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the dwelling place of ligh-第42部分

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streaks; and on the day following the incident related above Janet's
heart was heavy。  Ditmar betrayed an increased shortness of temper and
preoccupation; and the consciousness that her love had lent her a
clairvoyant power to trace the source of his humours though these were
often hidden from or unacknowledged by himselfwas in this instance
small consolation。  She saw clearly enough that the apprehensions
expressed by Mr。 Orcutt; whom he had since denounced as an idiotic old
woman; had made an impression; aroused in him the ever…abiding concern
for the mill which was his life's passion and which had been but
temporarily displaced by his infatuation with her。  That other passion
was paramount。  What was she beside it?  Would he hesitate for a moment
to sacrifice her if it came to a choice between them?  The
tempestuousness of these thoughts; when they took possession of her;
hinting as they did of possibilities in her nature hitherto unguessed and
unrevealed; astonished and frightened her; she sought to thrust them
away; to reassure herself that his concern for the successful delivery of
the Bradlaugh order was natural。  During the morning; in the intervals
between interviews with the superintendents; he was self…absorbed; and
she found herself inconsistently resenting the absence of those
expressions of endearmentthe glances and stolen caressesfor
indulgence in which she had hitherto rebuked him: and though pride came
to her rescue; fuel was added to her feeling by the fact that he did not
seem to notice her coolness。  Since he failed to appear after lunch; she
knew he must be investigating the suspicions Orcutt had voiced; but at
six o'clock; when he had not returned; she closed up her desk and left
the office。  An odour of cheap perfume pervading the corridor made her
aware of the presence of Miss Lottie Myers。

〃Oh; it's you!〃 said that young woman; looking up from the landing of the
stairs。  〃I might have known it you never make a get…away until after
six; do you?〃

〃Oh; sometimes;〃 said Janet。

〃I stayed as a special favour to…night;〃 Miss Myers declared。  〃But I'm
not so stuck on my job that I can't tear myself away from it。〃

〃I don't suppose you are;〃 said Janet。

For a moment Miss Myers looked as if she was about to be still more
impudent; but her eye met Janet's; and wavered。  They crossed the bridge
in silence。  〃Well; ta…ta;〃 she said。  〃If you like it; it's up to you。
Five o'clock for mine;〃and walked away; up the canal; swinging her hips
defiantly。  And Janet; gazing after her; grew hot with indignation and
apprehension。  Her relations with Ditmar were suspected; after all; made
the subject of the kind of comment indulged in; sotto voce; by Lottie
Myers and her friends at the luncheon hour。  She felt a mad; primitive
desire to run after the girl; to spring upon and strangle her and compel
her to speak what was in her mind and then retract it; and the motor
impulse; inhibited; caused a sensation of sickness; of unhappiness and
degradation as she turned her steps slowly homeward。  Was it a
misinterpretation; after allwhat Lottie Myers had implied and feared to

In Fillnore Street supper was over; and Lise; her face contorted; her
body strained; was standing in front of the bureau 〃doing〃 her hair; her
glance now seeking the mirror; now falling again to consult a model in
one of those periodicals of froth and fashion that cause such numberless
heart burnings in every quarter of our democracy; and which are filled
with photographs of 〃prominent〃 persons at race meetings; horse shows;
and resorts; and with actresses; dancers;and mannequins。  Janet's eyes
fell on the open page to perceive that the coiffure her sister so
painfully imitated was worn by a young woman with an insolent; vapid face
and hard eyes; whose knees were crossed; revealing considerably more than
an ankle。  The picture was labelled; 〃A dance at Palm BeachA flashlight
of Mrs。 'Trudy' Gascoigne…Schell;〃one of those mysterious; hybrid names
which; in connection with the thoughts of New York and the visible rakish
image of the lady herself; cause involuntary shudders down the spine of
the reflecting American provincial。  Some such responsive quiver; akin to
disgust; Janet herself experienced。

〃It's the very last scream;〃 Lise was saying。  〃And say; if I owned a
ball dress like that I'd be somebody's Lulu all right!  Can I have the
pleasure of the next maxixe; Miss Bumpus?〃  With deft and rapid fingers
she lead parted her hair far on the right side and pulled it down over
the left eyebrow; twisted it over her ear and tightly around her head;
inserting here and there a hairpin; seizing the hand mirror with the
cracked back; and holding it up behind her。  Finally; when the operation
was finished to

her satisfaction she exclaimed; evidently to the paragon in the picture;
〃I get you!〃  Whereupon; from the wardrobe; she produced a hat。  〃You
sure had my number when you guessed the feathers on that other would get
draggled;〃 she observed in high good humour; generously ignoring their
former unpleasantness on the subject。  When she had pinned it on she bent
mockingly over her sister; who sat on the bed。  〃How d'you like my new
toque?  Peekaboo!  That's the way the guys rubberneck to see if you're
good lookin'。〃

