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When the dainty Baby Bell

Came to this world of ours。


O Baby; dainty Baby Bell;

How fair she grew from day to day!

What woman…nature filled her eyes;

What poetry within them lay …

Those deep and tender twilight eyes;

So full of meaning; pure and bright

As if she yet stood in the light

Of those oped gates of Paradise。

And so we loved her more and more:

Ah; never in our hearts before

Was love so lovely born:

We felt we had a link between

This real world and that unseen …

The land beyond the morn;

And for the love of those dear eyes;

For love of her whom God led forth;

(The mother's being ceased on earth

When Baby came from Paradise;) …

For love of Him who smote our lives;

And woke the chords of joy and pain;

We said; Dear Christ! … our hearts bowed down

Like violets after rain。


And now the orchards; which were white

And pink with blossoms when she came;

Were rich in autumn's mellow prime;

The clustered apples burnt like flame;

The folded chestnut burst its shell;

The grapes hung purpling; range on range;

And time wrought just as rich a change

In little Baby Bell。

Her lissome form more perfect grew;

And in her features we could trace;

In softened curves; her mother's face。

Her angel…nature ripened too:

We thought her lovely when she came;

But she was holy; saintly now 。。。

Around her pale angelic brow

We saw a slender ring of flame。


God's hand had taken away the seal

That held the portals of her speech;

And oft she said a few strange words

Whose meaning lay beyond our reach。

She never was a child to us;

We never held her being's key;

We could not teach her holy things

Who was Christ's self in purity。


It came upon us by degrees;

We saw its shadow ere it fell …

The knowledge that our God had sent

His messenger for Baby Bell。

We shuddered with unlanguaged pain;

And all our hopes were changed to fears;

And all our thoughts ran into tears

Like sunshine into rain。

We cried aloud in our belief;

〃Oh; smite us gently; gently; God!

Teach us to bend and kiss the rod;

And perfect grow through grief。〃

Ah! how we loved her; God can tell;

Her heart was folded deep in ours。

Our hearts are broken; Baby Bell!


At last he came; the messenger;

The messenger from unseen lands:

And what did dainty Baby Bell?

She only crossed her little hands;

She only looked more meek and fair!

We parted back her silken hair;

We wove the roses round her brow …

White buds; the summer's drifted snow …

Wrapped her from head to foot in flowers 。。。

And thus went dainty Baby Bell

Out of this world of ours。

Thomas Bailey Aldrich '1837…1907' 



Mistress Mary; quite contrary;

How does your garden grow?

With cockle…shells; and silver bells;

And pretty maids all in a row。

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe;

She had so many children she didn't know what to do;

She gave them some broth without any bread;

Then whipped them all soundly and put them to bed。

Peter; Peter; pumpkin eater;

Had a wife and couldn't keep her;

He put her in a pumpkin shell

And there he kept her very well。


Three men in a tub;

And who do you think they be?

The butcher; the baker;

The candlestick…maker;

Turn 'em out; knaves all three!

I'll tell you a story

About Jack a Nory …

And now my story's begun;

I'll tell you another

About Johnny; his brother …

And now my story is done。

Hickory; dickory; dock;

The mouse ran up the clock;

The clock struck one;

The mouse ran down;

Hickory; dickory; dock。

A dillar; a dollar;

A ten o'clock scholar;

What makes you come so soon?

You used to come at ten o'clock

But now you come at noon。

There was a little man;

And he had a little gun;

And his bullets were made of lead; lead; lead;

He shot Johnny Sprig

Through the middle of his wig;

And knocked it right off his head; head; head。

There was an old woman; and what do you think?

She lived upon nothing but victuals and drink:

Victuals and drink were the chief of her diet:

Yet this little old woman could never be quiet。

She went to a baker to buy her some bread;

And when she came home; her husband was dead;

She went to the clerk to toll the bell;

And when she came back her husband was well。

If I had as much money as I could spend;

I never would cry old chairs to mend;

Old chairs to mend; old chairs to mend;

I never would cry old chairs to mend。

If I had as much money as I could tell;

I never would cry old clothes to sell;

Old clothes to sell; old clothes to sell;

I never would cry old clothes to sell。

One misty; moisty morning;

When cloudy was the weather;

I met a little old man

Clothed all in leather;

He began to bow and scrape;

And I began to grin; …

How do you do; and how do you do;

And how do you do again?

