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the origins of contemporary france-3-第58部分

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Aug。 4 and following days。

'121' Buchez et Roux; XVI。 446。 Pétion's narrative。  Arnault;

〃Souvenirs d'un sexagénaire;〃 I。 342。 (An eye…witness on the 10th of

August。) 〃The massacre extended but little beyond the Carrousel; and

did not cross the Seine。 Everywhere else I found a population as quiet

as if nothing had happened。 Inside the city the people scarcely

manifested any surprise; dancing went on in the public gardens。 In the

Marais; where I lived then; there was only a suspicion of the

occurrence; the same as at Saint…Germain; it was said that something

was going on in Paris; and the evening newspaper was impatiently

looked for to know what it was。〃

'122' Moore; I。 122。  The same thing is observable at other crises

in the Revolution。 On the 6th of October; 1789 (Sainte…Beuve;

〃Causeries du Lundi;〃 XII。 461); Sénac de Meilhan at an evening

reception hears the following conversations: 〃'Did you see the king

pass?' asks one。 'No; I was at the theater。' 'Did Molé play?'  'As

for myself; I was obliged to stay in the Tuileries; there was no way

of getting out before 9 o'clock。'  'You saw the king pass then?'  'I

could not see very well; it was dark。'  Another says: 'It must have

taken six hours for him to come from Versailles。'  Others coolly add

a few details。  To continue: 'Will you take a hand at whist?' 'I

will play after supper; which is just ready。' Cannon are heard; and

then a few whisperings; and a transient moment of depression;。 'The

king is leaving the H?tel…de…ville。  They must be very tired。'  Supper

is taken and there are snatches of conversation。 They play trente et

quarante and while walking about watching the game and their cards

they do some talking: 'What a horrid affair!' while some speak

together briefly and in a low tone of voice。 The clock strikes two and

they all leave or go to bed。  These people seem to you insensible。

Very well; there is not one of them who would not accept death at the

king's feet。〃  On the 23d of June; 1791; at the news of the king's

arrest at Varennes; 〃the Bois de Boulogne and the Champs Elysées were

filled with people talking in a frivolous way about the most serious

matters; while young men are seen; pronouncing sentences of death in

their frolics with courtesans。〃 (Mercure de France; July 9; 1791。 It

begins with a little piece entitled Dépit d'un Amant。) … See ch。 XI。

for the sentiment of the population in May and June; 1793。

'123' Moniteur; XIII。 290 (July 29) and 278 (July 30)。

'124' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 145。 Letter of Santerre to the

Minister of the Interior; Sept。 16; 1792; with the daily list of all

the men that have left Paris between the3rd and 15th of September; the

total amounting to 18;635; of which 15;504 are volunteers。 Other

letters from the same; indicating subsequent departures: Sept。 17;

1;071 men; none the following days until Sept。 21; 243; 22nd 150; up

to the 26th; 813; on Oct。 1st; 113; 2nd and 3rd; 1;088 ; 4th;  1620;

16th; 196; etc。  I believe that amongst those who leave; some are

passing through Paris coming from the provinces; this prevents an

exact calculation of the number of Parisian volunteers。 M。 de

Lavalette; himself a volunteer; says 60;000; but he furnishes not

proofs of this。

'125' Mortimer…Ternaux; II。 362。

'126' Soulavie; 〃Vie privée du Maréchal duc de Richelieu;〃 IX。  384。 …

… 〃One can scarcely comprehend;〃 says Lafayette; (Mémoires;〃 I。 454);

〃how the Jacobin minority and a gang of pretended Marseilles men could

render themselves masters of Paris; while almost the whole of the

40;000 citizens forming the national guard desired the Constitution。〃

'127'  Hua; 169。

'128'  Moniteur;  XIII。 437。 (session of Aug。 16; the applause

reiterated and the speech ordered to be printed)。

'129'  These words should cause society to change resulting in a

leveling of incomes through proportional taxation and aids of all

kinds throughout the industrialized world。 Nobody could ever imagine

the immense wealth which was to be produced by the efficient industry

of the 20th century。 (SR)。

'130' R?derer; 〃?uvres Complètes。〃 VIII 477。 〃The club orators

displayed France to the proletariat as a sure prey if they would seize

hold of it。〃

'131'  This manifesto; was drafted for the Duke of Brunswick…

Lunebourg; the general commanding the combined Prussian and Austrian

forces; by the French émigré Marquis de Limon。 It  threatened the

French and especially the Paris population with unspecified 〃rigors of

war〃 should it have the temerity to resist or to harm the King and his

family。 It was signed in Koblenz; Germany on 25 August 1792 and

published in royalist newspapers 3 days later in Paris。(SR)。

'132' Moore's Journal;〃 I。 303…309。

'133' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 474; 426。 Section of Gravilliers; letter

of Charles Chemin; commissary; to Santerre; and deposition of

Ilingray; cavalryman of the national gendarmerie; Aug。 11。

'134' Beaumarchais; 〃?uvres complètes;〃 letter of Aug。 12; 1792。 

This very interesting letter shows how mobs are composed at this

epoch。 A small gang of regular brigands and thieves plot together some

enterprise; to which is added a frightened; infatuated crowd; which

may become ferocious; but which remains honest。

'135' The words of Hobbes applied by R?derer to the democracy of 1792:

