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the origins of contemporary france-3-第79部分

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〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3214。 Letter of an inhabitant of Nogent…le…

Rotrou (Eure)。 〃Out of 8;000 inhabitants one…half require assistance;

and two…thirds of these are in a sad state; having scarcely straw

enough to sleep on。(Dec。 3; 1792)。  In his report of June 27; 1792;

Albert Dubayet estimates the number of volunteers at 84;000。

'39' C。 Rousset; 〃Les Volontaires;〃 106 (Letter of General Biron; Aug。

23; 1792)。…  226; Letter of Vezu; major; July 24; 1793。

'40' C。 Rousset; 〃Les Volontaires;〃 144 (Letter of a district

administrator of Moulins to General Custines; Jan。 27; 1793)。 〃Un

séjour en France;〃 p。27: 〃I am sorry to see that most the volunteers

about to join the army are old men or very young boys。〃  C。 Rousset;

Ibid。; 74; 108; 226 (Letter of Biron; Nov。 7; 1792); 105 (Letter of

the commander of Fort Louis; Aug。 7); 127 (Letter of Captain Motmé)。

One…third of the 2d battalion of Haute…Sa?ne is composed of children

13 and 14 years old。

'41' Moniteur; XIII。 742 (Sept。 21)。 Marshal Lückner and his aids…de…

camp just miss being killed by Parisian volunteers。  Archives

Nationales;〃 BB; 16703。 Letter by Labarrière aide…de…camp of General

Flers; Antwerp; March 19; 1793。  On the desertion en masse of

gendarmes from Dumouriez's army; who return to Paris。

'42' Cf。 〃L'armée et la garde nationale;〃 by Baron Poisson; III。 475。

〃On hostilities being declared (April; 1792); the contingent of

volunteers was fixed at 200;000 men。 This second attempt resulted in

nothing but confused and disorderly levies。 Owing to the spinelessness

of the volunteer troops it was impossible to continue the war in

Belgium; which allowed the enemy to cross the frontier。〃  Gouverneur

Morris; so well informed; had already written; under date of Dec。27;

1791: 〃The national guards; who have turned out as volunteers; are in

many instances that corrupted scum of overgrown population of which

large cities purge themselves; and which; without constitutions to

support the fatigues。。 。 of war; have every vice and every disease

which can render them the scourge of their friends and the laughing

stock of their foes。〃  Buchez et Roux; XXVI。 177。 Plan of the

administrators of Hérault; presented to the Convention April 27; 1793。

〃The composition of the enlistment should not be concealed。 Most of

those of which it is made up are not volunteers; they are not citizens

all classes of society; who; submitting to draft on the ballot; have

willingly made up their minds to go and defend the Republic。  The

larger part of the recruits are substitutes who; through the

attraction of a large sum; have concluded to leave their homes。〃

'43' C。 Rousset; 47。 Letter of the directory of Somme; Feb。 26; 1792。

'44' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F 7; 3270。 Deliberations of the council…

general of the commune of Roye; Oct。 8; 1792 (in relation to the

violence committed by two divisions of Parisian gendarmerie during

their passage; Oct。 7 and 8)。

'45' Moore; I。 338 (Sept。 8; 1792)。  … (The Condés were proud princes

from a branch of the royal house of Bourbon。 (SR)。

'46' C Rousset; 189 (Letter of the Minister of War; dated at Dunkirk;

April 29; 1793)。  Archives Nationales;〃 BB; 16; 703。 (Parisian

national guard staff major…general; order of the day; letter of

citizen Férat; commanding at Ostend; to the Minister of War; March 19;

1793): 〃Since we have had the gendarmes with us at Ostend there is

nothing but disturbance every day。 They attack the officers and

volunteers; take the liberty of pulling off epaulettes and talk only

of cutting and slashing; and declare that they recognize no superior

being equals with everybody; and that they will do as they please。

Those who are ordered to arrest them are chased and attacked with

saber cuts and pistols

'47' C。 Rousset; 20 (Letter of General Wimpfen; Dec。 30; 1791)。 

〃Souvenirs〃 of General Pelleport; pp。7 and 8。

'48' C。 Rousset; 45 (Report of General Wimpfen; Jan。 20; I792)。 …

Letter of General Biron; Aug。 23; 1792。

'49' C。 Rousset; 47; 48。  〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3249。  Official

report of the municipality of Saint…Maxence; Jan。 21; 1792。  F 7;

3275。  Official report of the municipality of Chatellerault; Dec。 27;

1791。  F7; 3285 and 3286  F7; 3213。  Letter of Servan; Minister of

War; to Roland; June 12; 1792: 〃I frequently receive; as well as

yourself and the Minister of Justice; complaints against the national

volunteers。  They commit the most reprehensible offenses daily in

places where they are quartered; and through which they pass on their

way to their destination。〃 … Ibid。; Letter of Duranthon; Minister of

Justice; May 5: 〃These occurrences are repeated; under more or less

aggravating circumstances; in all the departments。〃

'50'  〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3193。  Official report of the

commissaries of the department of Aveyron; April 4; 1792。  〃Among the

pillagers and incendiaries of the chateaux of Privesac; Vaureilles;

