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the origins of contemporary france-3-第39部分

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the Directory of the Bouche…du… Rh?ne; April 4; 1792。  Reply and act

passed by the Directory; April 5。  Report of Bertin and Rebecqui to

the administrators of the department; April 3。  Moniteur; XII。 379。

Report of the Minister of the Interior to the National Assembly; April


'29' Moniteur; XII。 408 (session of May 16)。 Petition of M。 Fossin;

deputy from Arles。  〃Archives Nationales;〃  F7; 3196。 Petition of

the Arlesians to the Minister; June 28。  Despatches of M。 Lombard;

provisional royal commissioner; Arles; July 6 and 10。 〃Neither persons

nor property have been respected for three months by those who wear

the mask of patriotism。〃

'30' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3196。 Letter of M。 Borelly; vice…

president of the Directory; to the Minister; Aix; April 30; 1792。 〃The

course pursued by the sieur: Bertin and Rébecqui is the cause of all

the disorders committed in these unhappy districts。 。 。 Their sole

object is to levy contributions; as they did at Aries; to enrich

themselves and render the Comtat…Venaisson desolate。〃

'31' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3196。 Deposition of one of the keepers

of the sieur Coye; a proprietor at Mouriez…les…Baux; April 4。 

Petition of Peyre; notary at Maussane; April 7。  Statement by

Manson; a resident of Mouriez…les…Baux; March 27。   Petition of

Andrieu; March 30。 … Letter of the municipality of Maussane; April 4:

〃They watch for a favorable opportunity to devastate property and

especially country villas。〃

'32' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 Claim of the national guard presented to

the district administrators of Tarascon by the national guard of

Chateau…Renard; April 6。  Petition of Juliat d'Eyguières; district

administrator of Tarascon; April 2 (in relation to a requisition of

30;000 francs by Camo?n on the commune of Eyguières)。  Letter of M。

Borelly; April 30。 〃Bertin and Rébecqui have openly protected the

infamous Camo?n; and have set him free。 〃 … Moniteur; XII。 408。

Petition of M。 Fossin; deputy from Arles。

'33' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3195。  Dispatch of M。 Mérard; royal

commissioner at the district court of Apt; Apt; March 15; 1792 (with

official report of the Apt municipality and debates of the district;

March 13)。  Letter of M。 Guillebert; syndic…attorney of the district

March 5。。 (He has fled。 )  Dispatches of the district Directory;

March 23 and 28。 〃It must not be supposed for a moment that either the

court or the juge…de…paix will take the least notice of this

circumstance。 One step in this direction would; in a week; bring

10;000 men on our hands。〃

'34' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3195。  Letter of the district

Directory of Apt; March 28。 〃On the 26th of March 600 armed men;

belonging to the communes of Apt; Viens; Rustrel; etc。 betook

themselves to St。…Martin…de…Castillon and; under the pretense of

restoring order; taxed the inhabitants; lodging and feeding themselves

at their charge〃  The expeditions extend even to the neighboring

departments; one of them March 23; going to Sault; near Forcalquier;

in the Upper…Alps。

'35' Ib。; F7; 3195。 On the demand of a number of petitioning soldiers

who went to Aries on the 22d of March; 1792; the department

administration passes an act (September; 1793) granting them each

forty…five francs indemnity。 There are 1;916 of them; which makes

86;200 francs 〃assessed on the goods and property of individuals for

the authors; abettors; and those guilty of the disturbances occasioned

by the party of Chiffonists in the commune of Arles。〃 The municipality

of Aries designates fifty…one individuals; who pay the 86;200 livres;

plus 2;785 francs exchange; and 300 francs for the cost of sojourn and

delays。   Petition of the ransomed; Nov。21; 1792。

'36' Ib。; F7; 3165。 Official report of the Directory on the events

which occurred in Aix; April 27; 28; and 29; 1792。

'37' Michelet; 〃Histoire de la Révolution Fran?aise;〃 III。56

(according to the narratives of aged peasants)。  Mercure de France;

April 30; 1791 (letter from an inhabitant of the Comtat)。  All

public dues put together (octrois and interest on the debt) did not go

beyond 800;000 francs for 126;684 inhabitants。 On the contrary; united

with France; it would pay 3;793;000 francs。   André; 〃Histoire de la

Révolution Avignonaise;〃 I。 61。  The Comtat possessed representative

institutions; an armed general assembly; composed of three bishops;

the elected representative of the nobility; and thirteen consuls of

the leading towns。   Mercure de France; Oct。 15; 1791 (letter from

an inhabitant of the Comtat)。  There were no bodies of militia in

the Comtat; the privileges of nobles were of little account。 Nobody

had the exclusive right to hunt or fish; while people without property

could own guns and hunt anywhere。

'38' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3272。 Letter of M。 Pelet de la Lozère;

prefect of Vaucluse; to the Minister; year VIII。 Germinal 30。 … Ibid。;

