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the home book of verse-1-第60部分

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A picture on the brain;

And of her voice in echoing hearts

A sound must long remain;

But memory; such as mine of her;

So very much endears;

When death is nigh my latest sigh

Will not be life's; but hers。

I fill this cup to one made up

Of loveliness alone;

A woman; of her gentle sex

The seeming paragon …

Her health! and would on earth there stood

Some more of such a frame;

That life might be all poetry;

And weariness a name。

Edward Coote Pinkney '1802…1828'


Her face was very fair to see;

So luminous with purity: …

It had no roses; but the hue

Of lilies lustrous with their dew …

Her very soul seemed shining through!

Her quiet nature seemed to be

Tuned to each season's harmony。

The holy sky bent near to her;

She saw a spirit in the stir

Of solemn woods。  The rills that beat

Their mosses with voluptuous feet;

Went dripping music through her thought。

Sweet impulse came to her unsought

From graceful things; and beauty took

A sacred meaning in her look。

In the great Master's steps went she

With patience and humility。

The casual gazer could not guess

Half of her veiled loveliness;

Yet ah! what precious things lay hid

Beneath her bosom's snowy lid: …

What tenderness and sympathy;

What beauty of sincerity;

What fancies chaste; and loves; that grew

In heaven's own stainless light and dew!

True woman was she day by day

In suffering; toil; and victory。

Her life; made holy and serene

By faith; was hid with things unseen。

She knew what they alone can know

Who live above but dwell below。

Horatio Nelson Powers '1826…1890'


Her thoughts are like a flock of butterflies。

She has a merry love of little things;

And a bright flutter of speech; whereto she brings

A threefold eloquence … voice; hands and eyes。

Yet under all a subtle silence lies

As a bird's heart is hidden by its wings;

And you shall search through many wanderings

The fairyland of her realities。

She hides herself behind a busy brain …

A woman; with a child's laugh in her blood;

A maid; wearing the shadow of motherhood …

Wise with the quiet memory of old pain;

As the soft glamor of remembered rain

Hallows the gladness of a sunlit wood。

Brian Hooker '1880…


Who dreamed that beauty passes like a dream?

For these red lips; with all their mournful pride;

Mournful that no new wonder may betide;

Troy passed away in one high funeral gleam;

And Usna's children died。

We and the laboring world are passing by:

Amid men's souls; that waver and give place;

Like the pale waters in their wintry race;

Under the passing stars; foam of the sky;

Lives on this lonely face。

Bow down; archangels; in your dim abode:

Before you were; or any hearts to beat;

Weary and kind one lingered by His seat;

He made the world to be a grassy road

Before her wandering feet。

William Butler Yeats '1865…


Thus will I have the woman of my dream。

Strong must she be and gentle; like a star

Her soul burn whitely; nor its arrowy beam

May any cloud of superstition mar:

True to the earth she is; patient and calm。

Her tranquil eyes shall penetrate afar

Through centuries; and her maternal arm

Enfold the generations yet unborn;

Nor she; by passing glamor nor alarm;

Will from the steadfast way of life be drawn。

Gray…eyed and fearless; I behold her gaze

Outward into the furnace of the dawn。

Sacred shall be the purport of her days;

Yet human; and the passion of the earth

Shall be for her adornment and her praise。

She is most often joyous; with a mirth

That rings true…tempered holy womanhood;

She cannot fear the agonies of birth;

Nor sit in pallid lethargy and brood

Upon the coming seasons of her pain:

By her the mystery is understood

Of harvest; and fulfilment in the grain。

Yea; she is wont to labor in the field;

Delights to heap; at sunset; on the wain

Festoons and coronals of the golden yield。

A triumph is the labor of her soul;

Sublime along eternity revealed。

Lo; everlastingly in her control;

Under the even measure of her breath;

Like crested waves the onward centuries roll。

Nor to far heaven her spirit wandereth;

Nor lifteth she her voice in barren prayer;

Nor trembleth at appearances of death。

She; godlike in her womanhood; will fare

Calm…visaged and heroic to the end。

The homestead is her most especial care;

She loves the sacred hearth: she will defend

Her gods from desecration of the vile。

Fierce; like a wounded tigress; she can rend

Whatever may have entered to defile。

I see her in the evening by the fire;

And in her eyes; illumined from the pile

Of blazing logs; a motherly desire

Glows like the moulded passion of a rose;

Beautiful is her presence in the bower:

