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William Miller '1810…1872'


The rosy clouds float overhead;

The sun is going down;

And now the sandman's gentle tread

Comes stealing through the town。

〃White sand; white sand;〃 he softly cries;

And as he shakes his hand;

Straightway there lies on babies' eyes

His gift of shining sand。

Blue eyes; gray eyes; black eyes; and brown;

As shuts the rose; they softly close; when he goes through the town。

From sunny beaches far away …

Yes; in another land …

He gathers up at break of day

His stone of shining sand。

No tempests beat that shore remote;

No ships may sail that way;

His little boat alone may float

Within that lovely bay。

Blue eyes; gray eyes; black eyes; and brown;

As shuts the rose; they softly close; when he goes through the town。

He smiles to see the eyelids close

Above the happy eyes;

And every child right well he knows; …

Oh; he is very wise!

But if; as he goes through the land;

A naughty baby cries;

His other hand takes dull gray sand

To close the wakeful eyes。

Blue eyes; gray eyes; black eyes; and brown;

As shuts the rose; they softly close; when he goes through the town。

So when you hear the sandman's song

Sound through the twilight sweet;

Be sure you do not keep him long

A…waiting in the street。

Lie softly down; dear little head;

Rest quiet; busy hands;

Till; by your bed his good…night said;

He strews the shining sands。

Blue eyes; gray eyes; black eyes; and brown;

As shuts the rose; they softly close; when he goes through the town。

Margaret Thomson Janvier '1845…1913'


When the toys are growing weary;

And the twilight gathers in;

When the nursery still echoes

With the children's merry din;

Then unseen; unheard; unnoticed

Comes an old man up the stair;

Lightly to the children passes;

Lays his hand upon their hair。

Softly smiles the good old Dustman;

In their eyes the dust he throws;

Till their little heads are falling;

And their weary eyes must close。

Then the Dustman very gently

Takes each little dimpled hand

Leads them through the sweet green shadows;

Far away in slumberland。

Frederic Edward Weatherly '1848…1929'


From 〃Menaphon〃

Weep not; my wanton; smile upon my knee;

When thou art old there's grief enough for thee。

Mother's wag; pretty boy;

Father's sorrow; father's joy;

When thy father first did see

Such a boy by him and me;

He was glad; I was woe;

Fortune changed made him so;

When he left his pretty boy;

Last his sorrow; first his joy。

Weep not; my wanton; smile upon my knee;

When thou art old there's grief enough for thee。

Streaming tears that never stint;

Like pearl…drops from a flint;

Fell by course from his eyes;

That one another's place supplies;

Thus he grieved in every part;

Tears of blood fell from his heart;

When he left his pretty boy;

Father's sorrow; father's joy。

Weep not; my wanton; smile upon my knee;

When thou art old there's grief enough for thee。

The wanton smiled; father wept;

Mother cried; baby leapt;

More he crowed; more we cried;

Nature could not sorrow hide:

He must go; he must kiss

Child and mother; baby bliss;

For he left his pretty boy;

Father's sorrow; father's joy。

Weep not; my wanton; smile upon my knee;

When thou art old there's grief enough for thee。

Robert Greene '1560?…1592'


From 〃Patient Grissel〃

Golden slumbers kiss your eyes;

Smiles awake you when you rise。

Sleep; pretty wantons; do not cry;

And I will sing a lullaby。

Rock them; rock them; lullaby。

Care is heavy; therefore sleep you;

You are care; and care must keep you。

Sleep; pretty wantons; do not cry;

And I will sing a lullaby。

Rock them; rock them; lullaby。

Thomas Dekker '1570?…1641?'


Sleep; baby; sleep! what ails my dear;

What ails my darling thus to cry?

Be still; my child; and lend thine ear;

To hear me sing thy lullaby。

My pretty lamb; forbear to weep;

Be still; my dear; sweet baby; sleep。

Thou blessed soul; what canst thou fear?

What thing to thee can mischief do?

Thy God is now thy father dear;

His holy Spouse thy mother too。

Sweet baby; then forbear to weep;

Be still; my babe; sweet baby; sleep。

Though thy conception was in sin;

A sacred bathing thou hast had;

And though thy birth unclean hath been;

A blameless babe thou art now made。

Sweet baby; then forbear to weep;

Be still; my babe; sweet baby; sleep。

While thus thy lullaby I sing;

For thee great blessings ripening be;

Thine Eldest Brother is a king;

And hath a kingdom bought for thee。

Sweet baby; then forbear to weep;

Be still; my babe; sweet baby; sleep。

Sweet baby; sleep; and nothing fear;

For whosoever thee offends

By thy protector threatened are;

And God and angels are thy friends。

Sweet baby; then forbear to weep;

