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Long wandering in the winding glade;

And now the torch of truth is found;

It only shows us where we strayed:

By long experience taught; we know …

Can rightly judge of friends and foes;

Can all the worth of these allow;

And all the faults discern in those。

Now; 'tis our boast that we can quell

The wildest passions in their rage;

Can their destructive force repel;

And their impetuous wrath assuage。 …

Ah; Virtue! dost thou arm when now

This bold rebellious race are fled?

When all these tyrants rest; and thou

Art warring with the mighty dead?

George Crabbe '1754…1832'


Verse; a breeze 'mid blossoms straying;

Where Hope clung feeding like a bee; …

Both were mine!  Life went a…maying

With Nature; Hope; and Poesy

When I was young!

When I was young? … Ah; woful When!

Ah; for the change 'twixt Now and Then!

This breathing house not built with hands;

This body that does me grievous wrong;

O'er aery cliffs and glittering sands;

How lightly then it flashed along: …

Like those trim skiffs; unknown of yore;

On winding lakes and rivers wide;

That ask no aid of sail or oar;

That fear no spite of wind or tide!

Naught cared this body for wind or weather

When Youth and I lived in't together。

Flowers are lovely; Love is flower…like;

Friendship is a sheltering tree;

Oh! the joys that came down shower…like;

Of Friendship; Love; and Liberty

Ere I was old!

Ere I was old?  Ah; woful Ere;

Which tells me; Youth's no longer here!

O Youth! for years so many and sweet;

'Tis known that Thou and I were one。

I'll think it but a fond conceit …

It cannot be that Thou art gone!

Thy vesper…bell hath not yet tolled: …

And thou wert aye a masker bold!

What strange disguise hast now put on

To make believe that thou art gone?

I see these locks in silvery slips;

This drooping gait; this altered size:

But Springtide blossoms on thy lips;

And tears take sunshine from thine eyes!

Life is but thought: so think I will

That Youth and I are house…mates still。

Dewdrops are the gems of morning;

But the tears of mournful eve!

Where no hope is; life's a warning

That only serves to make us grieve

When we are old:

That only serves to make us grieve

With oft and tedious taking…leave;

Like some poor nigh…related guest;

That may not rudely be dismissed;

Yet hath outstayed his welcome while;

And tells the jest without the smile。

Samuel Taylor Coleridge '1772…1834'


And How He Gained Them

〃You are old; Father William;〃 the young man cried;

〃The few locks which are left you are gray;

You are hale; Father William; … a hearty old man:

Now tell me the reason; I pray。〃

〃In the days of my youth;〃 Father William replied;

〃I remembered that youth would fly fast;

And abused not my health and my vigor at first;

That I never might need them at last。〃

〃You are old; Father William;〃 the young man cried;

〃And pleasures with youth pass away;

And yet you lament not the days that are gone:

Now tell me the reason; I pray。〃

〃In the days of my youth;〃 Father William replied;

〃I remembered that youth could not last;

I thought of the future; whatever I did;

That I never might grieve for the past。〃

〃You are old; Father William;〃 the young man cried;

〃And life must be hastening away;

You are cheerful; and love to converse upon death:

Now tell me the reason; I pray。〃

〃I am cheerful; young man;〃 Father William replied;

〃Let the cause thy attention engage;

In the days of my youth; I remembered my God;

And He hath not forgotten my age。〃

Robert Southey '1774…1843'


Welcome; old friend!  These many years

Have we lived door by door:

The Fates have laid aside their shears

Perhaps for some few more。

I was indocile at an age

When better boys were taught;

But thou at length hast made me sage;

If I am sage in aught。

Little I know from other men;

Too little they from me;

But thou hast pointed well the pen

That writes these lines to thee。

Thanks for expelling Fear and Hope;

One vile; the other vain;

One's scourge; the other's telescope;

I shall not see again:

Rather what lies before my feet

My notice shall engage。 …

He who hath braved Youth's dizzy heat

Dreads not the frost of Age。

Walter Savage Landor '1775…1864'


The leaves are falling; so am I;

The few late flowers have moisture in the eye;

So have I too。

Scarcely on any bough is heard

Joyous; or even unjoyous; bird

The whole wood through。

Winter may come: he brings but nigher

His circle (yearly narrowing) to the fire

Where old friends meet。

Let him; now heaven is overcast;

And spring and summer both are past;

