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the dwelling place of ligh-第61部分

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fried potatoes。  The apathetic waiter in the soiled linen jacket he
addressed as 〃comrade。〃  Janet protested when he ordered cocktails。

〃You must learn to live; to relax; to enjoy yourself;〃 he declared。

But a horror of liquor held her firm in her refusal。  Rolfe drank his;
and while they awaited the beefsteak she was silent; the prey of certain
misgivings that suddenly assailed her。  Lise; she remembered; had
sometimes mentioned this place; though preferring Gruber's: and she was
struck by the contrast between this spectacle and the grimness of the
strike these people had come to encourage and sustain; the conflict in
the streets; the suffering in the tenements。  She glanced at Rolfe;
noting the manner in which he smoked cigarettes; sensually; as though
seeking to wring out of each all there was to be got before flinging it
down and lighting another。  Again she was struck by the anomaly of a
religion that had indeed enthusiasms; sacrifices perhaps; but no
disciplines。  He threw it out in snatches; this religion; while relating
the histories of certain persons in the room: of Jastro; for instance;
letting fall a hint to the effect that this evangelist and bliss Bond
were dwelling together in more than amity。

〃Then you don't believe in marriage?〃 she demanded; suddenly。

Rolfe laughed。

〃What is it;〃 he exclaimed; 〃but the survival of the system of property?
It's slavery; taboo; a device upheld by the master class to keep women in
bondage; in superstition; by inducing them to accept it as a decree of

Did the masters themselves ever respect it; or any other decrees of God
they preached to the slaves?  Read history; and you will see。  They had
their loves; their mistresses。  Read the newspapers; and you will find
out whether they respect it to…day。  But they are very anxious to have
you and me respect it and all the other Christian commandments; because
they will prevent us from being discontented。  They say that we must be
satisfied with the situation in this world in which God has placed us;
and we shall have our reward in the next。〃

She shivered slightly; not only at the ideas thus abruptly enunciated;
but because it occurred to her that those others must be taking for
granted a certain relationship between herself and Rolfe。。。。  But
presently; when the supper arrived; these feelings changed。  She was very
hungry; and the effect of the food; of the hot coffee was to dispel her
doubt and repugnance; to throw a glamour over the adventure; to restore
to Rolfe's arguments an exciting and alluring appeal。  And with renewed
physical energy she began to experience once more a sense of fellowship
with these free and daring spirits who sought to avenge her wrongs and

〃For us who create there are no rules of conduct; no conventions;〃 Rolfe
was saying; 〃we do not care for the opinions of the middle class; of the
bourgeois。  With us men and women are on an equality。  It is fear that
has kept the workers down; and now we have cast that offwe know our
strength。  As they say in Italy; il mondo e a chi se lo piglia; the world
belongs to him who is bold。〃

〃Italian is a beautiful language;〃 she exclaimed。

〃I will teach you Italian;〃 he said。

〃I want to learnso much!〃 she sighed。

〃Your soul is parched;〃 he said; in a commiserating tone。  〃I will water
it; I will teach you everything。〃  His words aroused a faint; derisive
echo: Ditmar had wish to teach her; too!  But now she was strongly under
the spell of the new ideas hovering like shining; gossamer spirits just
beyond her reach; that she sought to grasp and correlate。  Unlike the
code which Rolfe condemned; they seemed not to be separate from life;
opposed to it; but entered even into that most important of its elements;
sex。  In deference to that other code Ditmar had made her his mistress;
and because he was concerned for his position and the security of the
ruling class had sought to hide the fact。。。。  Rolfe; with a cigarette
between his red lips; sat back in his chair; regarding with sensuous
enjoyment the evident effect of his arguments。

〃But love?〃 she interrupted; when presently he had begun to talk again。
She strove inarticulately to express an innate feminine objection to
relationships that were made and broken at pleasure。

〃Love is nothing but attraction between the sexes; the life…force working
in us。  And when that attraction ceases; what is left?  Bondage。  The
hideous bondage of Christian marriage; in which women promise to love and
obey forever。〃

〃But womenwomen are not like men。  When once they give themselves they
do not so easily cease to love。  Theythey suffer。〃

He did not seem to observe the bitterness in her voice。

〃Ah; that is sentiment;〃 he declared; 〃something that will not trouble
women when they have work to do; inspiring work。  It takes time to change
our ideas; to learn to see things as they are。〃  He leaned forward
eagerly。  〃But you will learn; you are like some of those rare women in
history who have had the courage to cast off traditions。  You were not
made to be a drudge。。。。〃

