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the origins of contemporary france-3-第78部分

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abuses or do not complain of the sovereign people suppressing them in

advance。 。 。  。  You; sir; with so many reasons for it; would do well

to recall your insults and redeem the wrongs you have inflicted before

we happen to render them public。〃 。  。  。 〃Citizen Minister; people

flatter you; you are told too often that you are virtuous; the moment

this gives you pleasure you cease to be so。  。  。 。  Discard the

astute brigands who surround you; listen to the people; and remember

that a citizen Minister is merely the executor of the sovereign will

of the people。〃

However narrow Roland's outlook may be; he must finally comprehend

that the innumerable robberies and murders which he has just noted

over are not a thoughtless eruption; a passing crisis of delirium; but

a manifesto of the victorious party; the beginning of an established

system of government。  Under this system; write the Marseilles


〃to…day; in our happy region; the good rule over the bad; and

constitute a party which allows no contamination; whatever is vicious

has gone into hiding or has been exterminated。〃…

The programme is very precise; and acts form its commentary。 This is

the programme which the faction; throughout the interregnum; sets

openly before the electors。



'1' Guillon de Montléon; I。 122。 Letter of Laussel; dated Paris; 28th

of August; 1792; to the Jacobins of Lyons: 〃Tell me how many heads

have been cut off at home。 It would be infamous to let our enemies



'2'  〃Les Révolutions de Paris;〃 by Prudhomme; Vol。 XIII。 pp。 59…63

(14th of July; 3  Decrees of the 10th and 11th of August; 1792。

'4'  Prudhomme; number of the 15th of September; p。 483。 … Mortimer…

Ternaux; IV。 430。

'5'  Mortimer…Ternaux。 IV。 II。 Fauchet's report; Nov。 6; 1792。 … Ib。;

IV。 91; 142。 Discourse of M。 Fockedey; administrator of the department

of the north; and of M。 Bailly; deputy de Seine…et…Marne。

'6' Prudhomme; number of Sept。 1; 1792; pp。 375; 381; 385: number of

Sept。 22; pp。 528…530; …Cf。 Guillon de Montléon; I。 144。 Here are some

of the principles announced by the Jacobin leaders of Lyons; Chalier;

Laussel; Cusset; Rouillot; etc。 〃The time has come when this prophecy

must be fulfilled: The rich shall be put in the place of the poor; and

the poor in the place of the rich。〃 … If a half of their property be

left them the rich will still be happy。〃 … 〃If the laboring people of

Lyons are destitute of work and of bread; they can profit by these

calamities in helping themselves to wealth in the quarter where they

find it。〃 … 〃No one who is near a sack of wheat can die of hunger。 Do

you wish the word that will buy all that you want? Slay! … or perish!〃

'7' Prudhomme; number for the 28th of August; 1792; pp。 284…287。

'8' Cf。。 〃The French Revolution;〃 I。346。 In ten of the departments the

seventh jacquerie continues the sixth without a break。 Among other

examples; this letter from the administrators of Tarn; June 18; 1792;

may be read (〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3271)。 〃Numerous bands overran

both the city (Castres) and the country。 They forcibly entered the

houses of the citizens; broke the furniture to pieces; and pillaged

everything that fell into their hands。 Girls and women underwent

shameful treatment。 Commissioners sent by the district and the

municipality to advocate peace were insulted and menaced。 The pillage

was renewed; the home of the citizen was violated。〃 The administrators

add: 〃In many places the progress made by the constitution was

indicated by the speedy and numerous emigrations of its enemies。〃

'9'  〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3272。 Letter of the administrators of

the Var; May 27; 1792。 Letter of the minister; Duranthon; May 28。

Letter of the commission composing the directory Oct。 31。

'10' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 Letter of the administrators of Var; May。

27。 The saying is the summary of the revolutionary spirit; it recurs

constantly。   Cf。 the Duc de Montpensier; 〃Mémoires;〃 p。 11。 At Aix

one of his guards said to the sans…culotte who were breaking into the

room where he had been placed: 〃Citizens; by what order do you enter

here? and why have you forced the guard at the door?〃 One of them。

answered: 〃By order of the people。 Don't you know that the people is


'11' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 letter of the public prosecutor; May 23。 …

Letters of the administrators of the department; May 22; and 27 (on

the events of the 13th of May at Beausset)。

'12' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7  3193 and 3194。 Previous details may be

found in these files。 This department is one of those in which the

seventh jacquerie is merely a prolongation of the sixth。 …Cf。 F7;