Her spirit is the spirit of repose。

Mankind shall hold her motherhood in awe:

Woman is she indeed; and not of those

That he with sacramental gold must draw

Discreetly to his chamber in the night;

Or bind to him with fetters of the law。

He holds her by a spiritual right。

With diamond and with pearl he need not sue;

Nor will she deck herself for his delight:

Beauty is the adornment of the true。

She shall possess for ornament and gem

A flower; the glowworm; or the drop of dew:

More innocently fair than all of them;

It will not even shame her if she make

A coronal of stars her diadem。

Though she is but a vision; I can take

Courage from her。  I feel her arrowy beam

Already; for her spirit is awake;

And passes down the future like a gleam; …

Thus have I made the woman of my dream。

Harold Monro '1879…1932'


She walks … the lady of my delight …

A shepherdess of sheep。

Her flocks are thoughts。  She keeps them white;

She guards them from the steep。

She feeds them on the fragrant height;

And folds them in for sleep。

She roams maternal hills and bright;

Dark valleys safe and deep。

Into that tender breast at night

The chastest stars may peep。

She walks … the lady of my delight …

A shepherdess of sheep。

She holds her little thoughts in sight;

Though gay they run and leap。

She is so circumspect and right;

She has her soul to keep。

She walks … the lady of my delight …

A shepherdess of sheep。

Alice Meynell '1853…1922'


Mother and maid and soldier; bearing best

Her girl's lithe body under matron gray;

And opening new eyes on each new day

With faith concealed and courage unconfessed;

Jealous to cloak a blessing in a jest;

Clothe beauty carefully in disarray;

And love absurdly; that no word betray

The worship all her deeds make manifest:

Armored in smiles; a motley Britomart …

Her lance is high adventure; tipped with scorn;

Her banner to the suns and winds unfurled;

Washed white with laughter; and beneath her heart;

Shrined in a garland of laborious thorn;

Blooms the unchanging Rose of all the World。

Brian Hooker '1880…


The little Dreams of Maidenhood …

I put them all away

As tenderly as mother would

The toys of yesterday;

When little children grow to men

Too over…wise for play。

The little dreams I put aside …

I loved them every one;

And yet since moon…blown buds must hide

Before the noon…day sun;

I close them wistfully away

And give the key to none。

O little Dreams of Maidenhood …

Lie quietly; nor care

If some day in an idle mood

I; searching unaware

Through some closed corner of my heart;

Should laugh to find you there。

Theodosia Garrison '1874…


Trusty; dusky; vivid; true;

With eyes of gold and bramble…dew;

Steel true and blade straight

The great Artificer made my mate。

Honor; anger; valor; fire;

A love that life could never tire;

Death quench; or evil stir;

The mighty Master gave to her。

Teacher; tender comrade; wife;

A fellow…farer true through life;

Heart…whole and soul…free;

The August Father gave to me。

Robert Louis Stevenson '1850…1894'


There is a shrine whose golden gate

Was opened by the Hand of God;

It stands serene; inviolate;

Though millions have its pavement trod;

As fresh; as when the first sunrise

Awoke the lark in Paradise。

'Tis compassed with the dust and toil

Of common days; yet should there fall

A single speck; a single soil

Upon the whiteness of its wall;

The angels' tears in tender rain

Would make the temple theirs again。

Without; the world is tired and old;

But; once within the enchanted door;

The mists of time are backward rolled;

And creeds and ages are no more;

But all the human…hearted meet

In one communion vast and sweet。

I enter … all is simply fair;

Nor incense…clouds; nor carven throne;

But in the fragrant morning air

A gentle lady sits alone;

My mother … ah! whom should I see

Within; save ever only thee?

Digby Mackworth Dolben '1848…1867'


As I went down the hill I heard

The laughter of the countryside;

For; rain being past; the whole land stirred

With new emotion; like a bride。

I scarce had left the grassy lane;

When something made me catch my breath:

A woman called; and called again;

Elizabeth! Elizabeth!

It was my mother's name。  A part

Of wounded memory sprang to tears;

And the few violets of my heart

Shook in the wind of happier years。

Quicker than magic came the face

That once was sun and moon for me;

The garden shawl; the cap of lace;

The collie's head against her knee。

Mother; who findest out a way

To pass the sentinels; and stand

Behind my chair at close of day;

To touch me … almost … with thy hand;

Deep in my breast; how sure;
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