroux at Marseilles。 Guadet played a similar part

at Bordeaux。 This early political period is essential for a

comprehension of the Girondists。

'17' 〃Archives Nationales。〃 F7; 3195。 Official report of the

municipality of Aix (on the events of Feb。 26)。 March 1st。  Letter

of M。 Villardy; president of the directory; dated Avignon; March 10。

(He barely escaped assassination at Aix。)  Ibid。; F7;3196。 Report of

the district administrators of Arles; Feb。 28 (according to private

letters from Aix and Marseilles)。 … Barbaroux; 〃Mémoires〃 (collection

of Berville and Barrière); 106。 (Narrative of M。 Watteville; major in

the Ernest regiment。 Ibid。; 108 (Report from M。 de Barbentane;

commanding general)。 These two documents show the liberalism; want of

vigor; and the usual indecision of the superior authorities;

especially the military authorities … Mercure de France; March 24;

1792 (letters from Aix)。

'18' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3196。 Dispatches of the new Directory

to the Minister; March 24 and April 4; 1792。 〃Since the departure of

the Directory; our administrative assembly is composed of only six

members; notwithstanding our repeated summons to every member of the

Council。 。 。 Only three members of the Council consent to act with us;

the reason is a lack of pecuniary means。〃 The new Directory;

consequently; passes a resolution to indemnify members of the Council。

This; indeed; is contrary to a royal proclamation of Jan。 15;  but

〃this proclamation was wrested from the King; on account of his firm

faith。 You must be aware that; in a free nation; the influence of a

citizen on his government must not be estimated by his fortune; such a

principle is false; and destructive of equality of rights。 We trust

that the King will consent to revoke his proclamation。〃

'19' Ib。; Letters of Borelly; vice…president of the Directory; to the

Minister; April 10; 17; and 30; 1792。  Letter from another

administrator; March 10。 〃They absolutely want us to march against

Arles; and to force us to give the order。 … Ibid。; F7; 3195。  Letters

from Aix; March 12 and 16; addressed to M。 Verdet。

'20' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3195。 Letter of the administrators of

the department Council to the Minister; March 10; 〃The Council of the

administration is surprised; sir; at the fa1se impressions given you

of the city of Marseilles; it should be regarded as the patriotic

buckler of the department 。 。 。 If the people of Paris did not wait

for orders to destroy the Bastille and begin the Revolution; can you

wonder that in this fiery climate the impatience of  good  citizens

should make them anticipate legal orders; and that they cannot comply

with the slow forms of justice when their personal safety and the

safety of the country is in peril?〃

'21' 〃Archives Nationales。〃 F7; 3197。 Dispatches of the three

commissioners; passim; and especially those of May 11; June 10 and 19;

1791 (on affairs in Arles)。 〃The property…owners were a long time

subject to oppression。 A few of the factions maintained a reign of

terror over honest folks; who trembled in secret。〃

22 Ibid。; Dispatch of the commissioners; June 19: 〃One of the Mint

gang causes notes to be publicly distributed (addressed to the

unsworn) in these words: 'If you don't 〃piss…off〃 you will have to

deal with the gang from the Mint。'〃

'23' 〃Archives Nationales。〃 F7; 3198。 Narration (printed) of what

occurred at Arles; June 9 and 10; 1791。  Dispatch of M。 Ripert;

royal commissioner; Aug。 5; 1791。  F 7;  3197。 Dispatch of the three

commissioners; June 19。 〃Since then; many of the farm laborers have

taken the same oath。 It is this class of citizens which most eagerly

desires a return to order。 〃   Other dispatches to the same effect;

Oct。 24 and 29; and Dec。 14; 1791。  Cf。 〃The French Revolution;〃 I。

301; 302。

'24' 〃Archives Nationales。〃 F7; 3196。 Dispatch of the members of the

Directory of Arles and the municipal officers to the Minister; March

3; 1792 (with a printed diatribe of the Marseilles municipality)

'25' Ibid。;F7; 3198。 Dispatches of the procureur… syndic of the

department to the Minister; Aix; Sept。 14; 15; 20; and 23; 1791。 The

electoral assembly declared itself permanent; the constitutional

authorities being fettered and unrecognized。  Dispatch of the

members of the military bureau and correspondence with the Minister;

Arles; Sept。17; 1791。

'26' Ibid。; Dispatch of the commandant of the Marseilles detachment to

the Directory of the department; Sept。 22; 1791: 〃I feel that our

proceedings are not exactly legal; but I thought it prudent to

acquiesce in the general desire of the battalion。〃

'27' 〃Archives Nationales。〃 Official report of the municipal officers

of Arles on the insurrection of the Mint band; Sept。 2; 1791。 

Dispatch of Ripert; royal commissioner; Oct。 2 and 8。  Letter of M。

d'Antonelle; to the Friends of the Constitution; Sept。22。 〃I cannot

believe in the counter…orders with which we are threatened。 Such a

decision in the present crisis would be too inhuman and dangerous。 Our

co…workers; who have had the courage to devote themselves to the new

law; would be deprived of their bread and shelter。 。 。 The king's

proclamation has all the appearance of having been hastily prepared。

and every sign of having been secured unawares。〃

'28' De Dampmartin (an eye…witness); II。 60…70。  〃 Archives

Nationales;〃 F7; 3196。  Dispatch of the two delegated commissioners

to the Minister; Nimes; March 25; 1792。 … Letter of M。 Wittgenstein to

the Directory of the Bouche…du… Rh?ne; April 4; 1792。  Reply and act

passed by the Directory; April 5
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