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the dwelling place of ligh-第5部分

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the satisfaction afforded by the ability to take a commanding position in
Hampton society; gradually to become aware of the need of a more commodious
residence。  In a certain kind of intuition she was rich。  Her husband had
meanwhile become Agent of the Chippering Mill; and she strongly suspected that
his prudent reticence on the state of his finances was the best indication of
an increasing prosperity。  He had indeed made money; been given many
opportunities for profitable investments; but the argument for social pre…
eminence did not appeal to him: tears and reproaches; recriminations; when
frequently applied; succeeded better; like many married men; what he most
desired was to be let alone; but in some unaccountable way she had come to
suspect that his preference for blondes was of a more liberal nature than at
first; in her innocence; she had realized。  She was jealous; too; of his
cronies; in spite of the fact that these gentlemen; when they met her; treated
her with an elaborate politeness; and she accused him with entire justice of
being more intimate with them than with her; with whom he was united in holy
bonds。  The inevitable result of these tactics was the modern mansion in the
upper part of Warren Street; known as the 〃residential〃 district。  Built on a
wide lot; with a garage on one side to the rear; with a cement driveway divided
into squares; and a wall of democratic height separating its lawn from the
sidewalk; the house may for the present be better imagined than described。

A pious chronicler of a more orthodox age would doubtless have deemed it a
judgment that Cora Ditmar survived but two years to enjoy the glories of the
Warren Street house。  For a while her husband indulged in a foolish optimism;
only to learn that the habit of matrimonial blackmail; once acquired; is not
easily shed。  Scarcely had he settled down to the belief that by the
gratification of her supreme desire he had achieved comparative peace; than he
began to suspect her native self…confidence of cherishing visions of a career
contemplating nothing less than the eventual abandonment of Hampton itself as a
field too limited for her social talents and his business ability and bank
accountat which she was pleased to hint。  Hampton suited Ditmar; his passion
was the Chippering Mill; and he was in process of steeling himself to resist;
whatever the costs; this preposterous plan when he was mercifully released by
death。  Her intention of sending the children away to acquire a culture and
finish Hampton did not afford;George to Silliston Academy; Amy to a
fashionable boarding school;he had not opposed; yet he did not take the idea
with sufficient seriousness to carry it out。  The children remained at home;
more or lessincreasingly lessin the charge of an elderly woman who acted as

Ditmar had miraculously regained his freedom。  And now; when he made trips to
New York and Boston; combining business with pleasure; there were no questions
asked; no troublesome fictions to be composed。  More frequently he was in
Boston; where he belonged to a large and comfortable club; not too exacting in
regard to membership; and here he met his cronies and sometimes planned
excursions with them; automobile trips in summer to the White Mountains or
choice little resorts to spend Sundays and holidays; generally taking with them
a case of champagne and several bags of golf sticks。  He was fond of shooting;
and belonged to a duck club on the Cape; where poker and bridge were not
tabooed。  To his intimates he was known as 〃Dit。〃  Nor is it surprising that
his attitude toward women had become in general one of resentment; matrimony he
now regarded as unmitigated folly。  At five and forty he was a vital;
dominating; dust…coloured man six feet and half an inch in height; weighing a
hundred and ninety pounds; and thus a trifle fleshy。  When relaxed; and in
congenial company; he looked rather boyish; an aspect characteristic of many
American business men of to…day。

His head was large; he wore his hair short; his features also proclaimed him as
belonging to a modern American type in that they were not clear…cut; but rather
indefinable; a bristling; short…cropped moustache gave him a certain efficient;
military look which; when introduced to strangers as 〃Colonel;〃 was apt to
deceive them into thinking him an army officer。  The title he had once received
as a member of the staff of the governor of the state; and was a tribute to a
gregariousness and political influence rather than to a genius for the art of
war。  Ex officio; as the agent of the Chippering Mill and a man of substance to
boot; he was 〃in〃 politics; hail fellow well met with and an individual to be
taken into account by politicians from the governor and member of congress
down。  He was efficient; of course; he had efficient hands and shrewd;
efficient eyes; and the military impression was deepened by his manner of
dealing with people; his conversation being yea; yea and nay; nay;save with
his cronies and those of the other sex from whom he had something to gain。  His
clothes always looked new; of pronounced patterns and light colours set aside
for him by an obsequious tailor in Boston。

