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the story of a bad boy(顽童故事)-第39部分

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on     this;  and    as   it  was    not   in   accordance      with    my     grandfather's 

preconceived   notions   of   Christian   burial;   the   Admiral   was   laid   to   rest 

beside Kitty; in the Old South Burying Ground; with an anchor that would 

have delighted him neatly carved on his headstone。 

     I am sorry the fire has gone out in the old ship's stove in that sky…blue 

cottage at the head of the wharf; I am sorry they have taken down the flag… 

staff and painted over the funny port…holes; for I loved the old cabin as it 

was。 They might have let it alone! 

     For     several    months      after   leaving     Rivermouth       I   carried    on   a 

voluminous        correspondence       with    Pepper    Whitcomb;       but   it  gradually 

dwindled   down   to   a   single   letter   a   month;   and   then   to   none   at   all。   But 

while he remained at the Temple Grammar School he kept me advised of 

the current gossip of the town and the doings of the Centipedes。 

     As   one   by   one   the   boys   left   the   academy…Adams;   Harris;   Marden; 

Blake;   and   Langdon…to   seek   their   fortunes   elsewhere;   there   was   less   to 

interest    me    in   the   old   seaport;    and   when     Pepper     himself    went    to 

Philadelphia to read law; I had no one to give me an inkling of what was 

going on。 

     There     wasn't   much     to  go   on;  to  be   sure。   Great   events    no   longer 


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                                    The Story of a Bad Boy 

considered it worth their while to honor so quiet a place。 

     One   Fourth   of   July   the   Temple   Grammar   School   burnt   down…set   on 

fire; it was supposed; by an eccentric squib that was seen to bolt into an 

upper window…and Mr。 Grimshaw retired from public life; married; 〃and 

lived happily ever after;〃 as the story…books say。 

     The Widow Conway; I am able to state; did not succeed in enslaving 

Mr。   Meeks;   the   apothecary;   who   united   himself   clandestinely   to   one   of 

Miss   Dorothy   Gibbs's   young   ladies;   and   lost   the   patronage   of   Primrose 

Hall in consequence。 

     Young Conway went into the grocery business with his ancient chum; 

Rodgers…RODGERS & CONWAY! I read the sign only last summer when 

I was down in Rivermouth; and had half a mind to pop into the shop and 

shake   hands   with   him;   and   ask   him   if   he   wanted   to   fight。   I   contented 

myself; however; with flattening my nose against his dingy shop…window; 

and beheld Conway; in red whiskers and blue overalls; weighing out sugar 

for a customer…giving him short weight; I'll bet anything! 

     I   have   reserved   my   pleasantest   word   for   the   last。   It   is   touching   the 

Captain。   The   Captain   is   still   hale   and   rosy;   and   if   he   doesn't   relate   his 

exploit   in   the   War   of   1812   as   spiritedly   as   he   used   to;   he   makes   up   by 

relating it more frequently and telling it differently every time! He passes 

his   winters   in   New   York   and   his   summers   in   the   Nutter   House;   which 

threatens to prove a hard nut for the destructive gentleman with the scythe 

and the hour…glass; for the seaward gable has not yielded a clapboard to 

the eastwind these twenty years。 The Captain has now become the Oldest 

Inhabitant in Rivermouth; and so I don't laugh at the Oldest Inhabitant any 

more; but pray in my heart that he may occupy the post of honor for half a 

century to come! 

     So ends the Story of a Bad Boy…but not such a very bad boy; as I told 

you to begin with。 


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