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the origins of contemporary france-3-第67部分

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III。 155。 Letter of the Minister Servan; Aug。 30。…Ibid。; 149。 Ibid。;

148。 The commission on supplies having been broken up by the commune;

Roland; the Minister of the Interior; begs the Assembly to act

promptly; for 〃he will no longer be responsible for the supplies of


'25' Official reports of the commune; Aug。 21。 A resolution requiring

that; on trials for lésé…nation; those who appear for the defendants

should be provided with a certificate of their integrity; issued by

their assembled section; and that the interviews between them and the

accused be public。 … Ibid。; Aug。17; a resolution to suspend the

execution of the two assassins of mayor Simonneau; condemned to death

by the tribunal of Seine…et…Oise。

'26' Mortimer…Ternaux; III。 11。 Decree of Aug。11。

'27' Prudhomme; 〃Révolutions de Paris〃 (number for Sep。 22)。。 Report

by Roland to the National Assembly (Sept。 16; at 9 o'clock in the


'28' Madame Roland; 〃Mémoires;〃 II。 414 (Ed。 Barrière et Berville)。

Report by Roland Oct。 29。 The seizure in question tool place Aug。27。

'29' Mémoirs sur les journées de Septembre〃 (Ed。 Barrière et Berville;

pp。 307…322)。 List of sums paid by the treasurer of the commune。 

See; on the prolongation of this plundering; Roland's report; Oct。 29;

of money; plate; and assignats taken from the Senlis Hospital (Sept。

13); the Hotel de Coigny emptied; and sale of furniture in the Hotel

d'Egmont; etc。

'30' Official reports of the commune; Aug。 17 and 20。  List of sums

paid by the treasurer of the commune; p。 321。  On the 28th of August

a 〃Saint…Roch in silver is brought to the bar of the National


'31' Mortimer…Ternaux; III。 150; 161; 511。  Report by Roland; Oct。

29。 P。 414。

'32'  Moniteur。514; 542 (sessions of Aug。 23 and 26)。

'33' Mortimer…Ternaux; III。 99 (sessions of Aug。15 and 23)。 〃Procès…

verbaux de la Commune;〃 Aug。 18; a resolution to obtain a law

authorizing the commune 〃to collect together with wives and children

of the émigrés in places of security; and to make use of the former

convents for this purpose。〃

'34' Procès…verbaux de la Commune;〃 Aug。 12。 … Ibid。; Aug。 18。 Not

being able to find M。 Geoffrey; the journalist; the commune 〃passes a

resolution that seals be affixed to Madame Geoffroy's domicile and

that she be placed in arrest until her husband appears to release


'35' Procès…verbaux de la Commune。〃 Aug。17 and 18。 Another resolution;

again demanding of the National Assembly a list of the signers for


'36' Procès…verbaux de la Commune;〃 Aug。 18; 19; 20。  On the 20th of

August the commune summons before it and examines the Venetian

Ambassador。 〃A citizen claims to be heard against the ambassador; and

states that several carriages went out of Paris in his name。 The name

of this citizen is Chevalier; a horse…shoer's assistant 。 。 。 The

Council decrees that honorable mention be made of the affidavits

brought forward in the accusation。〃 On the tone of these examinations

read Weber (〃Mémoires;〃 II。 245); who narrates his own。

'37' Buchez et Roux; XVII。 215。 Narration by Peltier。  In spite of

the orders of the National Assembly the affair is repeated on the

following day; and it lasts from the 19th to the 31st of August; in

the evening。  Moore; Aug。31。 The stupid; sheep…like vanity of the

bourgeois enlisted as a gendarme for the sans…culottes is here well

depicted。 The keeper of the H?tel Meurice; where Moore and Lord

Lauderdale put up; was on guard and on the chase the night before: 〃He

talked a good deal of the fatigue he had undergone; and hinted a

little of the dangers to which he had been exposed in the course of

this severe duty。 Being asked if he had been successful in his search

after suspected persons 'Yes my lord; infinitely; our battalion

arrested four priests。' He could not have looked more lofty if he had

taken the Duke of Brunswick;〃

'38' According to R?derer; the number arrested amounted to from 5;000

to 6;000 persons。

'39' Mortimer…Ternaux; III。147; 148; Aug。28 and 29。 … Ibid。; 176。

Other sections complain of the Commune with some bitterness。  Buchez

et Roux; XVII。  358。  〃Procès…verbaux de la Commune;〃 Sept。 1。 〃The

section of the Temple sends a deputation which declares that by virtue

of a decree of the National Assembly it withdraws its powers entrusted

to the commissioners elected by it to the council…general。〃

'40' Mortimer…Ternaux; III。 154 (session of Aug。 30)。

'41' Mortimer…Ternaux; III。 171 (session of Aug。 31)。  Ibid。; 208。 …

… On the following day; Sept。 1; at the instigation of Danton; Thuriot

obtains from the National Assembly an ambiguous decree which seems to

allow the members of the commune to keep their places; provisionally

at least; at the Hotel…de…ville。

'42' 〃Procès…verbaux de la Commune;〃 Sept。 1。

'43' 〃Procès…verbaux de la Commune;〃 Sept。 1。 〃It is resolved that

whatever effects fell into the hands of the citizens who fought for

liberty and equality on the 10th of August shall remain in their

possession; M。 Tallien; secretary…general; is therefore authorized to

return a gold watch to M。 Lecomte; a gendarme。〃

'44' Four circumstances; simultaneous and in full agreement with each

other; indicate this date:

