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the origins of contemporary france-3-第80部分

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department…administrators of the Eure; Sept。 11 (with official report

of the Gisors municipality; Sept 4)。 … Mortimer…Ternaux; III。 550。

'69' Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 4394。 Letter of Roland to the

convention; Oct。 31 (with a copy of the documents sent by the

department of the Nord on the events of Oct。 10 and 11)。

'70' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3191。 Official report of the

municipality of Charleville; Sept。 4; and letter; Sept。 6。 Moniteur;

XIII。 742; number for Sept。 21;1792 (letter of Sept。 17; On the

Parisian volunteers of Marshal Lückner's army)。 〃The Parisian

volunteers again threatened to have several heads last evening; among

others those of the marshal and his aids。 He had threatened to return

some deserters to their regiments。 At this the men exclaimed that the

ancient régime no longer existed; that brothers should not be treated

in that way; and that he general should be arrested。 Severa1 of them

had already seized the horse's bridle。〃

'71' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3185。 Documents relating to the case

of M。 de Fossés。 (The pillage takes place Sept。 4。)

'72' Letter of Goulard; mayor of Coucy; Oct。 4。  Letter of Osselin;

notary; Nov。 7。 〃Threats of setting fire to M。 de Fossés'  two

remaining farm…houses are made。〃  Letter of M。 de Fossés; Jan。 28;

1793。 He states that he has entered no complaint; and if anybody has

done so for him he is much displeased。 〃A suit might place me in the

greatest danger; from my knowledge of the state of the public mind in

Coucy; and of what the guilty have done and will do to affect the

minds of the people in the seventeen communes concerned in the


'73' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3249 letter of M。 de Gouy to Roland;

Sept。 21。 (An admirable letter; which; if copied entire; would show

the character of the gentleman of 1789。 Lots of heart; many illusions

and much verbosity。) The first attack was made Sept。 4 and the second

on the 13th。

'74' Most of the domiciliary visits end in similar damages。 For

example; (〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3265; letter of the

administrators of Seine…Inferieure; Sept。 18; 1792)。 Visit to the

chateau de Catteville; Sept。 7; by the national guard of the

neighborhood。 〃The national guard get drunk; break the furniture to

pieces; and fire repeated volleys at the windows and mirrors; the

chateau is a complete ruin。〃 The municipal officers on attempting to

interfere are nearly killed。

'75' The letter ends with the following: 〃No; never will I abandon the

French soil!〃 He is guillotined at Paris; Thermidor 5; year II。; as an

accomplice in the pretended prison…plot。

'76'  Raid on Protestants under Louis XIV。 (SR)。

'77' '〃Archives Nationales;〃 Letter of the Oise administrators; Sept。

12 and 15。  Letter of the syndic…attorney of the department; Sept。

23。  Letter of the administrators; Sept。 20 (on Chantilly)。 〃The

vast treasures of this domain are being plundered。〃 In the forest of

Hez and in the park belonging to M。 de Fitz…James; now national

property; 〃the finest trees are sold on the spot; cut down; and

carried off。〃 … F7; 3268; Letter of the overseer of the national

domains at Rambouillet; Oct。 31。 Woods devastated 〃at a loss of more

than 100;000 crowns since August 10。〃  〃The agitators who preach

liberty to citizens in the rural districts are the very ones who

excite the disorders with which the country is menaced。 They provoke

the demand for a partition of property; with all the accompanying


'78' Albert Babeau; I。504 (Aug。20)。

'79' Mortimer…Ternaux; III。 322 (Sept 4)。

'80' Mortimer…Ternaux; III。325。 …〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3239。

Official report of the municipality of Rheims; Sept 6。

'81' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 4394。 Correspondence of the ministers

in 1792 and 1793。 Lists presented by Roland to the convention; on the

part of various districts and departments; containing the names of

priests demanding passports to go abroad; those who have gone without

passports; and of sick or aged priests in the department asylums。

'82' Albert Babeau; I。 515…517。 Guillon de Montléon; I。 120。 At Lyons

after the 10th of August the unsworn conceal themselves; the

municipality offers them passports; many who come for them are

incarcerated; others receive a passport with a mark on it which serves

for their recognition on the road; and which excites against them the

fury of the volunteers。 〃A majority of the soldiers filled the air

with their cries of 'Death to kings and priests!' 〃  Sauzay; III。

ch。 IX。; and especially p。 193: 〃M。 Pescheu; while running along the

road from Belfort to Porentruy; is seen by a captain of the

volunteers; riding along the same road with other officers; demanding

his gun; he aimed at M。 Pescheur and shot him。〃

'83' 〃Histoire de Chalons…sur…Marne et de ses monuments;〃 by L。

Barbat; pp。 420; 425

'84' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3207。 Letter of the directory of the

C?te d'Or; Aug。 28 and Sept。 26。 Address of the Beaune municipality;

