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The wind is passing by。

Christina Georgina Rossetti '1830…1894'


O winds that blow across the sea;

What is the story that you bring?

Leaves clap their hands on every tree

And birds about their branches sing。

You sing to flowers and trees and birds

Your sea…songs over all the land。

Could you not stay and whisper words

A little child might understand?

The roses nod to hear you sing;

But though I listen all the day;

You never tell me anything

Of father's ship so far away。

Its masts are taller than the trees;

Its sails are silver in the sun;

There's not a ship upon the seas

So beautiful as father's one。

With wings spread out it flies so fast

It leaves the waves all white with foam。

Just whisper to me; blowing past;

If you have seen it sailing home。

I feel your breath upon my cheek;

And in my hair; and on my brow。

Dear winds; if you could only speak;

I know that you would tell me now。

My father's coming home; you'd say;

With precious presents; one; two; three;

A shawl for mother; beads for May;

And eggs and shells for Rob and me。

The winds sing songs where'er they roam;

The leaves all clap their little hands;

For father's ship is coming home

With wondrous things from foreign lands。

Gabriel Setoun '1861…


A Child's Song

There sits a piper on the hill

Who pipes the livelong day;

And when he pipes both loud and shrill;

The frightened people say:

〃The wind; the wind is blowing up

'Tis rising to a gale。〃

The women hurry to the shore

To watch some distant sail。

The wind; the wind; the wind; the wind;

Is blowing to a gale。

But when he pipes all sweet and low;

The piper on the hill;

I hear the merry women go

With laughter; loud and shrill:

〃The wind; the wind is coming south

'Twill blow a gentle day。〃

They gather on the meadow…land

To toss the yellow hay。

The wind; the wind; the wind; the wind;

Is blowing south to…day。

And in the morn; when winter comes;

To keep the piper warm;

The little Angels shake their wings

To make a feather storm:

〃The snow; the snow has come at last!〃

The happy children call;

And 〃ring around〃 they dance in glee;

And watch the snowflakes fall。

The wind; the wind; the wind; the wind;

Has spread a snowy pall。

But when at night the piper plays;

I have not any fear;

Because God's windows open wide

The pretty tune to hear;

And when each crowding spirit looks;

From its star window…pane;

A watching mother may behold

Her little child again。

The wind; the wind; the wind; the wind;

May blow her home again。

Dora Sigerson Shorter '1862…1918'


Said the Wind to the Moon; 〃I will blow you out;

You stare

In the air

Like a ghost in a chair;

Always looking what I am about …

I hate to be watched; I'll blow you out。〃

The Wind blew hard; and out went the Moon。

So; deep

On a heap

Of clouds to sleep;

Down lay the Wind; and slumbered soon;

Muttering low; 〃I've done for that Moon。〃

He turned in his bed; she was there again!

On high

In the sky;

With her one ghost eye;

The Moon shone white and alive and plain。

Said the Wind; 〃I will blow you out again。〃

The Wind blew hard; and the Moon grew dim。

〃With my sledge;

And my wedge;

I have knocked off her edge!

If only I blow right fierce and grim;

The creature will soon be dimmer than dim。〃

He blew and he blew; and she thinned to a thread。

〃One puff

More's enough

To blow her to snuff!

One good puff more where the last was bred;

And glimmer; glimmer; glum will go the thread。〃

He blew a great blast; and the thread was gone。

In the air


Was a moonbeam bare;

Far off and harmless the shy stars shone …

Sure and certain the Moon was gone!

The Wind he took to his revels once more;

On down;

In town;

Like a merry…mad clown;

He leaped and halloed with whistle and roar …

〃What's that?〃 The glimmering thread once more!

He flew in a rage … he danced and blew;

But in vain

Was the pain

Of his bursting brain;

For still the broader the Moon…scrap grew;

The broader he swelled his big cheeks and blew。

Slowly she grew … till she filled the night;

And shone

On her throne

In the sky alone;

A matchless; wonderful silvery light;

Radiant and lovely; the queen of the night。

Said the Wind: 〃What a marvel of power am I!

With my breath;

Good faith!

I blew her to death …

First blew her away right out of the sky …

Then blew her in; what strength have I!

But the Moon she knew nothing about the affair;

For high

In the sky;

With her one white eye;

Motionless; miles above the air;

She had never heard the great Wind blare。

George Macdonald '1824…1905'


The silver birch is a dainty lady;

She wears a satin gown;

The elm tree makes the old churchyard shady;

She will not live in town。

The English oak is a sturdy fellow;

He gets his green coat late;

The willow is smart in a suit of yellow;

While brown the beech trees wait。

Such a gay green gown God gives the larches …

As green as He is good!

