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the red cross girl-第38部分

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〃It was HE sent for you;〃 he said; 〃but he doesn't need you。
Fortunately; he's a damned bad shot!〃

The boy's eyes opened wearily; before we could prevent it he

〃I was so tired;〃 he whispered。 〃Always moving me on。 I was so 

Behind me came heavy footsteps; and though with my arm I tried to
bar them out; the two detectives pushed into the doorway。 They
shoved me to one side and through the passage made for him came
the Jew in the sable coat; Mr。 Adolph Meyer。

For an instant the little great man stood with wide; owl…like
eyes; staring at the face on the pillow。

Then he sank softly to his knees。 In both his hands he caught the
hand of the card…sharp。

〃Heine!〃 he begged。 〃Don't you know me? It is your brother
Adolph; your little brother Adolph!〃

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