If all the world were apple…pie;

And all the sea were ink;

And all the trees were bread and cheese;

What should we have to drink?

Pease…pudding hot;

Pease…pudding cold;

Pease…pudding in the pot;

Nine days old。

Some like it hot;

Some like it cold;

Some like it in the pot;

Nine days old。

Hey; diddle; diddle;

The cat and the fiddle;

The cow jumped over the moon;

The little dog laughed

To see such sport;

And the dish ran away with the spoon。

Little Jack Horner sat in the corner

Eating a Christmas pie;

He put in his thumb; and pulled out a plum;

And said; 〃What a good boy am I!〃

Little Miss Muffet;

Sat on a tuffet;

Eating of curds and whey;

There came a great spider

That sat down beside her;

And frightened Miss Muffet away。

There was a crooked man; and he went a crooked mile。

He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile:

He bought a crooked cat; which caught a crooked mouse;

And they all lived together in a little crooked house。

Little Polly Flinders;

Sat among the cinders;

Warming her pretty little toes;

Her mother came and caught her;

And whipped her little daughter

For spoiling her nice new clothes。

Barber; barber; shave a pig;

How many hairs will make a wig?

〃Four…and…twenty; that's enough。〃

Give the barber a pinch of snuff。

Little Boy Blue; come blow up your horn;

The sheep's in the meadow; the cow's in the corn;

But where is the boy that looks after the sheep?

He's under a hay…cock; fast asleep。

Will you awake him?  No; not I;

For if I do; he'll be sure to cry。

There was a man of our town;

And he was wondrous wise;

He jumped into a bramble bush;

And scratched out both his eyes:

But when he saw his eyes were out;

With all his might and main;

He jumped into another bush;

And scratched 'em in again。

The north wind doth blow;

And we shall have snow;

And what will poor Robin do then;

Poor thing?

He'll sit in a barn;

And to keep himself warm;

Will hide his head under his wing;

Poor thing!

Higgleby; piggleby; my black hen;

She lays eggs for gentlemen;

Sometimes nine; and sometimes ten;

Higgleby; piggleby; my black hen。

Three wise men of Gotham

Went to sea in a bowl;

If the bowl had been stronger;

My song had been longer。

There was an old woman lived under a hill;

And if she's not gone; she lives there still。

Pussy…cat; pussy…cat; where have you been?

I've been to London to look at the Queen。

Pussy…cat; pussy…cat; what did you there?

I frightened a little mouse under the chair。

There were two blackbirds sitting on a hill;

The one named Jack; the other named Jill;

Fly away; Jack!  Fly away; Jill!

Come again; Jack!  Come again; Jill!

Goosey; goosey; gander;

Whither shall I wander;

Up stairs; down stairs;

And in my lady's chamber。

There I met an old man

Who would not say his prayers;

I took him by his left leg

And threw him down the stairs。

Baa; baa; black sheep; have you any wool?

Yes; sir; yes; sir; three; bags full。

One for my master; one for my dame;

And one for the little boy that lives in the lane。

Bye; baby bunting;

Daddy's gone a…hunting

To get a little rabbit…skin

To wrap the baby bunting in。

Old King Cole was a merry old soul;

And a merry old soul was he;

He called for his pipe; and he called for his bowl;

And he called for his fiddlers three。

Every fiddler; he had a fiddle; and a very fine fiddle had he;

Twee tweedle dee; tweedle dee; went the fiddlers。

Oh; there's none so rare; as can compare

With King Cole and his fiddlers three!

Ride a cock…horse to Banbury Cross;

To see a fine lady ride on a white horse;

Rings on her fingers; and bells on her toes;

She shall have music wherever she goes。

Hector Protector was dressed all in green;

Hector Protector was sent to the Queen。

The Queen did not like him; no more did the King;

So Hector Protector was sent back again。

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;

A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked;

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;

Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

Jack Sprat could eat no fat;

His wife could eat no lean;

And so; betwixt them both; you see;

They licked the platter clean。

The lion and the unicorn

Were fighting for the crown;

The lion beat the unicorn

All round about the town。

Some gave them white bread;

And some gave them brown;

Some gave them plum cake;

And sent them out of town。
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