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  All Things … All in and of creation … sometimes called the 〃Ten…Thousand Things〃。 If it exists in heaven or on earth; it is a part of All Things。

  Ch'i … Energy; normally circulating energy; the body's life force; that which some would have flowing at and from various chakras。 Ch'i permits: artistic creativity to happen; until such time one becomes aware of it … then it shuts off。 When you're sick; somewhere in your body the Ch'i is restricted。

  The Sage … The wise one; a wise and learned one。 The Sage is you the reader; as your natural intuitive self absorbs the Tao into your life and it begins to reflect its teachings。 More than likely; you will not find yourself consciously aware of this happening 。 。 。 rest assured; it is。 

  Te … Some call it Virtue … but Te is more than what most Westerners think of as virtue。 It has mystical powers … it is all that is powerful and right in the world。 Te is the manifestation of Tao in All Things。

  Wu…Wei … Action through non…action。 Some would call it a Laissez Faire attitude。 A quietness; a unique passivity which magically acts to cause a change in events。

  Yang and Yin … Yang is the creative force represented as heaven; active; top; bright; good in Western eyes; basically 〃uppers〃。 Yin is the receptive force represented as Earth; passive bottom; dark; evil; in Western eyes; basically 〃downers〃。 Yang is also associated with all thing male and Yin all things female。 While Western frequently attribute a sexual orientation as the prime characteristic of Yang and Yin; in Eastern thought it is just one of the many sets of opposing characteristics described as Yang or Yin。 

  Tao … Sorry; Folks … You're on your own。 You will soon know that the Tao; while ever present is beyond definition。 



  The true Tao escapes definition;
  Likewise; Tao is unburdened by Name。
  Heaven and Earth originated unburdened by Name;
  However; Name serves well to create All Things。

  Unburdened by desire; the essence of Tao unfolds。
  With desire; its manifestations alone appear。
  The same source serves both essence and manifestation。

  While viewed differently; both are characterized by deep mystery。
  Deep mystery … wondrous mystery …
  A gateway to the very essence of existence。



  Beauty becomes recognized as beauty;
  As its difference from ugliness is seen。
  Goodness and love become recognized;
  As their difference from evil and hatred is felt。

  The Relationship of:
  … Being and non…being is known through life and growth。
  … Difficult and easy is known through achievement and completion。
  … Long and short is known through form and contrast。
  … High and low is known through relationship and position。
  … Sound and voice is known through amplitude and harmony。
  … Front and behind is known through position and sequence。

  Wu…Wei graces the affairs of the Sage …
  Teaching gracefully; Without words。
  Receiving all happening as natural;
  Without needing to judge or control。
  Giving life and animation to all experience
  Without needing to dominate。
  Accomplishing; Without expecting reward。

  In never assuming importance;
  When the Sage's work is complete;
  It remains; everlastingly。



  When neither the meritorious; worthy; gifted nor wise are exalted or rewarded;
  Fighting; quarreling and contention become unnecessary。
  When treasure; rare objects and belongings are not accumulated; valued and prized;
  The rewards of thievery cease to have meaning。

  When desirable things are not seen nor displayed;
  The hearts of people are not troubled; excited or confused。
  The Sage governs himself and leads others by:
  … Encouraging the heart to be open and free from desire。
  … Providing sustenance for the stomach。
  … Calming the will to strive for the sake of striving。
  … Strengthening the body。

  Thus; keeping all; innocent and free of knowledge and desire;
  The Sage discourages the cunning from harmful action。
  Wu…Wei …
  Action unforced …
  Permitting all to just happen;
  by itself;
  without effort。



  Tho' Tao is empty … its grace is inexhaustible
  A deep and unfathomable source;
  The ancestor of all there is。

  Through the Tao: … Rough edges are smoothed。
  … Hard knots are untied。
  … Glare of light is softened。
  … Busyness of life is tempered。

  Tho' hidden deeply … it is ever present。
  Its origin ? … A mystery to me。
  It just seems to have been forever。



  Nature is impartial …
  While regarding All Things of the universe
  as sacred;
  Graces them with equality。
  Likewise; the Sage is impartial …
  While regarding all creatures as sacred;
  Graces them with equality。

  The universe … a moving bellows … Yin and Yang
  always emptying … always full;
  Endlessly working … endlessly yielding forth。