〃In democratia tot possent esse Nerones quot sunt oratores qui populo

adulantur; simul et plures sunt in democratia; et quotidie novi


'136' Lucas de Montigny; 〃Mémoires de Mirabeau;〃  II。 231 and

following pages。  The preface affixed by Manuel to his edition (of

Mirabeau's letters) is a masterpiece of nonsense and impertinence。 

Peltier; 〃Histoire du 10 Aout;〃 II。 205。  Manuel 〃came out of a

little shop at Montargis and hawked about obscene tracts in the upper

stories of Paris。 He got hold of Mirabeau's letters in the drawers of

the public department and sold them for 2;000 crowns。〃 (testimony of

Boquillon; juge…de~paix)。

'137' Lafayette; 〃Mémoires;〃  I。 467; 471。 〃The queen had 50;000

crowns put into Danton's  hands a short time before these terrible

days。〃  〃 The court had Danton under pay for two years; employing

him as a spy on the Jacobins。〃  〃 Correspondance de Mirabeau et du

Comte de la Marck;〃 III。 82。  Letter from Mirabeau; March 10; 1791:

〃Danton received yesterday 30;000 livres〃。  Other testimony;

Bertrand de Molleville; I。 354; II。 288。   Brissot; IV。 193  。

Miot de Melito; 〃Mémoires;〃 I。 40; 42。 Miot was present at the

conversations which took place between Danton; Legendre; etc。; at the

table of Desforges; Minister of Foreign Affairs。 〃Danton made no

concealment of his love of pleasure and money; and laughed at all

conscientious and delicate scruples。〃  〃 Legendre could not say

enough in praise of Danton in speaking of his talents as a public man;

but he loudly censured his habits and cxpensive tastes; and never

joined him in any of his odious speculations。〃  The opposite thesis

has been maintained by Robinet and Bougeart in their articles on

Danton。 The discussion would require too much space。 The important

points are as follows:

Danton; a barrister in the royal council in March; 1787; loses about

10;000 francs on the refund of his charge。 In his marriage…contract

dated June; 1787; he admits 12;000 francs patrimony in lands and

houses; while his wife brings him only 20;000 francs dowry。 From 1787

to 1791 he could not earn much; being in constant attendance at the

Cordeliers club and devoted to politics; Lacretelle saw him in the

riots of 1788。  He left at his death about 85;000 francs in national

property bought in 1791。 Besides; he probably held property and

valuables under third parties; who kept them after his death。 (De

Martel; 〃Types Révolutionnaires;〃 2d part; p。139。 Investigations of

Blache at Choisy…sur…Seine; where a certain Fauvel seems to have been

Danton's assumed name。)  See on this question; 〃Avocats aux conseils

du Roi;〃 by Emil Bos; pp。513…520。 According to accounts proved by M。

Bos; it follows that Danton; at the end of 1791; was in debt to the

amount of 53;000 francs; this is the hole stopped by the court。 On the

other side; Danton before the Revolution signs himself Danton even in

authentic writing; which is an usurpation of nobility and at that time

subject to the penalty of the galleys。  The double…faced infidelity

in question must have been frequent; for their leaders were anything

else but sensitive。 On the 7th of August Madame Elizabeth tells M。 de

Montmorin that the insurrection would not take place; that Pétion and

Santerre were concerned in it; and that they had received 750;000

francs to prevent it and bring over the Marseilles troop to the king's

side (Malouet; II。 223)。  There is no doubt that Santerre; in using

the king's money against the king; thought he was acting

patriotically。 Money is at the bottom of every riot; to pay for drink

and to stimulate subordinate agents。

'138' Buchez et Roux; XXVIII。 92。 Letter of Gadolle to Roland;

October; 1792; according to a narrative by one of the teachers in the

college d'Harcourt; in which Varlet was placed。

'139' Buchez et Roux; XIII。 254。

'140' 〃C。 Desmoulins;〃 by Claretie; 238 (in 1786 and in 1775)。 〃The

inquest still exists; unfortunately it is convincing。〃  Westermann

was accused of these acts in December; 1792; by the section of the

Lombards; 〃proofs in hand。〃  Gouverneur Morris; so well informed;

writes to Washington; Jan。 10; 1793: The retreat of the King of

Prussia 〃was worth to Westermann about 10;000 pounds。 。 。 The council

。 。 。 exerted against him a prosecution for old affairs of no higher

rank than petty larceny。〃

'141' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 4434 (papers of the committee of

general safety)。 Note on Panis; with full details and references to

the occurrence。

'142'  〃Révolutions de Paris;〃 No。177 (s
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