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  There抯 nowhere for the weapon to lodge its blade。
  Why? Because they抳e abolished the realm of death。


  The Way creates them。
  Virtue raises them。
  Things shape them。
  Events mature them。
  So the myriad creatures value the Way
  And all honour virtue。
  The Way is valued and virtue honoured
  Not by force; but of its nature。
  So the Way creates them and raises them;
  Rears them and nourishes them;
  Develops and matures them;
  Feeds and shelters them。
  It gives them life without possession。
  It benefits them but asks no thanks。
  It holds but imposes no authority。
  Such is the mysterious virtue。


  All things have an origin。
  The origin could be called the Mother。
  When you know the Mother;
  You can know the child。
  When you know the child;
  Return to clasp the Mother;
  And you抣l find no danger
  To the end of your life。
  Block up the openings。
  Shut the doors;
  And you抣l not fail
  To the end of your life。
  Unblock the openings;
  Add to your problems;
  You抣l be beyond help
  To the end of your life。
  To see the subtle is called discernment。
  To hold to the weak is called strength。
  Use discernment but return to the light。
  This is called pursuing the constant。


  If I had a little knowledge
  I抎 walk the great Way;
  And only fear straying from it。
  The great Way is broad;
  But people like sidetracks。
  The Court is immaculate
  But the fields are full of weeds。
  The barns are empty
  But the rulers are finely dressed;
  Swords by their sides;
  Gorged with food and drink;
  Owning too much wealth。
  This is called glorious theft。
  This is far away from the Way。


  The well…rooted cannot be dislodged。
  The tightly…held will not be lost。
  Generation after generation
  Worship their ancestors forever。
  Cultivate it in yourself
  Its virtue will be real。
  Cultivate it in the family
  Its virtue will overflow。
  Cultivate it in the village
  Its virtue will extend。
  Cultivate it in the state
  Its virtue will flourish。
  Cultivate it in the realm
  Its virtue will be all…pervasive。
  Assess the self by considering yourself。
  Assessthe family by considering the family。
  Assess the village by considering the village。
  Assess the state by considering the state。
  Assess the realm by considering the realm。
  How do I know the realm is like that?
  By means of this。


  One who possesses true virtue
  Is like a new…born infant。
  Poisonous insects won抰 sting it。
  Savage creatures won抰 bite it。
  Birds of prey won抰 claw it。
  Though its bones are weak;
  And its muscles feeble;
  Its grip is still strong。
  Though it doesn抰 know about sexual union
  Its sexual parts are already active;
  This is because it has perfect vitality。
  It cries all day without becoming hoarse;
  This is because it抯 in perfect harmony。
  To know this harmony is called the constant。
  To know the constant is called enlightenment。
  Fuelling the vital spirits is called disastrous。
  Mind impelling the breath is called violence。
  The creature that ignores what exists from of old
  Is described as going against the Way。
  What goes against the Way
  Will come to a swift end。


  One who knows does not speak。
  One who speaks does not know。
  Block up the openings。
  Shut the doors;
  Blunt the sharp:
  Loose the knots:
  Dim the glare:
  Follow old tracks。
  This is called mysterious oneness。
  You can抰 possess it but can抰 escape it。
  You can抰 benefit it or harm it。
  You can抰 honour it or debase it。
  So it抯 valued throughout the realm。


  Govern the state by being honest。
  Wage war by being clever。
  Achieve the realm by not meddling。
  How do I know it is like that? By this:
  The more regulations
  The poorer the people。
  The more sharp weapons
  The more troubled the country。
  The cleverer the people
  The more distractions。
  The wider the knowledge of law;
  The more there are thieves and rogues。
  So the wise say:
  I take no action and the people transform themselves。
  I remain still and the people set themselves right。
  I don抰 interfere and the people themselves prosper。
  I am free of desires and the people of themselves
  Hold to the un…carved block。


  When government meanders
  The people are straightforward。
  When government interferes
  The people are cunning。
  The fortunate leans on the unfortunate;
  The unfortunate crouches beneath the fortunate。
  Who knows when to stop?
  Where is the simple?
  The simple becomes cunning;
  The good becomes perverse。
  The people have certainly
  Been wrong for a long time!
  So the wise are foursquare
  But not sharp。
  Have corners
  But don抰 cut。
  Extend themselves
  But spare others。
  Shine out
  But don抰 glare。