1。 On the 23d of August the council…general resolves 〃that a tribune

shall be arranged in the chamber for a journalist (M。 Marat); whose

duty it shall be to conduct a journal giving the acts passed and what

goes on in the commune〃 (〃Procès…verbaux de la Commune;〃 Aug。23)

2。  On the same day; 〃on the motion of a member with a view to

separate the prisoners of lése…nation from those of the nurse's

hospital and others of the same stamp in the different prisons; the

council has adopted this measure〃 (Granier de Cassagnac; II。 100)。

3。 The same day the commune applauds the deputies of a section; which

〃in warm terms〃 denounce before it the tardiness of justice and

declare to it that the people will 〃immolate〃 the prisoners in their

prisons (Moniteur; Nov。 10; 1793; Narrative of Pétion)。

The same day it sends a deputation to the Assembly to order a transfer

of the Orleans prisoners to Paris (Buchez et Roux; XVII。 116)。 The

next day; in spite of the prohibitions of the Assembly; It sends

Fournier and his band to Orleans (Mortimer…Ternaux; III。 364); and

each knows beforehand that Fournier is commissioned to kill them on

the way。 (Balleydier; 〃Histoire politique et militaire du people de

Lyon;〃 I。79。 Letter of Laussel; dated at Paris; Aug。28): 〃Our

volunteers are at Orleans for the past two or three days to bring the

anti…revolutionary prisoners here; who are treated too well there。〃 On

the day of Fournier's departure (Aug。 24) Moore observes in the Palais

Royal and at the Tuileries 〃a greater number than usual of stump…

speakers of the populace; hired for the purpose of inspiring the

people with a horror of monarchy。〃

'45' Moniteur; Sept。 25;1792; speech by Marat in the Convention。

'46' See his two journals; 〃L'Ami du people〃 and the 〃Journal de la

Républic Fran?aise;〃 especially for July and October 1792。  The

number for August 16 is headed: 〃Development of the vile plot of the

court to destroy all patriots with fire and sword。〃  That of August

19: 〃The infamous conscript Fathers of the Circus; betraying the

people and trying to delay the conviction of traitors until Mottié

arrives; is marching with his army on Paris to destroy all patriots!〃

 That of Aug。 21: 〃The rotters of the Assembly; the perfidious

accomplices of Mottié arranging for flight 。 。 。 The conscript

Fathers; the assassins of patriots at Nancy; the Champ de Mars and in

the Tuileries; etc。〃  All this was yelled out daily every morning by

those who hawked these journals through the streets。

'47' Ami du Peuple; Aug。19 and 21。

'48' 〃Lettres autographs de Madame Roland;〃 published by Madame Bancal

des Issarts; Sept。 9。 〃Danton leads all; Robespierre is his puppet;

Marat holds his torch and dagger。〃

'49' Madame Roland 〃Mémoires;〃 II。 19 (note by Roland)。 … Ibid。; 21;

23; 24。 Monge says: 〃Danton wants to have it so; if I refuse he will

denounce me to the Commune and at the Cordeliers; and have me hung。〃

Fournier's commission to Orleans was all in order;  Roland probably

having signed it unawares; like those of the commissioners sent into

the departments by the executive council (Cf。 Mortimer…Ternaux; III。


'50' The person who gives me the following had it from the king; Louis

Philippe; then an officer in Kellerman's corps:

On the evening of the battle of Valmy the young officer is sent to

Paris to carry the news。 On his arrival (Sept。 22 or 23。 1792) he

learns that he is removed from his post and appointed governor of

Strasbourg。 He goes to Servan's house; Minister of War; and at first

they refuse to let him in。 Servan is unwell and in bed; with the

ministers in his room。 The young man states that he comes from the

army and is the bearer of dispatches。 He is admitted; and finds;

indeed; Servan in bed with various personages around him; and he

announces the victory。  They question him and he gives the details。

 He then complains of having been displaced; and; stating that he is

too young to command with any authority at Strasbourg; requests to he

reinstated with the army in the field。 〃Impossible;〃 replies Servan;

〃your place is given to another。〃 Thereupon one of the personages

present; with a peculiar visage and a rough voice; takes him aside and

says to him: 〃Servan is a fool! Come and see me to…morrow and I will

arrange the matter。〃 〃Who are you?〃 〃I am Danton; the Minister of

Justice。〃  The next day he calls on Danton; who tells him: 〃It is

all right; you shall have your post back  not under Kellerman;

however; but under Dumouriez; are you content?〃 The young man;

delighted; thanks him。 Danton resumes: 〃Let me give you o
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