  Understanding the nature of the universe
  by words and by intellect;
  Leads to exhaustion。
  Hold instead to that intuition which;
  Rising from the gut of mankind;
  Resembles original nature。



  The spirit of the valley is
  Empty … Receptive … Eternal。
  She is Yin … The Primal Mother。
  At her door … the root of heaven and earth;
  Which is continuous; without end。

  Taking it; using it; drawing upon it;
  It serves eternally … without fail。



  The universe is everlasting。
  Not existing for itself; but giving life to all;
  It endures forever。

  Thus; the Sage …
  … Remaining behind and in the background;
  Finds himself ahead and in the foreground。
  … Staying detached;
  Finds himself at one with all。
  … Being selfless;
  Attains fulfillment。



  The highest good of mankind; is like water …
  … Without competition; gives Life to All Things。
  … Flowing; it seeks and dwells in places rejected by mankind。
  Thus it approaches close to the Tao。

  Accordingly; the Sage …
  … In dwelling; Seeks closeness to the earth。
  … In heart; Seeks that which is profound。
  … In relationships; Seeks gentleness and kindness。
  … In speech; Seeks sincerity and truthfulness。
  … In government; Seeks justice; order and peace。
  … In business; Seeks ability and competence。
  … In movement and action; Seeks timeliness。

  The Sage …
  Remaining free from competition and contention;
  Is without blame … beyond reproach。



  Stop short of full;
  Pour not to the brim。
  Over…sharpen the sword;
  And the edge will soon blunt。
  Be surrounded with treasure;
  And lie ill at ease。
  Claim title and honor and wealth;
  And downfall will follow。

  With mission accomplished … withdraw。
  Such is in harmony with Tao。



  Can you:
  Embrace oneness … Maintaining a unity of mind; body and spirit?
  Control the Ch'i …
  By concentration; cause it to be soft; as a little child?
  Clear and purify inner mystic vision …
  Spotless and without blur; creating perfection?
  Govern and lead … openly; honestly and simply
  The governed barely sensing your effect?
  Handle 〃life's…gate〃 experiences of birth and death …
  Maintaining the receptive principle of Yin?
  Be open to All Things … with true understanding
  Remaining detached; taking no action; not interfering?
  Give birth and nourish All Things …
  Seeking neither to lay claim nor possess?
  Act and work …
  Seeking neither credit nor reward?
  Lead and assist …
  Seeking neither to master nor dominate?

  To do this is the primal virtue …
  The profound and mysterious Te。



  While thirty spokes are the substance
  of the cartwheel;
  The empty space within the hub and between
  the spokes permits the wheel to be useful

  While clay is the substance of the vessel;
  The empty space within permits the vessel
  to be useful。

  While doors and windows are cut
  as the substance of the wall;
  The empty space within these enclosures
  permits them to be useful。

  Form is generated by what IS。
  Usefulness lies in what IS NOT。



  Altogether; the five colors …
  Confuse; overwhelm and blind the eye。
  Altogether; the five sounds …
  Confuse; overwhelm and deafen the ear。
  Altogether; the five flavors …
  Confuse; overwhelm and dull the taste。
  Compulsive activity or pursuit of possessions …
  Confuses; overwhelms and maddens the mind。

  The Sage rejects the sensuous environment;
  Being better guided by intuitive truth …
  His inner nature。



  Favor and glory as well as disfavor and disgrace;
  All cause pain in equal measure。 …
  As disfavor and disgrace cause pain;
  Possessing favor and glory …
  The fear of its loss is ever present。

  What we value and what we choose to fear
  Are both contained within our body/selves。
  We possess fear because we have a body/self。
  Ceasing to acknowledge the body part of self;
  Nothing of significance remains to be feared。

  The leader …
  In honoring and loving his responsibilities
  as he honors and loves the body/self;
  Can be entrusted with the leadership
  of his domain。



  Looking for it; it cannot be seen …
  Being formless; it is called Yi; the invisible。
  Listening to it; it cannot be heard …
  Being soundless; it is called Hsi; the inaudible。
  Grasping at it; it cannot be reached …
  Being subtle; it is called Wei; the intangible。
  These three; imperceptible; indescribable …
  Mystically united and elusively perceived
  as an undefinable oneness。

  As the oneness ascends … no light appears。
  As the oneness descend
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