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the red cross girl-第7部分

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〃I did;〃 returned Elliott; 〃I liked it so much that I'm
sending you to a bigger place; where you can get bigger
stories。 We want you to act as our special correspondent in
London。 Mr。 Walsh will explain the work; and if you'll go
you'll sail next Wednesday。〃

After his talk with the foreign editor Sam again walked home
on air。 He could not believe it was realthat it was
actually to him it had happened; for hereafter he was to
witness the march of great events; to come in contact with
men of international interests。 Instead of reporting what was
of concern only from the Battery to Forty…seventh Street; he
would now tell New York what was of interest in Europe and
the British Empire; and so to the whole world。 There was one
drawback only to his happinessthere was no one with whom he
might divide it。 He wanted to celebrate his good fortune; he
wanted to share it with some one who would understand how
much it meant to him; who would really care。 Had Sister Anne
lived; she would have understood; and he would have laid
himself and his new position at her feet and begged her to
accept thembegged her to run away with him to this
tremendous and terrifying capital of the world; and start the
new life together。

Among all the women he knew; there was none to take her
place。 Certainly Anita Flagg could not take her place。 Not
because she was rich; not because she had jeered at him and
made him a laughing…stock; not because his admirationand he
blushed when he remembered how openly; how ingenuously he had
shown it to hermeant nothing; but because the girl he
thought she was; the girl he had made dreams about and wanted
to marry without a moment's notice; would have seen that what
he offered; ridiculous as it was when offered to Anita Flagg;
was not ridiculous when offered sincerely to a tired; nerve…
worn; overworked nurse in a hospital。 It was because Anita
Flagg had not seen that that she could not now make up to him
for the girl he had lost; even though she herself had
inspired that girl and for a day given her existence。

Had he known it; the Anita Flagg of his imagining was just as
unlike and as unfair to the real girl as it was possible for
two people to be。 His Anita Flagg he had created out of the
things he had read of her in impertinent Sunday supplements
and from the impression he had been given of her by the
little ass; Holworthy。 She was not at all like that。 Ever
since she had come of age she had been beset by sycophants
and flatterers; both old and young; both men and girls; and
by men who wanted her money and by men who wanted her。 And it
was because she got the motives of the latter two confused
that she was so often hurt and said sharp; bitter things that
made her appear hard and heartless。

As a matter of fact; in approaching her in the belief that he
was addressing an entirely different person; Sam had got
nearer to the real Anita Flagg than had any other man。 And
sowhen on arriving at the office the next morning; which
was a Friday; he received a telegram reading; 〃Arriving to…
morrow nine…thirty from Greenwich; the day cannot begin too
soon; don't forget you promised to meet me。 Anita Flagg 〃he
was able to reply: 〃 Extremely sorry; but promise made to a
different person; who unfortunately has since died!〃'

When Anita Flagg read this telegram there leaped to her
lovely eyes tears that sprang from self…pity and wounded
feelings。 She turned miserably; appealingly to Helen Page。

〃But why does he do it to me?〃 Her tone was that of the
bewildered child who has struck her head against the table;
and from the naughty table; without cause or provocation; has
received the devil of a bump。

Before Miss Page could venture upon an explanation; Anita
Flagg had changed into a very angry young woman。

〃And what's more;〃 she announced; 〃he can't do it to me!〃

She sent her telegram back again as it was; word for word;
but this time it was signed; Sister Anne。〃

In an hour the answer came: 〃Sister Anne is the person to
whom I refer。 She is dead。〃

Sam was not altogether at ease at the outcome of his
adventure。 It was not in his nature to be rudecertainly not
to a woman; especially not to the most beautiful woman he had
ever seen。 For; whether her name was Anita or Anne; about her
beauty there could be no argument; but he assured himself
that he had acted within his rights。 A girl who could see in
a well…meant offer to be kind only a subject for ridicule was
of no interest to him。 Nor did her telegrams insisting upon
continuing their acquaintance flatter him。 As he read them;
they showed only that she looked upon him as one entirely out
of her worldas one with whom she could do an unconventional
thing and make a good story about it later; knowing that it
would be accepted as one of her amusing caprices。

He was determined he would not lend himself to any such
performance。 And; besides; he no longer was a foot…loose;
happy…go…lucky reporter。 He no longer need seek for
experiences and material to turn into copy。 He was now a man
with a responsible positionone who soon would be conferring
with cabinet ministers and putting ambassadors At their ease。
He wondered if a beautiful heiress; whose hand was sought in
marriage by the nobility of England; would understand the
importance of a London correspondent。 He hoped someone would
tell her。 He liked to think of her as being considerably
impressed and a little unhappy。

