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the dwelling place of ligh-第32部分

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party conventions and into the House and Senate Committees;and now it's
fifty…four hours。  It'll be fifty in a couple of years; and then we'll
have to scrap our machinery and turn over the trade to the South and
donate our mills to the state for insane asylums。〃

〃No; if we handle this thing right; we'll have the public on our side。
They're getting sick of the unions now。〃

Ditmar went to the desk for a cigar; bit it off; and lighted it。

〃The public!〃 he exclaimed contemptuously。  〃A whole lot of good they'll
do us。〃

Holster approached him; menacingly; until the two men stood almost
touching; and for a moment it seemed to Janet as if the agent of the
Clarendon were ready to strike Ditmar。  She held her breath; her blood
ran faster;the conflict between these two made an elemental appeal。

〃All rightremember what I saywait and see where you come out with
that order。〃  Holster's voice trembled with anger。  He hesitated; and
left the office abruptly。  Ditmar stood gazing after him for a moment and
then; taking his cigar from his mouth; turned and smiled at Janet and
seated himself in his chair。  His eyes; still narrowed; had in them a
gleam of triumph that thrilled her。  Combat seemed to stimulate and
energize him。

〃He thought he could bluff me into splitting that Bradlaugh order with
the Clarendon;〃 Ditmar exclaimed。  〃Well; he'll have to guess again。
I've got his number。〃  He began to turn over his letters。  〃Let's see;
where were we?  Tell Caldwell not to let in any more idiots; and shut the

Janet obeyed; and when she returned Ditmar was making notes with a pencil
on a pad。  The conversation with Holter had given her a new idea of
Ditmar's daring in attempting to fill the Bradlaugh order with the
Chippering Mills alone; had aroused in her more strongly than ever that
hot loyalty to the mills with which he had inspired her; and that strange
surge of sympathy; of fellow…feeling for the operatives she had
experienced after the interview with Mr。 Siddons; of rebellion against
him; the conviction that she also was one of the slaves he exploited; had
wholly disappeared。  Ditmar was the Chippering Mills; and she; somehow;
enlisted once again on his side。

〃By the way;〃 he said abruptly; 〃you won't mention thisI know。〃

〃Won't mention what?〃 she asked。

〃This matter about the pay envelopesthat we don't intend to continue
giving the operatives fifty…six hours' pay for fifty…four when this law
goes into effect。  They're like animals; most of 'em; they don't reason;
and it might make trouble if it got out now。  You understand。  They'd
have time to brood over it; to get the agitators started。  When the time
comes they may kick a little; but they'll quiet down。  And it'll teach
'em a lesson。〃

〃I never mention anything I hear in this office;〃 she told him。

〃I know you don't;〃 he assured her; apologetically。  〃I oughtn't to have
said thatit was only to put you on your guard; in case you heard it
spoken of。  You see how important it is; how much trouble an agitator
might make by getting them stirred up?  You can see what it means to me;
with this order on my hands。  I've staked everything on it。〃

〃Butwhen the law goes into effect? when the operatives find out that
they are not receiving their full wagesas Mr。 Holster said?〃 Janet

〃Why; they may grumble a littlebut I'll be on the lookout for any move。
I'll see to that。  I'll teach 'em a lesson as to how far they can push
this business of shorter hours and equal pay。  It's the unskilled workers
who are mostly affected; you understand; and they're not organized。  If
we can keep out the agitators; we're all right。  Even then; I'll show 'em
they can't come in here and exploit my operatives。〃

In the mood in which she found herself his self…confidence; his
aggressiveness continued to inspire and even to agitate her; to compel
her to accept his point of view。

〃Why;〃 he continued; 〃I trust you as I never trusted anybody else。  I've
told you that before。  Ever since you've been here you've made life a
different thing for mejust by your being here。  I don't know what I'd
do without you。  You've got so much sense about thingsabout people;
and I sometimes think you've got almost the same feeling about these
mills that I have。  You didn't tell me you went through the mills with
Caldwell the other day;〃 he added; accusingly。

〃II forgot;〃 said Janet。  〃Why should I tellyou?〃  She knew that all
thought of Holster had already slipped from his mind。  She did not look
up。  〃If you're not going to finish your letters;〃 she said; a little
faintly; 〃I've got some copying to do。〃

〃You're a deep one;〃 he said。  And as he turned to the pile of
correspondence she heard him sigh。  He began to dictate。  She took down
his sentences automatically; scarcely knowing what she was writing; he
was making love to her as intensely as though his words had been the
absolute expression of his desire instead of the commonplace mediums of
commercial intercourse。  Presently he stopped and began fumbling in one
of the drawers of his desk。