DXXIV。 3。 Letter of M。 Mulot; one of the mediating commissioners; to

the Minister; Oct。 10; 1791。 〃What a country you have sent me to! It

is the land of duplicity。 Italianism has struck its roots deep here;

and I fear that they are very hardy。〃

'39' The details of these occurrences may be found in André and in

Soulier; 〃Histoire de la Révolution Avignonaise。〃 The murder of their

seven principal opponents; gentlemen; priests and artisans; took place

June 11; 1790。  〃Archives Nationales;〃 DXXIV。 3。 The starting…point

of the riots is the hostility of the Jansenist Camus; deputy to the

Constituent Assembly。 Several letters; the first from April; 1790; may

be found in this file; addressed to him from the leading Jacobins of

Avignon; Mainvielle; Raphel; Richard; and the rest; and among others

the following (3uly; 1790): 〃Do not abandon your work; we entreat you。

You; sir; were the first to inspire us with a desire to be free and to

demand our right to unite with a generous nation; from which we have

been severed by fraud。〃 As to the political means and enticements;

these are always the same。 Cf。; for instance; this letter of a

protégé; in Avignon; of Camus; addressed to him July 13; 1791: 〃I have

just obtained from the commune the use of a room inside the Palace;

where I can carry on my tavern business 。 。 My fortune is based on

your kindness 。 。 。 what a distance between you and myself!〃

'40' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 DXXIV。 3。 Report on the events of Oct。10;

1791。  Ibid。; F7; 3197。 Letter of the three commissioners to the

municipality of Avignon; April 21; and to the Minister; May 14; 1791。

〃The deputies of Orange certify that there were at least 500 French

deserters in the Avignon army。 〃  In the same reports; May 21 and

June 8: 〃It is not to be admitted that enrolled brigands should

establish in a small territory; surrounded by France on all sides; the

most dangerous school of brigandage that ever disgraced or preyed upon

this human species。 〃  Letter of M。 Villardy; president of the

Directory of the Bouches…du…Rh?ne May 21。 〃More than two millions of

the national property is exposed to pillage and total destruction by

the new Mandrins who devastate this unfortunate country。 〃  Letter

of Méglé; recruiting sergeant of the La Mark regiment; arrested along

with two of his comrades。  〃The corps of Mandrins which arrested us

set us at liberty。 。 。 We were arrested because we refused to join

them; and on our refusal we were daily threatened with the gallows。〃

'41' Mortimer…Ternaux; I。 379 (note on Jourdan; by Faure; deputy)。 

Barbaroux; 〃Mémoires〃(Ed。 Dauban); 392。 〃After the death of Patrix a

general had to be elected。 Nobody wanted the place in an army that had

just shown so great a lack of discipline。 Jourdan arose and declared

that as far as he was concerned; he was ready to accept the position。

No reply was made。 He nominated himself; and asked the soldiers if

they wanted him for general。 A drunkard is likely to please other

drunkards; they applauded him; and he was thus proclaimed。〃

'42' After a famous brigand in Dauphiny; named Mandrin。…TR。 'Mandrin;

(Louis)  (Saint étienne…de… Saint…Geoirs; Isère; 1724  …  Valence;

1755)。 French smuggler who; after 1750; was active over an enormous

territory with the support of the population; hunted down by the army;

caught; condemned to death to be broken alive on the wheel。 See also

Taine's explanation in Ancient Régime page 356 app。 (SR)。'

'43' Cf。 André; passim; and Soulier; passim。 … Mercure de France;

June 4; 1791。  〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3197。 Letter of Madame de

Gabrielli; March 14; 1791。 (Her house is pillaged Jan。 10; and she and

her maid escape by the roof。)  Report of the municipal officers of

Tarascon; May 22。 〃The troop which has entered the district pillages

everything it can lay its hands on。〃  Letter of the syndic…attorney

of Orange; May 22。 〃Last Wednesday; a little girl ten years of age; on

her way from Chateauneuf to Courtheson; was violated by one on of

them; and the poor child is almost dead。 〃  Dispatch of the three

commissioners to the Minister; May 21。 〃It is now fully proved by men

who are perfectly reliable that the pretended patriots; said to have

acted so gloriously at Sarrians; are cannibals equally execrated both

at Avignon and Carpentras。〃

'44' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 letter of the Directory of the Bouches…du…

Rh?ne; May 21; 1791。  Deliberations of the Avignon municipality;

associated with the notables and the military committee; May 15:  〃The

enormous expense attending the pay and food for the detachments 。 。

。forced contributions。 。 。  What is most revolting is that those who

are charged with the duty arbitrarily tax the inhabitants; according

as they arc deemed bad or good patriots。 。 。 The municipality; the

military committee; and the club of the Friends of the Constitution

dared to make a protest; the proscription against them is their reward

for their attachment to the French constitution。

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