And all things sweet。

Walter Savage Landor '1775…1864'


Years; many parti…colored years;

Some have crept on; and some have flown

Since first before me fell those tears

I never could see fall alone。

Years; not so many; are to come;

Years not so varied; when from you

One more will fall: when; carried home;

I see it not; nor hear Adieu。

Walter Savage Landor '1775…1864'


The more we live; more brief appear

Our life's succeeding stages:

A day to childhood seems a year;

And years like passing ages。

The gladsome current of our youth;

Ere passion yet disorders;

Steals; lingering like a river smooth

Along its grassy borders。

But as the careworn cheek grows wan;

And sorrow's shafts fly thicker;

Ye Stars; that measure life to man;

Why seem your courses quicker?

When joys have lost their bloom and breath;

And life itself is vapid;

Why; as we reach the Falls of Death;

Feel we its tide more rapid?

It may be strange … yet who would change

Time's course to slower speeding;

When one by one our friends have gone

And left our bosoms bleeding?

Heaven gives our years of fading strength

Indemnifying fleetness;

And those of youth; a seeming length;

Proportioned to their sweetness。

Thomas Campbell '1777…1844'


Long time a child; and still a child; when years

Had painted manhood on my check; was I; …

For yet I lived like one not born to die;

A thriftless prodigal of smiles and tears;

No hope I needed; and I knew no fears。

But sleep; though sweet; is only sleep; and waking;

I waked to sleep no more; at once o'ertaking

The vanguard of my age; with all arrears

Of duty on my back。  Nor child; nor man;

Nor youth; nor sage; I find my head is gray;

For I have lost the race I never ran:

A rathe December blights my lagging May;

And still I am a child; though I be old:

Time is my debtor for my years untold。

Hartley Coleridge '1796…1849'


Few; in the days of early youth;

Trusted like me in love and truth。

I've learned sad lessons from the years;

But slowly; and with many tears;

For God made me to kindly view

The world that I was passing through。

How little did I once believe

That friendly tones could e'er deceive!

That kindness; and forbearance long;

Might meet ingratitude and wrong!

I could not help but kindly view

The world that I was passing through。

And though I've learned some souls are base;

I would not; therefore; hate the race;

I still would bless my fellow men;

And trust them; though deceived again。

God help me still to kindly view

The world that I am passing through!

Through weary conflicts I have passed;

And struggled into rest at last;

Such rest as when the rack has broke

A joint; or nerve; at every stroke。

The wish survives to kindly view

The world that I am passing through。

From all that fate has brought to me

I strive to learn humility;

And trust in Him who rules above;

Whose universal law is love。

Thus only can I kindly view

The world that I am passing through。

When I approach the setting sun;

And feel my journey nearly done;

May earth be veiled in genial light;

And her last smile to me seem bright!

Help me till then to kindly view

The world that I am passing through!

And all who tempt a trusting heart

From faith and hope to drift apart; …

May they themselves be spared the pain

Of losing power to trust again!

God help us all to kindly view

The world that we are passing through!

Lydia Maria Child '1802…1880'


It is time to be old;

To take in sail: …

The god of bounds;

Who sets to seas a shore;

Came to me in his fatal rounds;

And said: 〃No more!

No farther shoot

Thy broad ambitious branches; and thy root。

Fancy departs: no more invent;

Contract thy firmament

To compass of a tent。

There's not enough for this and that;

Make thy option which of two;

Economize the failing river;

Not the less revere the Giver;

Leave the many and hold the few。

Timely wise accept the terms;

Soften the fall with wary foot;

A little while

Still plan and smile;

And; … fault of novel germs; …

Mature the unfallen fruit。

Curse; if thou wilt; thy sires;

Bad husbands of their fires;

Who; when they gave thee breath;

Failed to bequeath

The needful sinew stark as once;

The Baresark marrow to thy bones;

But left a legacy of ebbing veins;

Inconstant heat and nerveless reins; …

Amid the Muses; left thee deaf and dumb;

Amid the Gladiators; halt and numb。〃

As the bird trims her to the gale;

I trim myself to the storm of time;

I man the rudder; reef the sail;

Obey the voice at eve obeyed at prime:

〃Lowly faithful; banish fear;

Right onward drive unharmed;

The port; well worth the cruise; is near;

And every wave is charmed。〃

Ralph Waldo Emerson '1803…1882'


Grow old along with me!

The best is yet to be;

The last of life; for which
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