If a human being in such an enviable position as that of agent of the
Chippering Mill can be regarded as property; it might be said that Mr。 Claude
Ditmar belonged to the Chipperings of Boston; a family still owning a
controlling interest in the company。  His loyalty to them and to the mill he so
ably conducted was the great loyalty of his life。  For Ditmar; a Chippering
could do no wrong。  It had been the keen eye of Mr。 Stephen Chippering that
first had marked him; questioned him; recognized his ability; and from the
moment of that encounter his advance had been rapid。  When old Stephen had been
called to his fathers; Ditmar's allegiance was automatically; as it were;
transferred to the two sons; George and Worthington; already members of the
board of directors。  Sometimes Ditmar called on them at their homes; which
stood overlooking the waters of the Charles River Basin。  The attitude toward
him of the Chipperings and their wives was one of an interesting adjustment of
feudalism to democracy。  They were fond of him; grateful to him; treating him
with a frank camaraderie that had in it not the slightest touch of
condescension; but Ditmar would have been the first to recognize that there
were limits to the intimacy。  They did not; for instanceno doubt out of
considerationinvite him to their dinner parties or take him to their club;
which was not the same as that to which he himself belonged。  He felt no
animus。  Nor would he; surprising though it may seem; have changed places with
the Chipperings。  At an early age; and quite unconsciously; he had accepted
property as the ruling power of the universe; and when family was added thereto
the combination was nothing less than divine。

There were times; especially during the long winters; when life became almost
unbearable for Janet; and she was seized by a desire to run away from Fillmore
Street; from the mills; from Hampton itself。  Only she did not know where to
go; or how to get away。  She was convinced of the existence in the world of
delightful spots where might be found congenial people with whom it would be a
joy to talk。  Fillmore Street; certainly; did not contain any such。  The office
was not so bad。  It is true that in the mornings; as she entered West Street;
the sight of the dark facade of the fortress…like structure; emblematic of the
captivity in which she passed her days; rarely failed to arouse in her
sensations of oppression and revolt; but here; at least; she discovered an
outlet for her energies; she was often too busy to reflect; and at odd moments
she could find a certain solace and companionship in the river; so intent; so
purposeful; so beautiful; so undisturbed by the inconcinnity; the clatter and
confusion of Hampton as it flowed serenely under the bridges and between the
mills toward the sea。  Toward the sea!

It was when; at night; she went back to Fillmore Streetwhen she thought of
the monotony; yes; and the sordidness of home; when she let herself in at the
door and climbed the dark and narrow stairway; that her feet grew leaden。  In
spite of the fact that Hannah was a good housekeeper and prided herself on
cleanliness; the tiny flat reeked with the smell of cooking; and Janet; from
the upper hall; had a glimpse of a thin; angular woman with a scrawny neck;
with scant grey hair tightly drawn into a knot; in a gingham apron covering an
old dress bending over the kitchen stove。  And occasionally; despite a
resentment that fate should have dealt thus inconsiderately with the family;
Janet felt pity welling within her。  After supper; when Lise had departed with
her best young man; Hannah would occasionally; though grudgingly; permit Janet
to help her with the dishes。

〃You work all day; you have a right to rest。〃

〃But I don't want to rest;〃 Janet would declare; and rub the dishes the harder。
With the spirit underlying this protest; Hannah sympathized。  Mother and
daughter were alike in that both were inarticulate; but Janet had a secret
contempt for Hannah's uncomplaining stoicism。  She loved her mother; in a way;
especially at certain times;though she often wondered why she was unable to
realize more fully the filial affection of tradition; but in moments of
softening; such as these; she was filled with rage at the thought of any woman
endowed with energy permitting herself to be overtaken and overwhelmed by such
a fate as Hannah's: divorce; desertion; anything; she thought; would have been
betteranything but to be cheated out of life。  Feeling the fires of rebellion
burning hotly within her;rebellion against environment and driving necessity
she would glance at her mother and ask herself whether it were possible that
Hannah had ever known longings; had ever been wrung by inexpressible desires;
desires in which the undiscovered spiritual was so alarmingly compounded with
the undiscovered physical。  She would have died rather than speak to Hannah of
these unfulfilled experiences; and the mere thought of confiding the
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