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Alas; alas for Hamelin!

There came into many a burgher's pate

A text which says that heaven's gate

Opes to the rich at as easy rate

As the needle's eye takes a camel in!

The Mayor sent East; West; North and South;

To offer the Piper; by word of mouth;

Wherever it was men's lot to find him;

Silver and gold to his heart's content;

If he'd only return the way he went;

And bring the children behind him。

But when they saw 'twas a lost endeavor;

And piper and dancers were gone forever;

They made a decree that lawyers never

Should think their records dated duly

If; after the day of the month and year;

These words did not as well appear;

〃And so long after what happened here

On the Twenty…second of July;

Thirteen hundred and seventy…six:〃

And the better in memory to fix

The place of the children's last retreat;

They called it; the Pied Piper's Street …

Where any one playing on pipe or tabor

Was sure for the future to lose his labor。

Nor suffered they hostlery or tavern

To shock with mirth a street so solemn;

But opposite the place of the cavern

They wrote the story on a column;

And on the great church…window painted

The same; to make the world acquainted

How their children were stolen away;

And there it stands to this very day。

And I must not omit to say

That in Transylvania there's a tribe

Of alien people who ascribe

The outlandish ways and dress

On which their neighbors lay such stress;

To their fathers and mothers having risen

Out of some subterraneous prison

Into which they were trepanned

Long time ago in a mighty band

Out of Hamelin town in Brunswick land;

But how or why; they don't understand。


So; Willy; let me and you be wipers

Of scores out with all men … especially pipers!

And; whether they pipe us free from rats or from mice;

If we've promised them aught; let us keep our promise!

Robert Browning '1812…1889' 



He came all so still

Where His mother was;

As dew in April

That falleth on the grass。

He came all so still

Where His mother lay;

As dew in April

That falleth on the spray。

He came all so still

To His mother's bower;

As dew in April

That falleth on the flower。

Mother and maiden

Was never none but she!

Well might such a lady

God's mother be。



God rest you merry; gentlemen;

Let nothing you dismay;

For Jesus Christ; our Saviour;

Was born upon this day;

To save us all from Satan's power

When we were gone astray。

O tidings of comfort and joy!

For Jesus Christ; our Saviour;

Was born on Christmas Day。

In Bethlehem; in Jewry;

This blessed babe was born;

And laid within a manger;

Upon this blessed morn;

The which His mother; Mary;

Nothing did take in scorn。

From God our Heavenly Father;

A blessed angel came;

And unto certain shepherds

Brought tidings of the same:

How that in Bethlehem was born

The Son of God by name。

〃Fear not;〃 then said the angel;

〃Let nothing you affright;

This day is born a Saviour

Of virtue; power; and might;

So frequently to vanquish all

The friends of Satan quite。〃

The shepherds at these tidings

Rejoiced much in mind;

And left their flocks a…feeding

In tempest; storm; and wind;

And went to Bethlehem straightway;

This blessed babe to find。

But when to Bethlehem they came;

Whereat this infant lay;

They found Him in a manger;

Where oxen feed on hay;

His mother Mary kneeling;

Unto the Lord did pray。

Now to the Lord sing praises;

All you within this place;

And with true love and brotherhood

Each other now embrace;

This holy tide of Christmas

All others doth deface。

O tidings of comfort and joy!

For Jesus Christ; our Saviour;

Was born in Christmas Day。



O little town of Bethlehem;

How still we see thee lie!

Above thy deep and dreamless sleep

The silent stars go by;

Yet in thy dark streets shineth

The everlasting Light;

The hopes and fears of all the years

Are met in thee to…night。

For Christ is born of Mary;

And; gathered all above;

While mortals sleep; the angels keep

Their watch of wondering love。

O morning stars; together

Proclaim the holy birth!

And praises sing to God the King;

And peace to men on earth。

How silently; how silently;

The wondrous gift is given!

So God imparts to human hearts

The blessings of His heaven。

No ear may hear His coming;

But in this world of sin;

Where meek souls will receive Him still;

The dear Christ enters in。

O holy Child of Bethlehem!

Descend to us; we pray;

Cast out our sin; and enter in;

Be born in us to…day。

We hear the Christmas angels

The great glad tidings tell;

Oh come to us; abide with us;

Our Lord Emmanuel!

Phillips Brooks '1835…1893'


Old Style: 1837

It was the calm and silent night!

