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Love lit her eyes with lovelier hues

Than the eve…star was shedding。

She looked a sweet good…bye to me;

And o'er the stile went singing。

Down all the lonely night I heard

But bridal bells a…ringing。


I met a mother on the moor;

By a new grave a…praying。

The happy swallows in the blue

Upon the winds were playing。

〃Would I were in his grave;〃 I said;

〃And he beside her standing!〃

There was no heart to break if death

For me had made demanding。

Cale Young Rice '1872…


Here doth Dionysia lie:

She whose little wanton foot;

Tripping (ah; too carelessly!)

Touched this tomb; and fell into 't。

Trip no more shall she; nor fall。

And her trippings were so few!

Summers only eight in all

Had the sweet child wandered through。

But; already; life's few suns

Love's strong seeds had ripened warm。

All her ways were winning ones;

All her cunning was to charm。

And the fancy; in the flower;

While the flesh was in the bud;

Childhood's dawning sex did dower

With warm gusts of womanhood。

Oh what joys by hope begun;

Oh what kisses kissed by thought;

What love…deeds by fancy done;

Death to endless dust hath wrought!

Had the fates been kind as thou;

Who; till now; was never cold;

Once Love's aptest scholar; now

Thou hadst been his teacher bold;

But; if buried seeds upthrow

Fruits and flowers; if flower and fruit

By their nature fitly show

What the seeds are; whence they shoot;

Dionysia; o'er this tomb;

Where thy buried beauties be;

From their dust shall spring and bloom

Loves and graces like to thee。



The night is late; the house is still;

The angels of the hour fulfil

Their tender ministries; and move

From couch to couch in cares of love。

They drop into thy dreams; sweet wife;

The happiest smile of Charlie's life;

And lay on baby's lips a kiss;

Fresh from his angel…brother's bliss;

And; as they pass; they seem to make

A strange; dim hymn; 〃For Charlie's sake。〃

My listening heart takes up the strain;

And gives it to the night again;

Fitted with words of lowly praise;

And patience learned of mournful days;

And memories of the dead child's ways。

His will be done; His will be done!

Who gave and took away my son;

In 〃the far land〃 to shine and sing

Before the Beautiful; the King;

Who every day doth Christmas make;

All starred and belled for Charlie's sake。

For Charlie's sake I will arise;

I will anoint me where he lies;

And change my raiment; and go in

To the Lord's house; and leave my sin

Without; and seat me at his board;

Eat; and be glad; and praise the Lord。

For wherefore should I fast and weep;

And sullen moods of mourning keep?

I cannot bring him back; nor he;

For any calling; come to me。

The bond the angel Death did sign;

God sealed … for Charlie's sake; and mine。

I'm very poor … this slender stone

Marks all the narrow field I own;

Yet; patient husbandman; I till

With faith and prayers; that precious hill;

Sow it with penitential pains;

And; hopeful; wait the latter rains;

Content if; after all; the spot

Yield barely one forget…me…not …

Whether or figs or thistles make

My crop; content for Charlie's sake。

I have no houses; builded well …

Only that little lonesome cell;

Where never romping playmates come;

Nor bashful sweethearts; cunning…dumb …

An April burst of girls and boys;

Their rainbowed cloud of glooms and joys

Born with their songs; gone with their toys;

Nor ever is its stillness stirred

By purr of cat; or chirp of bird;

Or mother's twilight legend; told

Of Horner's pie; or Tiddler's gold;

Or fairy hobbling to the door;

Red…cloaked and weird; banned and poor;

To bless the good child's gracious eyes;

The good child's wistful charities;

And crippled changeling's hunch to make

Dance on his crutch; for good child's sake。

How is it with the child?  'Tis well;

Nor would I any miracle

Might stir my sleeper's tranquil trance;

Or plague his painless countenance:

I would not any seer might place

His staff on my immortal's face;

Or lip to lip; and eye to eye;

Charm back his pale mortality。

No; Shunamite!  I would not break

God's stillness。  Let them weep who wake。

For Charlie's sake my lot is blest:

No comfort like his mother's breast;

No praise like hers; no charm expressed

In fairest forms hath half her zest。

For Charlie's sake this bird's caressed

That death left lonely in the nest;

For Charlie's sake my heart is dressed;

As for its birthday; in its best;

For Charlie's sake we leave the rest

To Him who gave; and who did take;

And saved us twice; for Charlie's sake。

John Williamson Palmer '1825…1906'