Be still; my babe; sweet baby; sleep。

When God with us was dwelling here;

In little babes He took delight;

Such innocents as thou; my dear;

Are ever precious in His sight。

Sweet baby; then forbear to weep;

Be still; my babe; sweet baby; sleep。

A little infant once was He;

And strength in weakness then was laid

Upon His Virgin Mother's knee;

That power to thee might be conveyed。

Sweet baby; then forbear to weep;

Be still; my babe; sweet baby; sleep。

In this thy frailty and thy need

He friends and helpers doth prepare;

Which thee shall cherish; clothe; and feed;

For of thy weal they tender are。

Sweet baby; then forbear to weep;

Be still; my babe; sweet baby; sleep。

The King of Kings when He was born;

Had not so much for outward ease;

By Him such dressings were not worn;

Nor such like swaddling…clothes as these。

Sweet baby; then forbear to weep;

Be still; my babe; sweet baby sleep。

Within a manger lodged thy Lord;

Where oxen lay and asses fed:

Warm rooms we do to thee afford;

An easy cradle for a bed。

Sweet baby; then forbear to weep;

Be still; my babe; sweet baby; sleep。

The wants that He did then sustain

Have purchased wealth; my babe; for thee;

And by His torments and His pain

Thy rest and ease secured be。

My baby; then forbear to weep;

Be still; my babe; sweet baby; sleep。

Thou hast; yet more; to perfect this

A promise and an earnest got

Of gaining everlasting bliss;

Though thou; my babe; perceiv'st it not。

Sweet baby; then forbear to weep;

Be still; my babe; sweet baby; sleep。

George Wither '1588…1667'


My heart is like a fountain true

That flows and flows with love to you。

As chirps the lark unto the tree

So chirps my pretty babe to me。

And it's O! sweet; sweet! and a lullaby。

There's not a rose where'er I seek;

As comely as my baby's cheek。

There's not a comb of honey…bee;

So full of sweets as babe to me。

And it's O! sweet; sweet! and a lullaby。

There's not a star that shines on high;

Is brighter than my baby's eye。

There's not a boat upon the sea;

Can dance as baby does to me。

And it's O! sweet; sweet! and a lullaby。

No silk was ever spun so fine

As is the hair of baby mine。

My baby smells more sweet to me

Than smells in spring the elder tree。

And it's O! sweet; sweet! and a lullaby。

A little fish swims in the well;

So in my heart does baby dwell。

A little flower blows on the tree;

My baby is the flower to me。

And it's O! sweet; sweet! and a lullaby。

The Queen has sceptre; crown and ball;

You are my sceptre; crown and all。

For all her robes of royal silk;

More fair your skin; as white as milk。

And it's O! sweet; sweet! and a lullaby。

Ten thousand parks where deer do run;

Ten thousand roses in the sun;

Ten thousand pearls beneath the sea;

My babe more precious is to me。

And it's O! sweet; sweet! and a lullaby。



Upon my lap my sovereign sits

And sucks upon my breast;

Meanwhile his love sustains my life

And gives my body rest。

Sing lullaby; my little boy;

Sing lullaby; mine only joy!

When thou hast taken thy repast;

Repose; my babe; on me;

So may thy mother and thy nurse

Thy cradle also be。

Sing lullaby; my little boy;

Sing lullaby; mine only joy!

I grieve that duty doth not work

All that my wishing would;

Because I would not be to thee

But in the best I should。

Sing lullaby; my little boy;

Sing lullaby; mine only joy!

Yet as I am; and as I may;

I must and will be thine;

Though all too little for thy self

Vouchsafing to be mine。

Sing lullaby; my little boy;

Sing lullaby; mine only joy!

Richard Rowlands 'fl。 1565…1620'


Hush! my dear; lie still and slumber;

Holy angels guard thy bed!

Heavenly blessings without number

Gently falling on thy head。

Sleep; my babe; thy food and raiment;

House and home; thy friends provide;

All without thy care or payment:

All thy wants are well supplied。

How much better thou'rt attended

Than the Son of God could be;

When from heaven He descended

And became a child like thee!

Soft and easy is thy cradle:

Coarse and hard thy Saviour lay;

When His birthplace was a stable

And His softest bed was hay。

Blessed babe! what glorious features …

Spotless fair; divinely bright!

Must He dwell with brutal creatures?

How could angels bear the sight?

Was there nothing but a manger

Cursed sinners could afford

To receive the heavenly stranger?

Did they thus affront their Lord?

Soft; my child: I did not chide thee;

Though my song might sound too hard;

'Tis thy mother sits beside thee;

And her arms shall be thy guard。

Yet to read the shameful story

How the Jews abused their King;

How they served the Lord of Glory;

Makes me angry whi
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