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Looks in her face; and his funny tail wags:

〃Ha! ha!〃 laughs little Gustava。

〃You want some breakfast too?〃 and down

She sets her bowl on the brick floor brown;

And little dog Rags drinks up her milk;

While she strokes his shaggy locks like silk:

〃Dear Rags!〃 says little Gustava。

Waiting without stood sparrow and crow;

Cooling their feet in the melting snow:

〃Won't you come in; good folk?〃 she cried。

But they were too bashful; and stood outside

Though 〃Pray come in!〃 cried Gustava。

So the last she threw them; and knelt on the mat

With doves and biddy and dog and cat。

And her mother came to the open house…door:

〃Dear little daughter; I bring you some more。

My merry little Gustava!〃

Kitty and terrier; biddy and doves;

All things harmless Gustava loves。

The shy; kind creatures 'tis joy to feed;

And oh; her breakfast is sweet indeed

To happy little Gustava!

Celia Thaxter '1835…1894'


Little Prince Tatters has lost his cap!

Over the hedge he threw it;

Into the river it fell 〃kerslap!〃

Stupid old thing to do it!

Now Mother may sigh and Nurse may fume

For the gay little cap with its eagle plume。

〃One cannot be thinking all day of such matters!

Trifles are trifles!〃 says little Prince Tatters。

Little Prince Tatters has lost his coat!

Playing; he did not need it;

〃Left it right there; by the nanny…goat;

And nobody never seed it!〃

Now Mother and Nurse may search till night

For the little new coat with its buttons bright;

But … 〃Coat…sleeves or shirt…sleeves; how little it matters!

Trifles are trifles!〃 says little Prince Tatters。

Little Prince Tatters has LOST HIS BALL!

Rolled away down the street!

Somebody'll have to find it; that's all;

Before he can sleep or eat。

Now raise the neighborhood; quickly; do!

And send for the crier and constable too!

〃Trifles are trifles; but serious matters;

They must be seen to;〃 says little Prince Tatters。

Laura E。 Richards '1850…


My mother bore me in the southern wild;

And I am black; but oh; my soul is white!

White as an angel is the English child;

But I am black; as if bereaved of light。

My mother taught me underneath a tree;

And; sitting down before the heat of day;

She took me on her lap and kissed me;

And; pointing to the East; began to say:

〃Look on the rising sun; … there God does live;

And gives His light; and gives His heat away;

And flowers and trees and beasts and men receive

Comfort in morning; joy in the noonday。

〃And we are put on earth a little space;

That we may learn to bear the beams of love;

And these black bodies and this sunburnt face

Are but a cloud; and like a shady grove。

〃For; when our souls have learned the heat to bear;

The cloud will vanish; we shall hear His voice;

Saying: 'Come out from the grove; My love and care;

And round My golden tent like lambs rejoice。'〃

Thus did my mother say; and kissed me;

And thus I say to little English boy。

When I from black; and he from white cloud free;

And round the tent of God like lambs we joy;

I'll shade him from the heat; till he can bear

To lean in joy upon our Father's knee;

And then I'll stand and stroke his silver hair;

And be like him; and he will then love me。

William Blake '1757…1827'


O say what is that thing called Light;

Which I must ne'er enjoy;

What are the blessings of the sight;

O tell your poor blind boy!

You talk of wondrous things you see;

You say the sun shines bright;

I feel him warm; but how can he;

Or make it day or night?

My day or night myself I make

Whene'er I sleep or play;

And could I ever keep awake

With me 'twere always day。

With heavy sighs I often hear

You mourn my hapless woe;

But sure with patience I can bear

A loss I ne'er can know。

Then let not what I cannot have

My cheer of mind destroy:

Whilst thus I sing; I am a king;

Although a poor blind boy。

Colley Cibber '1671…1757'


〃Bunches of grapes;〃 says Timothy;

〃Pomegranates pink;〃 says Elaine;

〃A junket of cream and a cranberry tart

For me;〃 says Jane。

〃Love…in…a…mist;〃 says Timothy;

〃Primroses pale;〃 says Elaine;

〃A nosegay of pinks and mignonette

For me;〃 says Jane。

〃Chariots of gold;〃 says Timothy;

〃Silvery wings;〃 says Elaine;

〃A bumpety ride in a wagon of hay

For me;〃 says Jane。

Walter de la Mare '1873…


I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me;

And what can be the use of him is more than I can see。

He is very; very like me from the heels up to the head;

And I see him jump before me; when I jump into my bed。

The funniest thing about him is the way he likes to grow …

Not at all like proper children; which is always very slow;

For he sometimes shoots up taller like an India…rubber ball;

And he sometimes gets so little that there's none of him at all。

He hasn't got a notion of how children ought to play;

And can only make a fool of me in every sort of way。

He stays so close beside me; he's a coward you can see;

I'd think shame to stick to nursie as that shadow sticks to me!

