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the dwelling place of ligh-第19部分

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with her; naturally not affairs of the first importance; but matters such as
the economy of his time: when; for instance; it was most convenient for him to
go to Boston; and he would find that she had telephoned; without being told; to
the office there when to expect him; to his chauffeur to be on hand。  He never
had to tell her a thing twice; nor did she interruptas Miss Ottway sometimes
had donethe processes of his thought。  Without realizing it he fell into the
habit of listening for the inflections of her voice; and though he had never
lacked the power of making decisions; she somehow made these easier for him
especially if; a human equation were involved。

He had; at least; the consolationif it were oneof reflecting that his
reputation was safe; that there would be no scandal; since two are necessary to
make the kind of scandal he had always feared; and Miss Bumpus; apparently; had
no intention of being the second party。  Yet she was not virtuous; as he had
hitherto defined the word。  Of this he was sure。  No woman who moved about as
she did; who had such an effect on him; who had on occasions; though
inadvertently; returned the lightning of his glances; whose rare laughter
resembled grace notes; and in whose hair was that almost imperceptible kink;
could be virtuous。  This instinctive conviction inflamed him。  For the first
time in his life he began to doubt the universal conquering quality of his own
charms;and when such a thing happens to a man like Ditmar he is in danger of
hell…fire。  He indulged less and less in the convivial meetings and excursions
that hitherto had given him relaxation and enjoyment; and if his cronies
inquired as to the reasons for his neglect of them he failed to answer with his
usual geniality。

〃Everything going all right up at the mills; Colonel?〃 he was asked one day by
Mr。 Madden; the treasurer of a large shoe company; when they met on the marble
tiles of the hall in their Boston club。

〃All right。  Why?〃

〃Well;〃 replied Madden; conciliatingly; 〃you seem kind of preoccupied; that's
all。  I didn't know but what the fifty…four hour bill the legislature's just
put through might be worrying you。〃

〃We'll handle that situation when the time comes;〃 said Ditmar。  He accepted a
gin rickey; but declined rather curtly the suggestion of a little spree over
Sunday to a resort on the Cape which formerly he would have found enticing。  On
another occasion he encountered in the lobby of the Parker House a more
intimate friend; Chester Sprole; sallow; self…made; somewhat corpulent; one of
those lawyers hail fellows well met in business circles and looked upon askance
by the Brahmins of their profession; more than half politician; he had been in
Congress; and from time to time was retained by large business interests
because of his persuasive gifts with committees of the legislaturethough
these had been powerless to avert the recent calamity of the women and
children's fifty…four hour bill。  Mr。 Sprole's hair was prematurely white; and
the crow's…feet at the corners of his eyes were not the result of legal

〃Hullo; Dit;〃 he said jovially。

〃Hullo; Ches;〃 said Ditmar。

〃Now you're the very chap I wanted to see。  Where have you been keeping
yourself lately?  Come out to the farm to…night;same of the boys'll be
there。〃  Mr。 Sprole; like many a self…made man; was proud of his farm; though
he did not lead a wholly bucolic existence。

〃I can't; Ches;〃 answered Ditmar。  〃I've got to go back to Hampton。〃

This statement Mr。 Sprole unwisely accepted as a fiction。  He took hold of
Ditmar's arm。

〃A ladyehwhat?〃

〃I've got to go back to Hampton;〃 repeated Ditmar; with a suggestion of
truculence that took his friend aback。  Not for worlds would Mr。 Sprole have
offended the agent of the Chippering Mill。

〃I was only joking; Claude;〃 he hastened to explain。  Ditmar; somewhat
mollified but still dejected; sought the dining…room when the lawyer had gone。