Saturday night he went to the theatre for which he had
purchased tickets。 And he went alone; for the place that
Sister Anne was to have occupied could not be filled by any
other person。 It would have been sacrilege。 At least; so it
pleased him to pretend。 And all through dinner; which he ate
alone at the same restaurant to which he had intended taking
her; he continued; to pretend she was with him。 And at the
theatre; where there was going forward the most popular of
all musical comedies; the seat next to him; which to the
audience; appeared wastefully empty; was to him filled with
her gracious presence。 That Sister Anne was not therethat
the pretty romance he had woven about her had ended in
disasterfilled; him with real regret。 He was glad he was;;
leaving New York。 He was glad he was going; where nothing
would remind him of her。 And then he glanced upand looked
straight into her eyes!

He was seated in the front row; directly on the aisle。 The
seat Sister Anne was supposed to be occupying was on his
right; and a few seats farther to his right rose the stage
box and in the stage box; and in the stage box; almost upon
the stage; and with the glow of the foot…lights full in her
face; was Anita Flagg; smiling delightedly down on him。 There
were others with her。 He had a confused impression of bulging
shirt…fronts; and shining silks; and diamonds; and drooping
plumes upon enormous hats。 He thought he recognized Lord
Deptford and Holworthy; but the only person he distinguished
clearly was Anita Flagg。 The girl was all in black velvet;
which was drawn to her figure like a wet bathing suit; round
her throat was a single string of pearls; and on her hair of
golden…rod was a great hat of black velvet; shaped like a
bell; with the curving lips of a lily。 And from beneath its
brim Anita Flagg; sitting rigidly erect with her white…gloved
hands resting lightly on her knee; was gazing down at him;
smiling with pleasure; with surprise; with excitement。

When she saw that; in spite of her altered appearance; he
recognized her; she bowed so violently and bent her head so
eagerly that above her the ostrich plumes dipped and
courtesied like wheat in a storm。 But Sam neither bowed nor
courtesied。 Instead; he turned his head slowly over his left
shoulder; as though he thought she was speaking not to him
but some one beyond him; across the aisle。 And then his eyes
returned to the stage and did not again look toward her。 It
was not the cut direct; but it was a cut that hurt; and in
their turn the eyes of Miss Flagg quickly sought the stage。
At the moment; the people in the audience happened to be
laughing; and she forced a smile and then laughed with them。

Out of the corner of his eye Sam could not help seeing her
profile exposed pitilessly in the glow of the foot…lights;
saw her lips tremble like those of a child about to cry; and
then saw the forced; hard smileand heard her laugh lightly
and mechanically。

〃That's all she cares。〃 he told himself。

It seemed to him that in all he heard of her; in everything
she did; she kept robbing him still further of all that was
dear to him in Sister Anne。

For five minutes; conscious of the foot…lights; Miss Flagg
maintained upon her lovely face a fixed and intent
expression; and then slowly and unobtrusively drew back to a
seat in the rear of the box。 In the' darkest recesses she
found Holworthy; shut off from a view of the stage by a
barrier of women's hats。

〃Your friend Mr。 Ward;〃 she began abruptly; in a whisper; 〃is
the rudest; most ill…bred person I ever met。 When I talked to
him the〃 other day I thought he was nice。 He was nice; But he
has behaved abominablylike a boorlike a sulky child。 Has
he no sense of humor? Because I played a joke on him; is
that any reason why he should hurt me?〃

〃Hurt you?〃 exclaimed little Holworthy in amazement。 〃Don't
be ridiculous! How could he hurt you? Why should you care how
rude he is? Ward's a clever fellow; but he fancies himself。
He's conceited。 He's too good…looking; and a lot of silly
women have made such a fuss over him。 So when one of them
laughs at him he can't understand it。 That's the trouble。 I
could see that when I was telling him。〃

〃Telling him!〃 repeated Miss Flagg〃Telling him what?〃

〃About what a funny story you made of it;〃 explained
Holworthy。 〃About his having the nerve to ask you to feed the
monkeys and to lunch with him。〃

Miss Flagg interrupted with a gasping intake of her breath。

〃Oh!〃 she said softly。 〃So…so you told him that; did you?
Andwhat else did you tell him?〃 ;

〃Only what you told usthat he said 'the day could not begin
too soon'; that he said he wouldn't let you be a manicure and
wash the hands of men who weren't fit to wash the streets you
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