Seven hundred years and fifty…three

Had Rome been growing up to might;

And now was Queen of land and sea。

No sound was heard of clashing wars;

Peace brooded o'er the hushed domain;

Apollo; Pallas; Jove and Mars;

Held undisturbed their ancient reign;

In the solemn midnight

Centuries ago。

'Twas in the calm and silent night!

The senator of haughty Rome

Impatient urged his chariot's flight;

From lordly revel rolling home。

Triumphal arches gleaming swell

His breast with thoughts of boundless sway;

What recked the Roman what befell

A paltry province far away;

In the solemn midnight

Centuries ago!

Within that province far away

Went plodding home a weary boor:

A streak of light before him lay;

Fall'n through a half…shut stable door

Across his path。  He passed … for naught

Told what was going on within;

How keen the stars! his only thought;

The air how calm and cold and thin;

In the solemn midnight

Centuries ago!

O strange indifference! … low and high

Drowsed over common joys and cares:

The earth was still … but knew not why;

The world was listening … unawares。

How calm a moment may precede

One that shall thrill the world for ever!

To that still moment none would heed;

Man's doom was linked; no more to sever;

In the solemn midnight

Centuries ago。

It is the calm and solemn night!

A thousand bells ring out; and throw

Their joyous peals abroad; and smite

The darkness; charmed and holy now。

The night that erst no name had worn;

To it a happy name is given;

For in that stable lay new…born

The peaceful Prince of Earth and Heaven;

In the solemn midnight

Centuries ago。

Alfred Domett '1811…1887'


While shepherds watched their flocks by night;

All seated on the ground;

The angel of the Lord came down;

And glory shone around。

〃Fear not;〃 said he; for mighty dread

Had seized their troubled mind;

〃Glad tidings of great joy I bring

To you and all mankind。

〃To you; in David's town; this day

Is born; of David's line;

The Saviour; who is Christ the Lord;

And this shall be the sign:

〃The heavenly babe you there shall find

To human view displayed;

All meanly wrapped in swaddling bands;

And in a manger laid。〃

Thus spake the seraph; and forthwith

Appeared a shining throng

Of angels; praising God; who thus

Addressed their joyful song:

〃All glory be to God on high;

And to the earth be peace;

Good will henceforth from Heaven to men

Begin and never cease。〃

Nahum Tate '1652…1715'


It came upon the midnight clear;

That glorious song of old;

From angels bending near the earth

To touch their harps of gold:

〃Peace on the earth; good will to men

From heaven's all…gracious King〃 …

The world in solemn stillness lay

To hear the angels sing。

Still through the cloven skies they come

With peaceful wings unfurled;

And still their heavenly music floats

O'er all the weary world;

Above its sad and lowly plains

They bend on hovering wing;

And ever o'er its Babel…sounds

The blessed angels sing。

But with the woes of sin and strife

The world has suffered long;

Beneath the angel…strain have rolled

Two thousand years of wrong;

And man; at war with man; hears not

The love…song which they bring; …

Oh; hush the noise; ye men of strife;

And hear the angels sing!

And ye; beneath life's crushing load;

Whose forms are bending low;

Who toil along the climbing way

With painful steps and slow;

Look now! for glad and golden hours

Come swiftly on the wing; …

Oh; rest beside the weary road

And hear the angels sing!

For lo! the days are hastening on

By prophet bards foretold;

When with the ever circling years

Comes round the age of gold;

When Peace shall over all the earth

Its ancient splendors fling;

And the whole world give back the song

Which now the angels sing。

Edmund Hamilton Sears '1810…1876'


From 〃Flowers of Sion〃

Run; shepherds; run where Bethlehem blest appears。

We bring the best of news; be not dismayed:

A Saviour there is born more old than years;

Amidst heaven's rolling heights this earth who stayed。

In a poor cottage inned; a virgin maid;

A weakling did him bear; who all upbears;

There is he poorly swaddled; in manger laid;

To whom too narrow swaddlings are our spheres:

Run; shepherds; run; and solemnize his birth。

This is that night … no; day; grown great with bliss;

In which the power of Satan broken is:

In heaven be glory; peace unto the earth!

Thus singing; through the air the angels swarm;

And cope of stars re…echoed the same。

William Drummond '1585…1649'


As I in hoary winter's night

Stood shivering in the sno
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