〃All alone to…night; Colonel?〃 asked the coloured head waiter; obsequiously。

Ditmar demanded a table in the corner; and consumed a solitary meal。

Very naturally Janet was aware of the change in Ditmar; and knew the cause of
it。  Her feelings were complicated。  He; the most important man in Hampton; the
self…sufficient; the powerful; the hitherto distant and unattainable head of
the vast organization known as the Chippering Mill; of which she was an
insignificant unit; at times became for her just a mana man for whom she had
achieved a delicious contempt。  And the knowledge that she; if she chose; could
sway and dominate him by the mere exercise of that strange feminine force
within her was intoxicating and terrifying。  She read this in a thousand signs;
in his glances; in his movements revealing a desire to touch her; in little
things he said; apparently insignificant; yet fraught with meaning; in a
constant recurrence of the apologetic attitudeso alien to the Ditmar formerly
conceivedof which he had given evidence that day by the canal: and from this
attitude emanated; paradoxically; a virile and galvanic current profoundly
disturbing。  Sometimes when he bent over her she experienced a commingled
ecstasy and fear that he would seize her in his arms。  Yet the tension was not
constant; rising and falling with his moods and struggles; all of which she
readunguessed by himas easily as a printed page by the gift that dispenses
with laborious processes of the intellect。  On the other hand; a resentment
boiled within her his masculine mind failed to fathom。  Stevenson said of John
Knox that many women had come to learn from him; but he had never condescended
to become a learner in returna remark more or less applicable to Ditmar。  She
was; perforce; thrilled that he was virile and wanted her; but because he
wanted her clandestinely her pride revolted;divining his fear of scandal and
hating him for it like a thoroughbred。  To do her justice; marriage never
occurred to her。  She was not so commonplace。

There were times; however; when the tension between them would relax; when some
incident occurred to focus Ditmar's interest on the enterprise that had
absorbed and unified his life; the Chippering Mill。  One day in September; for
instance; after an absence in New York; he returned to the office late in the
afternoon; and she was quick to sense his elation; to recognize in him the
restored presence of the quality of elan; of command; of singleness of purpose
that had characterized him before she had become his stenographer。  At first;
as he read his mail; he seemed scarcely conscious of her presence。  She stood
by the window; awaiting his pleasure; watching the white mist as it rolled over
the floor of the river; catching glimpses in vivid; saffron blurs of the lights
of the Arundel Mill on the farther shore。  Autumn was at hand。  Suddenly she
heard Ditmar speaking。

〃Would you mind staying a little while longer this evening; Miss Bumpus?〃

〃Not at all;〃 she replied; turning。

On his face was a smile; almost boyish。

〃The fact is; I think I've got hold of the biggest single order that ever came
into any mill in New England;〃 he declared。

〃Oh; I'm glad;〃 she said quickly。

〃The cotton cards?〃 he demanded。

She knew he referred to the schedules; based on the current prices of cotton;
made out in the agent's office and sent in duplicate to the selling house; in
Boston。  She got them from the shelf; and as he went over them she heard him
repeating the names of various goods now become familiar; pongees; poplins;
percales and voiles; garbardines and galateas; lawns; organdies; crepes; and
Madras shirtings; while he wrote down figures on a sheet of paper。  So complete
was his absorption in this task that Janet; although she had resented the
insinuating pressure of his former attitude toward her; felt a paradoxical
sensation of jealousy。  Presently; without looking up; he told her to call up
the Boston office and ask for Mr。 Fraile; the cotton buyer; and she learned
from the talk over the telephone though it was mostly about 〃futures〃that
Ditmar had lingered for a conference in Boston on his way back from New York。
Afterwards; having dictated two telegrams which she wrote out on her machine;
he leaned back in his chair; and though the business for the day was ended;
showed a desire to detain her。  His mood became communicative。

〃I've been on the trail of that order for a month;〃 he declared。  〃Of course it
isn't my business to get orders; but to manage this mill; and that's enough for
one man; God knows。  But I heard the Bradlaughs were in the market for these
goods; and I told the selling house to lie low; that I'd go after it。  I knew I
could get away with it; if anybody could。  I went to the Bradlaughs and sat
down on 'em; I lived with 'em; ate with 'em; brought 'em home at night。  I
didn't let 'em alone a minute until they handed it over。  I wasn't going to
give any other mill in New England or any of those southern concerns a chance
to walk off with itnot on your life!  Why; we have the facilities。  There
isn't another mill in the country can turn it out in the time they ask; and
even we will have to go some to do it。  But we'll do it; by George; unless I'm
struck by lightning。〃

He leaned forward; hitting the desk with his fist; and Janet; standing beside
him; smiled。  She had the tempting gift of silence。  Forgetting her twinge of
jealousy; she was drawn toward him now; and in this mood of boyish exuberance;
of self…confidence and pride in his powers and success she liked him better
than ever before。  She had; for the first time; the curious feeling of being
years older than he; yet this did not detract from a new…born admiration。

〃I made this mill; and I'm proud of it;〃 he went on。  〃When old Stephen
Chippering put me in charge he was losing money; he'd had three agents in four
years。  The old man knew I had it in me; and I knew it; if I do say it myself。
All this union labour talk about shorter hours makes me sickwhy; there was a
time when I worked ten and twelve hours a day; and I'm man enough to do it yet;
if I have to。  When the last agentthat was Cortwas sacked I went to Boston
on my own hook and tackled t
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