3193。 Letter of the royal Commissioner at Milhau; May 5; 1791。

〃The situation is getting worse; the administrative bodies continue

powerless and without resources。 Most of their members are still

unable to enter upon their duties; while the factions; who still rule;

multiply their excesses in every direction。 Another house in the

country; near the town; has been burnt; another broken into; with a

destruction of the furniture and a part of the dinner…service; and

doors and windows broken open and smashed; several houses visited;

under the pretense of arms or powder being concealed in them; all that

is found with private persons and dealers not of the factious party is

carried off; tumultuous shouts; nocturnal assemblages; plots for

pillage or burning; disturbances caused by the sale of grain; searches

under this pretext in private granaries; forced prices at current

reductions; forty  louis taken from a lady retired into the country;

found in her trunk; which was broken into; and which; they say; should

have been in assignats。 The police and municipal officers witnesses of

these outrages; are sometimes forced to sanction them with their

presence; they neither dare suppress them nor punish the well…known

authors of them。 Such is a brief statement of the disorders committed

in less than eight days。〃 … In relation specially to Saint…Afrique。

Cf。 F7; 3194; the letter; among others; of the department

administrator; march 29; 1792。

'13' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7;  3193。  Extract from the registers of

the clerk of the juge…de…paix  of Saint…Afrique; and report by the

department commissioners; Nov。  10; 1792; with the testimony of the

witnesses; forming a document of 115 pages。

'14' Deposition of Alexis Bro; a volunteer; and three others。

'15' Deposition of Pons; a merchant。 After this devastation he is

obliged to address a petition to the executive power; asking

permission to remain in the town。

'16' Deposition of Capdenet; a shoemaker。

'17' Depositions of Marguerite Galzeng; wife of Guibal a miller;

Pierre Canac and others。

'18' Depositions of Martin; syndic…attorney of the commune of Brusque;

Aussel; curé of Versol; Martial Aussel; vicar of Lapeyre and others。

'19' Deposition of Anne Tourtoulon。

'20' Depositions of Jeanne Tuffon; of Marianne Terral; of Marguerite

Thomas; of Martin syndic…attorney of the commune of Brusque; of Virot;

of Brassier; and othes。  The details are too specific to allow


'21' Depositions ;of Moursol; wool…carder; Louis Grand; district…

administrator; and others。

'22' For example; at Limoges; Aug。 16。 … Cf。 Louis Guibert; 〃le Parti

Girondin dans la Haute…Vienne;〃 p。 14。

'23'  Paris; 〃Histoire de Joseph Lebon;〃 I。 60。 Restoration of the

Arras municipality。 Joseph Lebon is proclaimed mayor Sept。 16。

'24' For example; at Caen and at Carcassonne。

'25' For example; at Toulon。

'26' 〃Un séjour en France;〃 19; 29。 (〃Letters of a Wittness to the

French Revolution;〃 translated by H。 Taine。1872)

'27'  Ibid。;  p。 38: 2M。 de M …; who had served for thirty years

gave up his arms to a boy who treated him with the greatest


'28'  Paris; Ibid。;  p。 55 and the following pages。 … Albert Babeau;

〃Histoire de Troyes;〃 I。 503…515。 … Sausay; III。 ch。 I。

'29' 〃The Ancient Régime;〃 381; 391; 392。

'30'  〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3217。 Letter of Castanet; an old

gendarme; Aug。 21 1792。

'31' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3219。 Letter of M。 Alquier to the

first consul; Pluvi?se 18; year VIII。

'32'  Lauvergne; 〃Histoire du Var;〃 p。 104。

'33'  Mortimer…Ternaux; III。 325; 327。

'34'  〃Archives…Nationales;〃 F7; 3271。 Letter of the Minister of

Justice; with official reports of the municipality of Rabastens。 〃The

juge…de…paix  of Rabastens was insulted in his place by putting an end

to the proceedings commenced against an old deserter at the head of

the municipality; and tried for robbery。 They threatened to stab the

judge if he recommenced the trial。 Numerous gangs of vagabonds overrun

the country; pillaging and putting to ransom all owners of property。 。

。 The people has been led off by a municipal officer; a constitutional

curé; and a brother of sieur Tournal; one of the authors of the evils

which have desolated the Comtat。〃 (March 5; 1792)。

'35' Guillon de Montléon; I。 84; 109; 139; 155; 158; 464。  Ibid。;

p。441; details concerning Chalier by his companion Chassagnon。 

〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3255。  Letter by Laussel; Sept。 22; 1792。

'36' Barbaroux; 〃Mémoires;〃 85。 Barbaroux is an eye…witness; for he

has just returned to Marseilles and is about to preside over the

electoral assembly of the Bouches…du…Rh?ne。

'37' C。 Rousset; 〃Les Volontaires;〃 p。 67。  In his report of June

27; 1792; Albert Dubayet estimates the number of volunteers at 84;000。

'38' C。 Rousset; 〃Les Volontaires;〃 101。 Letter of Kellermann; Aug。23;

1792。  〃 Un séjour en France;〃 I。 347 and following pages。 

〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3214。 Letter of an inhabitant of Nogent…le…

Rotrou (Eure)。 〃Out of 8;000 inhabitants one…h
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