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the red cross girl-第14部分

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Russian…Japanese War; when Russia drove Japan out of
Manchuria; and reduced her to a third…rate power。 He told me
of his part in the invasion as we sat; after the bombardment
of Tokio; on the ramparts of the Emperor's palace; watching
the walls of the paper houses below us glowing and smoking
like the ashes of a prairie fire。

Two years before; at the time of the invasion; von Gottlieb
had been Carl Schultz; the head…waiter at the East Cliff
Hotel at Cromer; and a spy。

The other end of the story came to me through Lester Ford;
the London correspondent of the New York Republic。 They gave
me permission to tell it in any fashion I pleased; and it is
here set down for the first time。

In telling the story; my conscience is not in the least
disturbed; for I have yet to find any one who will believe

What led directly to the invasion was that some week…end
guest of the East Cliff Hotel left a copy of 〃The Riddle of
the Sands〃 in the coffee…room; where von Gottlieb found it;
and the fact that Ford attended the Shakespeare Ball。 Had
neither of these events taken place; the German flag might
now be flying over Buckingham Palace。 And; then again; it
might not。

As every German knows; 〃The Riddle of the Sands〃 is a novel
written by a very clever Englishman in which is disclosed a
plan for the invasion of his country。 According to this plan
an army of infantry was to be embarked in lighters; towed by
shallow…draft; sea…going tugs; and despatched simultaneously
from the seven rivers that form the Frisian Isles。 From there
they were to be convoyed by battle…ships two hundred and
forty miles through the North Sea; and thrown upon the coast
of Norfolk somewhere between the Wash and Mundesley。 The fact
that this coast is low…lying and bordered by sand flats which
at low water are dry; that England maintains no North Sea
squadron; and that her nearest naval base is at Chatham; seem
to point to it as the spot best adapted for such a raid。

What von Gottlieb thought was evidenced by the fact that as
soon as he read the book he mailed it to the German
Ambassador in London; and under separate cover sent him a
letter。 In this he said: 〃I suggest your Excellency bring
this book to the notice of a certain royal personage; and of
the Strategy Board。 General Bolivar said; 'When you want
arms; take them from the enemy。' Does not this also follow
when you want ideas?〃

What the Strategy Board thought of the plan is a matter of
history。 This was in 1910。 A year later; during the
coronation week; Lester Ford went to Clarkson's to rent a
monk's robe in which to appear at the Shakespeare Ball; and
while the assistant departed in search of the robe; Ford was
left alone in a small room hung with full…length mirrors and
shelves; and packed with the uniforms that Clarkson rents for
Covent Garden balls and amateur theatricals。 While waiting;
Ford gratified a long; secretly cherished desire to behold
himself as a military man; by trying on all the uniforms on
the lower shelves; and as a result; when the assistant
returned; instead of finding a young American in English
clothes and a high hat; he was confronted by a German officer
in a spiked helmet fighting a duel with himself in the
mirror。 The assistant retreated precipitately; and Ford;
conscious that he appeared ridiculous; tried to turn the
tables by saying; 〃 Does a German uniform always affect a
Territorial like that?〃

The assistant laughed good…naturedly。

〃It did give me quite a turn;〃 he said。 〃It's this talk of
invasion; I fancy。 But for a fact; sir; if I was a Coast
Guard; and you came along the beach dressed like that; I'd
take a shot at you; just on the chance; anyway。〃

〃And; quite right; too!〃 said Ford。

He was wondering when the invasion did come whether he would
stick at his post in London and dutifully forward the news to
his paper; or play truant and as a war correspondent watch
the news in the making。 So the words of Mr。 Clarkson's
assistant did not sink in。 But a few weeks later young Major
Bellew recalled them。 Bellew was giving a dinner on the
terrace of the Savoy Restaurant。 His guests were his nephew;
young Herbert; who was only five years younger than his
uncle; and Herbert's friend Birrell; an Irishman; both in
their third term at the university。 After five years' service
in India; Bellew had spent the last 〃Eights〃 week at Oxford;
and was complaining bitterly that since his day the
undergraduate had deteriorated。 He had found him serious;
given to study; far too well behaved。 Instead of Jorrocks; he
read Galsworthy; instead of 〃wines〃 he found pleasure in
debating clubs where he discussed socialism。 Ragging;
practical jokes; ingenious hoaxes; that once were wont to set
England in a roar; were a lost art。 His undergraduate guests
combated these charges fiercely。 His criticisms they declared
unjust and without intelligence。

〃You're talking rot!〃 said his dutiful nephew。 〃Take Phil
here; for example。 I've roomed with him three years and I can
testify that he has never opened a book。 He never heard of
Galsworthy until you spoke of him。 And you can see for
yourself his table manners are quite as bad as yours!〃