〃Where is the memorandum I made last week for Percy and Company?〃

〃Isn't it there?〃 she asked。

But he continued to fumble; running through the papers and disarranging
them until she could stand it no longer。

〃You never know where to find anything;〃 she declared; rising and darting
around the desk and bending over the drawer; her deft fingers rapidly
separating the papers。  She drew forth the memorandum triumphantly。

〃There!〃 she exclaimed。  〃It was right before your eyes。〃

As she thrust it at him his hand closed over hers。  She felt him drawing
her; irresistibly。

〃Janet!〃 he said。  〃For God's sakeyou're killing medon't you know it?
I can't stand it any longer!〃

〃Don't!〃 she whispered; terror…stricken; straining away from him。  〃Mr。
Ditmarlet me go!〃

A silent struggle ensued; she resisting him with all the aroused strength
and fierceness of her nature。  He kissed her hair; her neck;she had
never imagined such a force as this; she felt herself weakening;
welcoming the annihilation of his embrace。

〃Mr。 Ditmar!〃 she cried。  〃Somebody will come in。〃

Her fingers sank into his neck; she tried to hurt him and by a final
effort flung herself free and fled to the other side of the room。

〃You littlewildcat!〃 she heard him exclaim; saw him put his
handkerchief to his neck where her fingers had been; saw a red stain on
it。  〃I'll have you yet!〃

But even then; as she stood leaning against the wall; motionless save for
the surging of her breast; there was about her the same strange; feral
inscrutableness。  He was baffled; he could not tell what she was
thinking。  She seemed; unconquered; to triumph over her disarray and the
agitation of her body。  Then; with an involuntary gesture she raised her
hands to her hair; smoothing it; and without seeming haste left the room;
not so much as glancing at him; closing the door behind her。

She reached her table in the outer office and sat down; gazing out of the
window。  The face of the worldthe river; the mills; and the bridgewas
changed; tinged with a new and unreal quality。  She; too; must be
changed。  She wasn't; couldn't be the same person who had entered that
room of Ditmar's earlier in the afternoon!  Mr。 Caldwell made a
commonplace remark; she heard herself answer him。  Her mind was numb;
only her body seemed swept by fire; by emotionsemotions of fear; of
anger; of desire so intense as to make her helpless。  And when at length
she reached out for a sheet of carbon paper her hand trembled so she
could scarcely hold it。  Only by degrees was she able to get sufficient
control of herself to begin her copying; when she found a certain relief
in actionher hands flying over the keys; tearing off the finished
sheets; and replacing them with others。  She did not want to think; to
decide; and yet she knewsomething was trying to tell her that the
moment for decision had come。  She must leave; now。  If she stayed on;
this tremendous adventure she longed for and dreaded was inevitable。
Fear and fascination battled within her。  To run away was to deny life;
to remain; to taste and savour it。  She had tasted itwas it sweet?
that sense of being swept away; engulfed by an elemental power beyond
them both; yet in them both?  She felt him drawing her to him; and she
struggling yet inwardly longing to yield。  And the scarlet stain on his
handkerchiefwhen she thought of that her blood throbbed; her face

At last the door of the inner office opened; and Ditmar came out and
stood by the rail。  His voice was queer; scarcely recognizable。

〃Miss Bumpuswould you mind coming into my room a moment; before you
leave?〃 he said。

She rose instantly and followed him; closing the door behind her; but
standing at bay against it; her hand on the knob。

〃I'm not going to touch youyou needn't be afraid;〃 he said。  Reassured
by the unsteadiness of his voice she raised her eyes to perceive that his
face was ashy; his manner nervous; apprehensive; conciliatory;a Ditmar
she had difficulty in recognizing。  〃I didn't mean to frighten; to offend
you;〃 he went on。  〃Something got hold of me。  I was crazy; I couldn't
help itI won't do it again; if you'll stay。  I give you my word。〃

She did not reply。  After a pause he began again; repeating himself。

〃I didn't mean to do it。  I was carried awayit all happened before I
knew。  II wouldn't frighten you that way for anything in the world。〃

Still she was silent。

〃For God's sake; speak to me!〃 he cried。  〃Say you forgive megive me
another chance!〃

But she continued to gaze at him with widened; enigmatic eyeswhether of
reproach or contempt or anger he could not say。  The situation
transcended his experience。  He took an uncertain step toward her; as
though half expecting her to flee; and stopped。

〃Listen!〃 he pleaded。  〃I can't talk to you here。  Won't you give me a
chance to explainto put myself right?  You know what I think of you;
how I respect andadmire you。  If you'll only let me see you somewhere
anywhere; outside of the office; for a little while; I can't tell you how
much I'd appreciate it。  I'm sure you don't understand how I f
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