The hazels hold up their arms for arches

When Spring rides through the wood。

The chestnut's proud; and the lilac's pretty;

The poplar's gentle and tall;

But the plane tree's kind to the poor dull city …

I love him best of all!

Edith Nesbit '1858…1924'


Little brown brother; oh! little brown brother;

Are you awake in the dark?

Here we lie cosily; close to each other:

Hark to the song of the lark …

〃Waken!〃 the lark says; 〃waken and dress you;

Put on your green coats and gay;

Blue sky will shine on you; sunshine caress you …

Waken! 'tis morning … 'tis May!〃

Little brown brother; oh! little brown brother;

What kind of flower will you be?

I'll be a poppy … all white; like my mother;

Do be a poppy like me。

What! you're a sun…flower?  How I shall miss you

When you're grown golden and high!

But I shall send all the bees up to kiss you;

Little brown brother; good…bye。

Edith Nesbit '1858…1924'


Gay little Dandelion

Lights up the meads;

Swings on her slender foot;

Telleth her beads;

Lists to the robin's note

Poured from above;

Wise little Dandelion

Asks not for love。

Cold lie the daisy banks

Clothed but in green;

Where; in the days agone;

Bright hues were seen。

Wild pinks are slumbering;

Violets delay;

True little Dandelion

Greeteth the May。

Brave little Dandelion!

Fast falls the snow;

Bending the daffodil's

Haughty head low。

Under that fleecy tent;

Careless of cold;

Blithe little Dandelion

Counteth her gold。

Meek little Dandelion

Groweth more fair;

Till dies the amber dew

Out from her hair。

High rides the thirsty sun;

Fiercely and high;

Faint little Dandelion

Closeth her eye。

Pale little Dandelion;

In her white shroud;

Heareth the angel…breeze

Call from the cloud;

Tiny plumes fluttering

Make no delay;

Little winged Dandelion

Soareth away。

Helen Barron Bostwick '1826… ? '


From 〃Within and Without〃

Little White Lily sat by a stone;

Drooping and waiting till the sun shone。

Little White Lily sunshine has fed;

Little White Lily is lifting her head。

Little White Lily said: 〃It is good;

Little White Lily's clothing and food。〃

Little White Lily dressed like a bride!

Shining with whiteness; and crowned beside!

Little White Lily drooping with pain;

Waiting and waiting for the wet rain;

Little White Lily holdeth her cup;

Rain is fast falling and filling it up。

Little White Lily said: 〃Good again;

When I am thirsty to have the nice rain。

Now I am stronger; now I am cool;

Heat cannot burn me; my veins are so full。〃

Little White Lily smells very sweet;

On her head sunshine; rain at her feet。

Thanks to the sunshine; thanks to the rain;

Little White Lily is happy again。

George Macdonald '1824…1905'


Ring…ting!  I wish I were a Primrose;

A bright yellow Primrose; blowing in the Spring!

The stooping bough above me;

The wandering bee to love me;

The fern and moss to creep across;

And the Elm…tree for our King!

Nay; … stay!  I wish I were an Elm…tree;

A great lofty Elm…tree; with green leaves gay!

The winds would set them dancing;

The sun and moonshine glance in;

The Birds would house among the boughs;

And sweetly sing!

O … no!  I wish I were a Robin;

A Robin or a little Wren; everywhere to go;

Through forest; field; or garden;

And ask no leave or pardon;

Till Winter comes with icy thumbs

To ruffle up our wing。

Well … tell!  Where should I fly to;

Where go to sleep in the dark wood or dell?

Before a day was over;

Home comes the rover;

For Mother's kiss; … sweeter this

Than any other thing!

William Allingham '1824…1889'


I spied beside the garden bed

A tiny lass of ours;

Who stopped and bent her sunny head

Above the red June flowers。

Pushing the leaves and thorns apart;

She singled out a rose;

And in its inmost crimson heart;

Enraptured; plunged her nose。

〃O dear; dear rose; come; tell me true …

Come; tell me true;〃 said she;

〃If I smell just as sweet to you

As you smell sweet to me!〃

Ernest Crosby '1856…1907' 


Is this a time to be cloudy and sad;

When our mother Nature laughs around;

When even the deep blue heavens look glad;

And gladness breathes from the blossoming ground?

There are notes of joy from the hang…bird and wren;

And the gossip of swallows through all the sky;

The ground…squirrel gaily chirps by his den;

And the wilding bee hums m
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