Lise was exalted; feverish; apparently possessed by some high secret; her
eyes shone; and when she crossed the room she whistled bars of ragtime
and executed mincing steps of the maxixe。  Fumbling in the upper drawer
for a pair of white gloves (also new); she knocked off the corner of the
bureau her velvet bag; it opened as it struck the floor; and out of it
rolled a lilac vanity case and a yellow coin。  Casting a suspicious;
lightning glance at Janet; she snatched up the vanity case and covered
the coin with her foot。

〃Lock the doors!〃 she cried; with an hysteric giggle。  Then removing her
foot she picked up the coin surreptitiously。  To her amazement her sister
made no comment; did not seem to have taken in the significance of the
episode。  Lise had expected a tempest of indignant; searching questions;
a 〃third degree;〃 as she would have put it。  She snapped the bag
together; drew on her gloves; and; when she was ready to leave; with
characteristic audacity crossed the room; taking her sister's face
between her hands and kissing her。

〃Tell me your troubles; sweetheart!〃 she saidand did not wait to hear

Janet was incapable of speechnor could she have brought herself to ask
Lise whether or not the money had been earned at the Bagatelle; and
remained miraculously unspent。  It was possible; but highly incredible。
And then; the vanity case and the new hat were to be accounted for!  The
sight of the gold piece; indeed; had suddenly revived in Janet the queer
feeling of faintness; almost of nausea she had experienced after parting
with Lottie Myers。  And by some untoward association she was reminded of
a conversation she had had with Ditmar on the Saturday afternoon
following their first Sunday excursion; when; on opening her pay
envelope; she had found twenty dollars。

〃Are you sure I'm worth it?〃 she had demandedand he had been quite
sure。  He had added that she was worth more; much more; but that he could
not give her as yet; without the risk of comment; a sum commensurate with
the value of her services。。。。  But now she asked herself again; was she
worth it? or was it merelypart of her price?  Going to the wardrobe and
opening a drawer at the bottom she searched among her clothes until she
discovered the piece of tissue paper in which she had wrapped the rose
rescued from the cluster he had given her。  The petals were dry; yet they
gave forth; still; a faint; reminiscent fragrance as she pressed them to
her face。  Janet wept。。。。

The following morning as she was kneeling in a corner of the room by the
letter files; one of which she had placed on the floor; she recognized
his step in the outer office; heard him pause to joke with young
Caldwell; and needed not the visual proofwhen after a moment he halted
on the thresholdof the fact that his usual; buoyant spirits were
restored。  He held a cigar in his hand; and in his eyes was the eager
look with which she had become familiar; which indeed she had learned to
anticipate as they swept the room in search of her。  And when they fell
on her he closed the door and came forward impetuously。  But her
exclamation caused him to halt in bewilderment。

〃Don't touch me!〃 she said。

And he stammered out; as he stood over her:

〃What's the matter?〃

〃Everything。  You don't love meI was a fool to believe you did。〃

〃Don't love you!〃 he repeated。  〃My God; what's the trouble now?  What
have I done?〃

〃Oh; it's nothing you've done; it's what you haven't done; it's what you
can't do。  You don't really care for meall you care for is this mill
when anything happens here you don't know I'm alive。〃

He stared at her; and then an expression of comprehension; of intense
desire grew in his eyes; and his laugh; as he flung his cigar out of the
open window and bent down to seize her; was almost brutal。  She fought
him; she tried to hurt him; and suddenly; convulsively pressed herself to

〃You little tigress!〃 he said; as he held her。  〃You were jealouswere
youjealous of the mill?〃  And he laughed again。  〃I'd like to see you
with something really to be jealous about。  So you love me like that; do

She could feel his heart beating against her。

〃I won't be neglected;〃 she told him tensely。  〃I want all of youif I
can't have all of you; I don't want any。  Do you understand?〃

〃Do I understand?  Well; I guess I do。〃

〃You didn't yesterday;〃 she reproached him; somewhat dazed by the
swiftness of her submission; and feeling still the traces of a lingering
resentment。  She had not intended to surrender。  〃You forgot all about
me; you didn't know I was here; much less that I was hurt。  Oh; I was
hurt!  And youI can tell at once when anything's wrong with youI know
without your saying it。〃

He was amazed; he might indeed have been troubled and even alarmed by
this passion he had aroused had his own passion not been at the flood。
And as he wiped 
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