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And I saw the merry winds blow。〃

〃And what did you hear; my Mary;

All up on the Caldon…Hill?〃

〃I heard the drops of the water made;

And the ears of the green corn fill。〃

〃Oh; tell me all; my Mary …

All … all that ever you know;

For you must have seen the fairies

Last night on the Caldon…Low!〃

〃Then take me on your knee; mother;

And listen; mother of mine:

A hundred fairies danced last night;

And the harpers they were nine。

〃And their harp…strings rang so merrily

To their dancing feet so small;

But; oh! the words of their talking

Were merrier far than all!〃

〃And what were the words; my Mary;

That you did hear them say?〃

〃I'll tell you all; my mother;

But let me have my way。

〃Some of them played with the water;

And rolled it down the hill;

'And this;' they said; 'shall speedily turn

The poor old miller's mill。

〃'For there has been no water

Ever since the first of May;

And a busy man will the miller be

At the dawning of the day!

〃'Oh! the miller; how he will laugh;

When he sees the mill…dam rise!

The jolly old miller; how he will laugh;

Till the tears fill both his eyes!'

〃And some they seized the little winds;

That sounded over the hill;

And each put a horn into his mouth;

And blew both loud and shrill:

〃'And there;' said they; 'the merry winds go

Away from every horn;

And they shall clear the mildew dank

From the blind old widow's corn:

〃'Oh; the poor blind widow …

Though she has been blind so long;

She'll be merry enough when the mildew's gone;

And the corn stands tall and strong!'

〃And some they brought the brown linseed

And flung it down the Low:

'And this;' said they; 'by the sunrise

In the weaver's croft shall grow!

〃'Oh; the poor lame weaver!

How will he laugh outright

When he sees his dwindling flax…field

All full of flowers by night!'

〃And then outspoke a brownie;

With a long beard on his chin:

'I have spun up all the tow;' said he;

'And I want some more to spin。

〃'I've spun a piece of hempen cloth

And I want to spin another …

A little sheet for Mary's bed;

And an apron for her mother!'

〃With that I could not help but laugh;

And I laughed out loud and free;

And then on the top of the Caldon…Low

There was no one left but me。

〃And all on the top of the Caldon…Low

The mists were cold and gray;

And nothing I saw but the mossy stones

That round about me lay。

〃But; coming down from the hill…top;

I heard; afar below;

How busy the jolly miller was;

And how merry the wheel did go!

〃And I peeped into the widow's field;

And; sure enough; was seen

The yellow ears of the mildewed corn

All standing stout and green。

〃And down the weaver's croft I stole;

To see if the flax were sprung;

And I met the weaver at his gate

With the good news on his tongue!

〃Now; this is all I heard; mother;

And all that I did see;

So; prithee; make my bed; mother;

For I'm tired as I can be!〃

Mary Howitt '1799…1888'


Up the airy mountain;

Down the rushy glen;

We daren't go a…hunting

For fear of little men;

Wee folk; good folk;

Trooping all together;

Green jacket; red cap;

And white owl's feather!

Down along the rocky shore

Some make their home;

They live on crispy pancakes

Of yellow tide…foam;

Some in the reeds

Of the black mountain lake;

With frogs for their watch…dogs;

All night awake。

High on the hill…top

The old King sits;

He is now so old and gray

He's nigh lost his wits。

With a bridge of white mist

Columbkill he crosses;

On his stately journeys

From Slieveleague to Rosses;

Or going up with music

On cold starry nights

To sup with the Queen

Of the gay Northern Lights。

They stole little Bridget

For seven years long;

When she came down again

Her friends were all gone。

They took her lightly back;

Between the night and morrow;

They thought that she was fast asleep;

But she was dead with sorrow。

They have kept her ever since

Deep within the lake;

On a bed of flag…leaves;

Watching till she wake。

By the craggy hill…side;

Through the mosses bare;

They have planted thorn…trees

For pleasure here and there。

If any man so daring

As dig them up in spite;

He shall find their sharpest thorns

In his bed at night。

Up the airy mountain;

Down the rushy glen;

We daren't go a…hunting

For fear of little men;

Wee folk; good folk;

Trooping all together;

Green jacket; red cap;

And white owl's feather!

William Allingham '1824…1889'


On gossamer nights when the moon is low;

And stars in the mist are hiding;

Over the hill where the foxgloves grow

You may see the fairies riding。

Kling! Klang! Kling!