One morning; very early; before the sun was up;

I rose and found the shining dew on every buttercup;

But my lazy little shadow; like an arrant sleepy…head;

Had stayed at home behind me and was fast asleep in bed。

Robert Louis Stevenson '1850…1894'


When I was sick and lay a…bed;

I had two pillows at my head;

And all my toys beside me lay

To keep me happy all the day。

And sometimes for an hour or so

I watched my leaden soldiers go;

With different uniforms and drills;

Among the bed…clothes; through the hills;

And sometimes sent my ships in fleets

All up and down among the sheets;

Or brought my trees and houses out;

And planted cities all about。

I was the giant great and still

That sits upon the pillow…hill;

And sees before him; dale and plain;

The pleasant land of counterpane。

Robert Louis Stevenson '1850…1894'


At evening when the lamp is lit;

Around the fire my parents sit;

They sit at home and talk and sing;

And do not play at anything。

Now; with my little gun; I crawl

All in the dark along the wall;

And follow round the forest track

Away behind the sofa back。

There; in the night; where none can spy;

All in my hunter's camp I lie;

And play at books that I have read

Till it is time to go to bed。

These are the hills; these are the woods;

These are my starry solitudes;

And there the river by whose brink

The roaring lions come to drink。

I see the others far away

As if in firelit camp they lay;

And I; like to an Indian scout;

Around their party prowled about。

So; when my nurse comes in for me;

Home I return across the sea;

And go to bed with backward looks

At my dear land of Story…books。

Robert Louis Stevenson '1850…1894'


The gardener does not love to talk;

He makes me keep the gravel walk;

And when he puts his tools away;

He locks the door and takes the key。

Away behind the currant row

Where no one else but cook may go;

Far in the plots; I see him dig;

Old and serious; brown and big。

He digs the flowers; green; red; and blue;

Nor wishes to be spoken to。

He digs the flowers and cuts the hay;

And never seems to want to play。

Silly gardener! summer goes;

And winter comes with pinching toes;

When in the garden bare and brown

You must lay your barrow down。

Well now; and while the summer stays;

To profit by these garden days

O how much wiser you would be

To play at Indian wars with me!

Robert Louis Stevenson '1850…1894'


Up into the cherry tree

Who should climb but little me?

I held the trunk with both my hands

And looked abroad on foreign lands。

I saw the next door garden lie;

Adorned with flowers; before my eye;

And many pleasant places more

That I had never seen before。

I saw the dimpling river pass

And be the sky's blue looking…glass;

The dusty roads go up and down

With people tramping in to town。

If I could find a higher tree;

Farther and farther I should see;

To where the grown…up river slips

Into the sea among the ships;

To where the roads on either hand

Lead onward into fairy land;

Where all the children dine at five;

And all the playthings come alive。

Robert Louis Stevenson '1850…1894'


My bed is like a little boat;

Nurse helps me in when I embark;

She girds me in my sailor's coat

And starts me in the dark。

At night; I go on board and say

Good night to all my friends on shore;

I shut my eyes and sail away

And see and hear no more。

And sometimes things to bed I take;

As prudent sailors have to do;

Perhaps a slice of wedding…cake;

Perhaps a toy or two。

All night across the dark we steer;

But when the day returns at last;

Safe in my room; beside the pier;

I find my vessel fast。

Robert Louis Stevenson '1850…1894'


I wish I lived in a caravan;

With a horse to drive; like a peddler…man!

Where he comes from nobody knows;

Or where he goes to; but on he goes!

His caravan has windows two;

And a chimney of tin; that the smoke comes through;

He has a wife; with a baby brown;

And they go riding from town to town。

Chairs to mend; and delf to sell!

He clashes the basins like a bell;

Tea…trays; baskets ranged in order;

Plates; with alphabets round the border!

The roads are brown; and the sea is green;

But his house is like a bathing…machine;

The world is round; and he can ride;

Rumble and slash; to the other side!

With the p
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