Each day; when the glow of sunset

Fades in the western sky;

And the wee ones; tired of playing;

Go tripping lightly by;

I steal away from my husband;

Asleep in his easy…chair;

And watch from the open doorway

Their faces fresh and fair。

Alone in the dear old homestead

That once was full of life;

Ringing with girlish laughter;

Echoing boyish strife;

We two are waiting together;

And oft; as the shadows come;

With tremulous voice he calls me;

〃It is night! are the children home?〃

〃Yes; love!〃 I answer him gently;

〃They're all home long ago;〃 …

And I sing; in my quivering treble;

A song so soft and low;

Till the old man drops to slumber;

With his head upon his hand;

And I tell to myself the number

At home in the better land。

At home; where never a sorrow

Shall dim their eyes with tears!

Where the smile of God is on them

Through all the summer years!

I know; … yet my arms are empty;

That fondly folded seven;

And the mother…heart within me

Is almost starved for heaven。

Sometimes; in the dusk of evening;

I only shut my eyes;

And the children are all about me;

A vision from the skies:

The babes whose dimpled fingers

Lost the way to my breast;

And the beautiful ones; the angels;

Passed to the world of the blest。

With never a cloud upon them;

I see their radiant brows;

My boys that I gave to freedom; …

The red sword sealed their vows!

In a tangled Southern forest;

Twin brothers bold and brave;

They fell; and the flag they died for;

Thank God! floats over their grave。

A breath; and the vision is lifted

Away on wings of light;

And again we two are together;

All alone in the night。

They tell me his mind is failing;

But I smile at idle fears;

He is only back with the children;

In the dear and peaceful years。

And still; as the summer sunset

Fades away in the west;

And the wee ones; tired of playing;

Go trooping home to rest;

My husband calls from his corner;

〃Say; love; have the children come?〃

And I answer; with eyes uplifted;

〃Yes; dear! they are all at home。〃

Margaret Sangster '1838…1919' 


We wreathed about our darling's head

The morning…glory bright;

Her little face looked out beneath;

So full of life and light;

So lit as with a sunrise;

That we could only say;

〃She is the morning…glory true;

And her poor types are they。〃

So always from that happy time

We called her by their name;

And very fitting did it seem …

For; sure as morning came;

Behind her cradle bars she smiled

To catch the first faint ray;

As from the trellis smiles the flower

And opens to the day。

But not so beautiful they rear

Their airy cups of blue;

As turned her sweet eyes to the light;

Brimmed with sleep's tender dew;

And not so close their tendrils fine

Round their supports are thrown;

As those dear arms whose outstretched plea

Clasped all hearts to her own。

We used to think how she had come;

Even as comes the flower;

The last and perfect added gift

To crown Love's morning hour;

And how in her was imaged forth

The love we could not say;

As on the little dewdrops round

Shines back the heart of day。

We never could have thought; O God;

That she must wither up;

Almost before a day was flown;

Like the morning…glory's cup;

We never thought to see her droop

Her fair and noble head;

Till she lay stretched before our eyes;

Wilted; and cold; and dead!

The morning…glory's blossoming

Will soon be coming round …

We see the rows of heart…shaped leaves

Upspringing from the ground;

The tender things the winter killed

Renew again their birth;

But the glory of our morning

Has passed away from earth。

O Earth! in vain our aching eyes

Stretch over thy green plain!

Too harsh thy dews; too gross thine air

Her spirit to sustain;

But up in groves of Paradise

Full surely we shall see

Our morning…glory beautiful

Twine round our dear Lord's knee。

Maria White Lowell '1821…1855'


As a twig trembles; which a bird

Lights on to sing; then leaves unbent;

So is my memory thrilled and stirred; …

I only know she came and went。

As clasps some lake; by gusts unriven;

The blue dome's measureless content;

So my soul held that moment's heaven; …

I only know she came and went。

As; at one bound; our swift spring heaps

The orchards full of bloom and scent;

So clove her May my wintry sleeps; …

I only know she came and went。

An angel stood and met my gaze;

Through the low doorway of my tent;

The tent is struck; the vision stays; …

I only know she came and went。

Oh; when the room grows slowly dim;

And life's last oil is nearly spent;

One gush of light these eyes will brim;

Only to think she came and went。

James Russell Lowell '1819…1891' 


The snow had begun in the gloaming;

And busily all the night

Had been heaping field and highway

With a silence deep and white。

Every p
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