  In governing the people and serving heaven
  Moderation is best in a ruler。
  By being moderate
  One starts from the Way。
  Starting from the Way
  One gains a wealth of virtue。
  Gaining a wealth of virtue
  There is nothing that can抰 be overcome。
  When there抯 nothing that can抰 be overcome
  There are no limitations。
  When there are no limitations
  The realm can be achieved。
  When the mother of the realm is achieved;
  One endures。
  This is called 慸eep roots and a firm stem?br》 Through which one acquires long life。


  Ruling a large state is like boiling a delicate fish。
  When the realm is governed by the Way
  Malicious influences lose their power。
  Or rather they retain their power
  But cause the people no harm。
  Neither they nor the wise
  Cause the people harm。
  Since neither harms the people
  Their merit is one and the same。


  A large state should be the estuary of a river;
  Where all the streams of the world come together。
  In the coming together of the world
  The female overcomes the male by weakness。
  Being weak she takes the lower position。
  So a large state taking the lower position
  Allies itself with a small state。
  A small state taking the lower position
  Is allied with a large state。
  One by taking the lower position allies itself;
  The other by taking the lower position is allied。
  All the large state wishes
  Is to join with and nourish the other。
  All the small state wishes
  Is for its services to be accepted by the other。
  In order to achieve what they wish
  The great adopt the lower position。


  The Way is the myriad creatures?refuge。
  It is that which the good extend;
  And that which defends the bad。
  Eloquent words can win promotion。
  Eloquent actions can elevate。
  Even if a person is bad; should one reject them?
  When the ruler is installed
  And the three great ministers appointed;
  Though jade disks
  And four…horse teams are offered;
  It抯 better to grant the gift of the Way
  Without stirring from one抯 place。
  Why was the Way valued of old?
  Was it not said it brought achievement;
  And mitigated the punishment of the guilty。
  So it was prized by the realm。


  Do what involves no action。
  Promote things without meddling。
  Savour what has no flavour。
  Make the small; great
  And the few; many。
  Counter harm with virtue。
  Tackle the difficult while it抯 still easy;
  Address the great while it抯 still small。
  Difficult things have easy beginnings;
  Great things have small beginnings。
  Because the wise never try to be great;
  That is how they achieve greatness。
  Rash promises are rarely fulfilled。
  Thinking things easy makes them difficult。
  The wise treat things as if they were difficult。
  And so are not overcome by difficulties。


  It抯 easy to control what is at rest。
  It抯 easy to handle what抯 not yet developed。
  It抯 easy to shatter what抯 still un…tempered。
  It抯 easy to disperse what抯 still limited。
  Deal with things before they grow。
  Manage affairs before they抮e chaotic。
  A tree as wide as a man抯 arms
  Grows from a tiny seed。
  A tower nine stories high
  Rises from piles of earth。
  A journey of a thousand miles
  Starts with a single step。
  Whoever meddles with things ruins them。
  Whoever grasps things loses them。
  The wise by non…action ruin nothing。
  By not grasping they lose nothing。
  People in their projects
  Fail on the brink of success。
  Be as careful at the end as the start
  And failure will be avoided。
  So the wise desire to be free of desire;
  And place no value on what is scarce:
  Learn how to exist without learning;
  And correct the faults of the many:
  Help all things to conform to nature;
  And avoid the rashness of action。


  Those of old who were skilled in the Way
  Did not use it to enlighten people;
  But rather to maintain simplicity。
  When people are difficult to govern
  It抯 because they抳e become too clever。
  Governing the state by cleverness
  Is a disaster for the state。
  Not to govern a state by cleverness
  Is a blessing for the state。
  These are the givens。
  To always understand the given;
  Is called mysterious virtue。
  Mysterious virtue is deep and profound。
  When things return to the given; it returns。
  And only then are things in complete accord。


  The reason why River and Sea can be
  The rulers of the hundred valleys
  Is because they adopt the lower position。
  So they can command the hundred valleys。
  In order to command people
  You should be humble with them。
  If you want to lead people
  You should follow behind。
  So the wise command the people
  But avoid being a burden。
  They go in front of the people
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