〃Worse!〃 assented Birrell loyally。

〃And as for ragging! What rags; in your day; were as good as
ours; as the Carrie Nation rag; for instance; when five
hundred people sat through a temperance lecture and never
guessed they were listening to a man from Balliol?〃

〃And the Abyssinian Ambassador rag!〃 cried Herbert。 〃What
price that? When the DREADNOUGHT manned the yards for him and
gave him seventeen guns。 That was an Oxford rag; and carried
through by Oxford men。 The country hasn't stopped laughing
yet。 You give us a rag!〃 challenged Herbert。 〃 Make it as
hard as you like; something risky; something that will make
the country sit up; something that will send us all to jail;
and Phil and I will put it through whether it takes one man
or a dozen。 Go on;〃 he persisted; 〃And I bet we can get fifty
volunteers right here in town and all of them

〃Give you the idea; yes!〃 mocked Bellew; trying to gain time。
〃That's just what I say。 You boys to…day are so dull。 You
lack initiative。 It's the idea that counts。 Anybody can do
the acting。 That's just amateur theatricals!〃

〃Is it!〃 snorted Herbert。 〃If you want to know what stage
fright is; just go on board a British battle…ship with your
face covered with burnt cork and insist on being treated like
an ambassador。 You'll find it's a little different from a
first night with the Simla Thespians!〃

Ford had no part in the debate。 He had been smoking
comfortably and with well…timed nods; impartially encouraging
each disputant。 But now he suddenly laid his cigar upon his
plate; and; after glancing quickly about him; leaned eagerly
forward。 They were at the corner table of the terrace; and;
as it was now past nine o'clock; the other diners had
departed to the theatres and they were quite alone。 Below
them; outside the open windows; were the trees of the
embankment; and beyond; the Thames; blocked to the west by
the great shadows of the Houses of Parliament; lit only by
the flame in the tower that showed the Lower House was still

〃I'LL give you an idea for a rag;〃 whispered Ford。 〃One that
is risky; that will make the country sit up; that ought to
land you in Jail? Have you read 'The Riddle of the Sands'?〃

Bellew and Herbert nodded; Birrell made no sign。

〃 Don't mind him;〃 exclaimed Herbert impatiently。 〃HE never
reads anything! Go on!〃

〃It's the book most talked about;〃 explained Ford。 〃And what
else is most talked about?〃 He answered his own question。
〃The landing of the Germans in Morocco and the chance of war。
Now; I ask you; with that book in everybody's mind; and the
war scare in everybody's mind; what would happen if German
soldiers appeared to…night on the Norfolk coast just where
the book says they will appear? Not one soldier; but dozens
of soldiers; not in one place; but in twenty places?〃

〃What would happen?〃 roared Major Bellew loyally。 〃The Boy
Scouts would fall out of bed and kick them into the sea!〃

〃Shut up!〃 snapped his nephew irreverently。 He shook Ford by
the arm。 〃How?〃 he demanded breathlessly。 〃How are we to do
it? It would take hundreds of men。〃

〃Two men;〃 corrected Ford; 〃And a third man to drive the car。
I thought it out one day at Clarkson's when I came across a
lot of German uniforms。 I thought of it as a newspaper story;
as a trick to find out how prepared you people are to meet
invasion。 And when you said just now that you wanted a chance
to go to jail 〃

〃What's your plan?〃 interrupted Birrell。

〃We would start just before dawn〃 began Ford。

〃We?〃 demanded Herbert。 〃Are you in this?〃

〃Am I in it?〃 cried Ford indignantly。 〃It's my own private
invasion! I'm letting you boys in on the ground floor。 If I
don't go; there won t be any invasion!〃

The two pink…cheeked youths glanced at each other inquiringly
and then nodded。

〃We accept your services; sir;〃 said Birrell gravely。 〃What's
your plan?〃

In astonishment Major Bellew glanced from one to the other
and then slapped the table with his open palm。 His voice
shook with righteous indignation。

〃Of all the preposterous; outrageousAre you mad?〃 he
demanded。 〃Do you suppose for one minute I will allow〃

His nephew shrugged his shoulders and; rising; pushed back
his chair。

〃Oh; you go to the devil!〃 he exclaimed cheerfully。 〃Come on;
Ford;〃 he said。 〃We'll find some place where uncle can't hear

Two days later a touring car carrying three young men; in the
twenty…one miles between Wells and Cromer; broke down eleven
times。 Each time this misfortune befell them one young man
scattered tools in the road and on his knees hammered
ostentatiously at the tin hood; and the other two occupants
of the car sauntered to the beach。 There they chucked pebbles
at the waves and then slowly retraced their steps。 Each time
the route by which they returned was different from the one
by which they had set forth。 Sometimes they followed the
beaten path down the cliff or; as it chanced to be; across
the marshes; sometimes they slid down the face of the
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