But now her own words; not his; were ringing in her headwomen do not so
easily cease to love; they suffer。  In spite of the new creed she had so
eagerly and fiercely embraced; in which she had sought deliverance and
retribution; did she still love Ditmar; and suffer because of him?  She
repudiated the suggestion; yet it persisted as she glanced at Rolfe's red
lips and compared him with Ditmar。  Love! Rolfe might call it what he
wouldthe life…force; attraction between the sexes; but it was proving
stronger than causes and beliefs。  He too was making love to her; like
Ditmar; he wanted her to use and fling away when he should grow weary。
Was he not pleading for himself rather than for the human cause he
professed? taking advantage of her ignorance and desperation; of her
craving for new experience and knowledge?  The suspicion sickened her。
Were all men like that?  Suddenly; without apparent premeditation or
connection; the thought of the stranger from Silliston entered her mind。
Was he like that?。。。  Rolfe was bending toward her across the table;
solicitously。  〃What's the matter?〃 he asked。

Her reply was listless。

〃Nothingexcept that I'm tired。  I want to go home。〃

〃Not now;〃 he begged。  〃It's early yet。〃

But she insisted。。。。


The next day at the noon hour Janet entered Dey Street。  Cheek by jowl
there with the tall tenements whose spindled…pillared porches overhung
the darkened pavements were smaller houses of all ages and descriptions;
their lower floors altered to accommodate shops; while in the very midst
of the block stood a queer wooden building with two rows of dormer
windows let into its high…pitched roof。  It bore a curious resemblance to
a town hall in the low countries。  In front of it the street was filled
with children gazing up at the doorway where a man stood surveying them
the stranger from Silliston。  There was a rush toward him; a rush that
drove Janet against the wall almost at his side; and he held up his hands
in mock despair; gently impeding the little bodies that strove to enter。
He bent over them to examine the numerals; printed on pasteboard; they
wore on their breasts。  His voice was cheerful; yet compassionate。

〃It's hard to wait; I know。  I'm hungry myself;〃 he said。  〃But we can't
all go up at once。  The building would fall down!  One to one hundred
now; and the second hundred will be first for supper。  That's fair; isn't

Dozens of hands were raised。

〃I'm twenty…nine!〃

〃I'm three; mister!〃

〃I'm forty…one!〃

He let them in; one by one; and they clattered up the stairs; as he
seized a tiny girl bundled in a dark red muffler and set her on the steps
above him。  He smiled at Janet。

〃This is my restaurant;〃 he said。

But she could not answer。  She watched him as he continued to bend over
the children; and when the smaller ones wept because they had to wait; he
whispered in their ears; astonishing one or two into laughter。  Some
ceased crying and clung to him with dumb faith。  And after the chosen
hundred had been admitted he turned to her again。

〃You allow visitors?〃

〃Oh dear; yes。  They'd come anyway。  There's one up there now; a very
swell lady from New Yorkso swell I don't know what to say to her。  Talk
to her for me。〃

〃But I shouldn't know what to say; either;〃 replied Janet。  She smiled;
but she had an odd desire to cry。  〃What is she doing here?〃

〃Oh; thrashing 'round; trying to connect with lifeshe's one of the
unfortunate unemployed。〃


〃The idle rich;〃 he explained。  〃Perhaps you can give her a jobenlist
her in the I。W。W。〃

〃We don't want that kind;〃 Janet declared。

〃Have pity on her;〃 he begged。  〃Nobody wants themthat's why they're so

She accompanied him up the narrow stairway to a great loft; the bareness
of which had been tempered by draped American flags。  From the trusses of
the roof hung improvised electric lights; and the children were already
seated at the four long tables; where half a dozen ladies were supplying
them with enamelled bowls filled with steaming soup。  They attacked it
ravenously; and the absence of the talk and laughter that ordinarily
accompany children's feasts touched her; impressed upon her; as nothing
else had done; the destitution of the homes from which these little ones
had come。  The supplies that came to Hampton; the money that poured into
Headquarters were not enough to allay the suffering even now。  And what
if the strike should last for months!  Would they be able to hold out; to
win?  In this mood of pity; of anxiety mingled with appreciation and
gratitude for what this man was doing; she turned to speak to him; to
perceive on the platform at the end of the room a lady seated。  So
complete was the curve of her back that her pose resembled a letter u set
sidewise; the gap from her crossed knee to her face being closed by a
slender forearm and hand that held a lorgnette; through which she was
gazing at the children with an apparently absorbed interest。  This
impression of willowy flexibility was somehow heightened by large; pear…
shaped pendan
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