Sept。 2。 Letter of M。 Jean Sallier; Oct。 9: 〃Allow me to appeal to you

for justice and to interest yourself in behalf of my brother; myself;

and five servants; who on the 14th of September last; at the order of

the municipality of La Roche…en…Bressy; where we have lived for three

years; were arrested by the national guard of Saulieu; and; first

imprisoned here in this town; were on the 18th transferred to Semur;

no reason for our detention being given; and where we have in vain

demanded a trial from the directory of the district; which body;

making no examination or inquiry into our case; sent us on the 25th;

at great expense; to Dijon; where the department has imprisoned us

again without; as before; giving any reason therefore。〃  The

directory of the department writes 〃the communes of the towns and of

the country arrest persons suspected by them; and instead of caring

for these themselves; send them to the district〃  Such arbitrary

imprisonment multiply towards the end of 1792 and early in 1793。 The

commissaries of the convention arrest at Sedan 55 persons in one day:

at Nancy; 104 in three weeks; at Arras; more than 1;000 in two months;

in the Jura; 4;000 in two months。 At Lons…le…Saulnier all the nobles

with their domestics; at Aix all the inhabitants of one quarter

without exception are put in prison。 (De Sybel; II。 305。)

'85'〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3276。 Letters of the administrators of

the Yonne; Aug。 20 and 21 。…Ibid。;  F7; 3255。 Letter of the

commissary; Bonnemant; Sept。 22。  Mortimer…Ternaux; III。 338。 

Lavalette; 〃Mémoires;〃 I。100。

'86' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3;255。 Letter of the district

administrator of Roanne; Aug。 18。 Fourteen volunteers of the canton of

Néronde betake themselves to Chenevoux; a mansion belonging to M。

Dulieu; a supposed émigré。 They exact 200 francs from the keeper of'

the funds of the house under penalty of death; which he gives them。 

Letter of the same。 Sept。 1。 〃Every day repressive means are non…

existent。 Juges…de…paix  before whom complaints are made dare not

report them; nor try citizens who cause themselves to be feared。

Witnesses dare not give testimony for fear of being maltreated or

pillaged by the criminals。〃  Letter of the same; Aug。 22。 

Official report of the municipality of Charlieu; Sept。 9; on the

destruction of the land registry books。 〃We replied that not having

the force with which to oppose them; since they themselves were the

force; we would abstain。〃   Letter of an officer of the gendarmerie;

Sept。9; etc。

'87' 〃Lettres autographes de Madame Roland;〃 published by Madame

Bancal des Issarts; p。 5 (June 2; 1790)

'88' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3245。  Letter of the mayor and

municipal officers of Lyons; Aug。 2。  Letter of the deputy procureur

of the commune; Aug。 29。  Copy of a letter by Dodieu; Aug。 27。

(Roland replies with consternation and says that there must be a

prosecution。)  Official report of the 9th of September; and letter

of the municipality; Sept。 11。  Memorandum of the officers of the

Royal…Pologne regiment; Sept。 7。  Letter of M。 Perigny; father…in…

law of one of the officers slain; Sept。 19。  Mortimer…Ternaux; III。

342。 … Guillon de Montléon; I。 124。 … Balleyder; 〃Histoire du peuple

de Lyon;〃 91。

'89' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 Letter of Danton; Oct。 3。

'90' Decius; Roman emperor from 248 to 251 famous for having

persecuted the Christians。 He was unable to tolerate their refusal to

join in communal corporate pagan observances。 He insisted that they do

so and once they had done it; a Certificate of Sacrifice (libellus);

was issued。 (SR)。

'91'  〃Etude sur Madame Roland;〃 by Dauban; 82。 Letter of Madame

Roland to Bosc; July 26; 1798。  〃You busy yourselves with a

municipality and allow heads to escape which will devise new horrors。

You are mere children; your enthusiasm is merely a straw bonfire! If

the National Assembly does not try two illustrious heads in regular

form or some generous Décius strike them down; you are all lost。  〃

Ibid。;; May 17; 1790: 〃Our rural districts are much dissatisfied with

the decree on feudal privileges 。 。 。 A reform is necessary; in which

more chateaux must be burnt。 It would not be a serious evil were there

not some danger of the enemies of the Revolution profiting by these

discontents to lessen the confidence of the people in the National

Assembly。〃  Sept。 27; 1790。 〃The worst party is successful; it is

forgotten that insurrection is the most sacred of duties when the

country is in danger。〃  Jan。24; 1791。 〃The wise man shuts his eyes

to the grievances or weaknesses of the private individual; but the

citizen should show no mercy; even to his father; when the public

welfare is at stake。〃

'92' 〃Archives Nationales;〃 F7; 3202。 Report of the commissary; member

of the Cantal directory; Oct。 24。 On the 16th of October at

Chaudesaigues the volunteers break op
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