Their stirrups and their bridles ring;

And their horns are loud and their bugles blow;

When the moon is low。

They sweep through the night like a whistling wind; 

They pass and have left no traces;

But one of them lingers far behind

The flight of the fairy faces。

She makes no moan;

She sorrows in the dark alone;

She wails for the love of human kind;

Like a whistling wind。

〃Ah! why did I roam where the elfins ride;

Their glimmering steps to follow?

They bore me far from my loved one's side;

To wander o'er hill and hollow。

Kling! Klang! Kling!

Their stirrups and their bridles ring;

But my heart is cold in the cold night…tide;

Where the elfins ride。〃

Mary C。 G。 Byron '1861…


Farewell; rewards and fairies!

Good housewives now may say;

For now foul sluts in dairies

Do fare as well as they。

And though they sweep their hearths no less

Than maids were wont to do;

Yet who of late; for cleanliness;

Finds sixpence in her shoe?

Lament; lament; old abbeys;

The fairies' lost command!

They did but change priests' babies;

But some have changed your land;

And all your children sprung from thence; 

Are now grown Puritanes;

Who live as changelings ever since;

For love of your demains。

At morning and at evening both

You merry were and glad;

So little care of sleep or sloth

These pretty ladies had;

When Tom came home from labor;

Or Ciss to milking rose;

Then merrily merrily went their tabor

And nimbly went their toes。

Witness those rings and roundelays

Of theirs; which yet remain;

Were footed in Queen Mary's days

On many a grassy plain;

But since of late; Elizabeth;

And later; James came in;

They never danced on any heath

As when the time hath been。

By which we note the fairies

Were of the old profession;

Their songs were Ave…Maries;

Their dances were procession。

But now; alas! they all are dead;

Or gone beyond the seas;

Or farther for religion fled;

Or else they take their ease。

A tell…tale in their company

They never could endure;

And whoso kept not secretly

Their mirth; was punished sure;

It was a just and Christian deed

To pinch such black and blue:

Oh; how the Commonwealth doth need

Such justices as you!

Richard Corbet '1582…1635'


Come cuddle close in daddy's coat

Beside the fire so bright;

And hear about the fairy folk

That wander in the night。

For when the stars are shining clear

And all the world is still;

They float across the silver moon

From hill to cloudy hill。

Their caps of red; their cloaks of green;

Are hung with silver bells;

And when they're shaken with the wind

Their merry ringing swells。

And riding on the crimson moth;

With black spots on her wings;

They guide them down the purple sky

With golden bridle rings。

They love to visit girls and boys

To see how sweet they sleep;

To stand beside their cosy cots

And at their faces peep。

For in the whole of fairy…land

They have no finer sight

Than little children sleeping sound

With faces rosy bright。

On tip…toe crowding round their heads;

When bright the moonlight beams;

They whisper little tender words

That fill their minds with dreams;

And when they see a sunny smile;

With lightest finger tips

They lay a hundred kisses sweet

Upon the ruddy lips。

And then the little spotted moths

Spread out their crimson wings;

And bear away the fairy crowd

With shaking bridle rings。

Come; bairnies; hide in daddy's coat;

Beside the fire so bright …

Perhaps the little fairy folk

Will visit you to…night。

Robert Bird '1867…


When Mother takes the Fairy Book

And we curl up to hear;

'Tis 〃All aboard for Fairyland!〃

Which seems to be so near。

For soon we reach the pleasant place

Of Once Upon a Time;

Where birdies sing the hour of day;

And flowers talk in rhyme;

Where Bobby is a velvet Prince;

And where I am a Queen;

Where one can talk with animals;

And walk about unseen;

Where Little People live in nuts;

And ride on butterflies;

And wonders kindly come to pass

Before your very eyes;

Where candy grows on every bush;

And playthings on the trees;

And visitors pick basketfuls

As often as they please。

It is the nicest time of day …

Though Bedtime is so near; …

When Mother takes the Fairy Book

And we curl up to hear。

Abbie Farwell Brown '1875…1927'


The white goat Amaryllis;

She wandered at her will

At time of daffodillies

Afar and up the hill:

We hunted and we holloa'd

And back she came at dawn;

But what d'you think had followed? …

A little; pagan Faun!

His face was like a berry。

His ears were high and pricked:

Tip…tap … his hoofs came merry

As up the path he clicked;

A junket for his winning

We set in dairy delf;

He eat it … peart and grinning

As Christian as yourself!

He stayed about the steading

A fortnight; say; or more;

A bl
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