Péchins; and other threatened mansions; were a number of recruits who

had already taken the road to Rhodez to join their respective

regiments。〃 Nothing remains of the chateau of Privesac but a heap of

ruins。  The houses in the village 〃are filled to over flowing with

pillaged articles; and the inhabitants have divided the owners'

animals amongst themselves。〃  Comte de Seilhac; 〃Scènes et portraits

de la Révolution dans le bas Limousin;〃 P。305。  Pillage of the

chateaux of Saint…Jéal and Seilhac; April 12; 1792; by the 3rd

battalion of la Corrèze; commanded by Bellegarde; a former domestic in

the chateau。

'51' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3270。  Deliberation of the council…

general of the commune of Roye; Oct。 8; 1792 (passage of two divisions

of Parisian gendarmes)。  〃The inhabitants and municipal officers were

by turns the sport of their insolence and brutality; constantly

threatened in case of refusal with having their heads cut off; and

seeing the said gendarmes; especially the gunners; with naked sabers

in their hands; always threatening。 The citizen mayor especially was

treated most outrageously by the said gunners 。 。 。 forcing him to

dance on the Place d'armes; to which they resorted with violins and

where they remained until midnight; rudely pushing and hauling him

about; treating him as an aristocrat; clapping the red cap on his

head; with constant threats of cutting it off and that of every

aristocrat in the town; a threat they swore to carry out the next day;

openly stating; especially two or three amongst them; that they had

massacred the Paris prisoners on the 2nd  of September; and that it

cost them nothing to massacre。〃

'52' Summaries; in the order of their date or locality; and similar to

those about to be placed before the reader; sometimes occur in these

files。 I pursue the same course as the clerk; in conformity with

Roland's methodical habits。

'53' Aug。 17; 1792 (Moniteur; XIII; 383; report of M。 Emmery)。

'54' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3271。 Letter of the administrators of

Tarn; July 21。

'55' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3234。 Report of the municipal officers

of Clairac; July 20。…Letter of the syndic…attorney of Lot…et…Garonne;

Sept。 16。

'56'  Mercure de France;  number for July 28; (letters from Bordeaux)。

'57' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3275。 Letter of the administrators of

Haute…Vienne; July 28 (with official reports)。

'58' '〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3223。  Letter of the directory of the

district of  Neuville to the department…administrators; Sept 18。

'59' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 report of the administrators of the

department and council…general of the commune of Orleans; Sept 16 and

17。 (The disarmament had been effected through the decrees of Aug。26

and Sept。 2。)

'60' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3249。 Letter of the lieutenant of the

gendarmerie of Dampierre; Sept 23 (with official report dated Sept


'61' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 draft of a letter by Roland; Oct 4; and

others of the same kind。 Letter of the municipal officers of Ray;

Sept 24。  Letter of M。 Desdouits; proprietor; Sept 30。  Letter of

the permanent council of Aigle; Oct 1; etc。

'62' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 Letter of the administrators of the Orne

department; Sept 7。

'63' Mortimer…Ternaux; III。 337 (Sept。 6)。

'64' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3265。 Letter of the lieutenant…general

of the gendarmerie; Aug。 30。  Official report of the Rouen

municipality on the riot of Aug。 29。  Letters of the department…

administrators; Sept 18 and Oct。 11。  Letter of the same; Oct 13;

etc。  Letter of David; cultivator and department administrator Oct


'65' Albert Babean; 〃Letters of a deputy of the municipality of Troyes

to the army of Dumuriez;〃 p。 8。  (Sainte…Menehould; Sept。 7; 1792):

〃Our troops burn with a desire to meet the enemy。 The massacre

reported to have taken place in Paris does not discourage them; on the

contrary; they are glad to know that suspected persons in the interior

are got rid of。〃

'66' Moore; I。338 (Sept。 4)。 At Clermont; the murder of a fish…dealer;

killed for insulting the Breton volunteers。  401 (Sept。 7); the son

of the post…master at Saint…Amand is killed on suspicion of

communicating with the enemy。  〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3249。

Letter of the district…administrators of Senlis; Oct。 31 (Aug。 15)。 At

Chantilly; M。 Pigean is assassinated in the midst of 1;200 persons。 

C。 Rousset; p。84 (Sept。 21); lieutenant…colonel Imonnier is

assassinated at Chalons…sur…Marne。 … Mortimer…Ternaux; IV。 172。 Four

Prussian deserters are murdered at Rethel; Oct。 5; by the Parisian


'67' Mortimer…Ternaux; III。 378; 594 and following pages。

'68' Lacretelle; 〃Dix années d'épreuves;〃 p。 58。 Description of

Liancourt。 … 〃Archives Nationales;〃  F7; 3249。 Letter of the

department…administrators of the Eure; Sept。 11 (with official report

of the Gisors municipality; Sept 4)。 
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