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the complete writings-3-第56部分

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amontack; whose acquaintance we have before made; returning from England; whither they had been sent by Captain Smith。 Falling out about something; Machumps slew Namontack; and having made a hole to bury him; because it was too short he cut off his legs and laid them by him。  This proceeding Machumps concealed till he was in Virginia。

Somers and Gates were busy building two cedar ships; the Deliverer; of eighty tons; and a pinnace called the Patience。  When these were completed; the whole company; except two scamps who remained behind and had adventures enough for a three…volume novel; embarked; and on the 16th of May sailed for Jamestown; where they arrived on the 23d or 24th; and found the colony in the pitiable condition before described。  A few famished settlers watched their coming。  The church bell was rung in the shaky edifice; and the emaciated colonists assembled and heard the 〃zealous and sorrowful prayer〃 of Chaplain Buck。  The commission of Sir Thomas Gates was read; and Mr。 Percy retired from the governorship。

The town was empty and unfurnished; and seemed like the ruin of some ancient fortification rather than the habitation of living men。  The palisades were down; the ports open; the gates unhinged; the church ruined and unfrequented; the houses empty; torn to pieces or burnt; the people not able to step into the woods to gather fire…wood; and the Indians killing as fast without as famine and pestilence within。 William Strachey was among the new…comers; and this is the story that he despatched as Lord Delaware's report to England in July。  On taking stock of provisions there was found only scant rations for sixteen days; and Gates and Somers determined to abandon the plantation; and; taking all on board their own ships; to make their way to Newfoundland; in the hope of falling in with English vessels。 Accordingly; on the 7th of June they got on board and dropped down the James。

Meantime the news of the disasters to the colony; and the supposed loss of the Sea Venture; had created a great excitement in London; and a panic and stoppage of subscriptions in the company。  Lord Delaware; a man of the highest reputation for courage and principle; determined to go himself; as Captain…General; to Virginia; in the hope of saving the fortunes of the colony。  With three ships and one hundred and fifty persons; mostly artificers; he embarked on the 1st of April; 1610; and reached the Chesapeake Bay on the 5th of June; just in time to meet the forlorn company of Gates and Somers putting out to sea。

They turned back and ascended to Jamestown; when landing on Sunday; the 10th; after a sermon by Mr。 Buck; the commission of Lord Delaware was read; and Gates turned over his authority to the new Governor。 He swore in as Council; Sir Thomas Gates; Lieutenant…General; Sir George Somers; Admiral; Captain George Percy; Sir Ferdinando Wenman; Marshal; Captain Christopher Newport; and William Strachey; Esq。; Secretary and Recorder。

On the 19th of June the brave old sailor; Sir George Somers; volunteered to return to the Bermudas in his pinnace to procure hogs and other supplies for the colony。  He was accompanied by Captain Argall in the ship Discovery。  After a rough voyage this noble old knight reached the Bermudas。  But his strength was not equal to the memorable courage of his mind。  At a place called Saint George he died; and his men; confounded at the death of him who was the life of them all; embalmed his body and set sail for England。  Captain Argall; after parting with his consort; without reaching the Bermudas; and much beating about the coast; was compelled to return to Jamestown。

Captain Gates was sent to England with despatches and to procure more settlers and more supplies。  Lord Delaware remained with the colony less than a year; his health failing; he went in pursuit of it; in March; 1611; to the West Indies。  In June of that year Gates sailed again; with six vessels; three hundred men; one hundred cows; besides other cattle; and provisions of all sorts。  With him went his wife; who died on the passage; and his daughters。  His expedition reached the James in August。  The colony now numbered seven hundred persons。 Gates seated himself at Hampton; a 〃delicate and necessary site for a city。〃

Percy commanded at Jamestown; and Sir Thomas Dale went up the river to lay the foundations of Henrico。

We have no occasion to follow further the fortunes of the Virginia colony; except to relate the story of Pocahontas under her different names of Amonate; Matoaka; Mrs。 Rolfe; and Lady Rebecca。



The simple story of the life of Pocahontas is sufficiently romantic without the embellishments which have been wrought on it either by the vanity of Captain Smith or the natural pride of the descendants of this dusky princess who have been ennobled by the smallest rivulet of her red blood。

That she was a child of remarkable intelligence; and that she early showed a tender regard for the whites and rendered them willing and unwilling service; is the concurrent evidence of all contemporary testimony。  That as a child she was well…favored; sprightly; and prepossessing above all her copper…colored companions; we can believe; and that as a woman her manners were attractive。  If the portrait taken of her in Londonthe best engraving of which is by Simon de Passein 1616; when she is said to have been twenty…one years old; does her justice; she had marked Indian features。

The first mention of her is in 〃The True Relation;〃 written by Captain Smith in Virginia in 1608。  In this narrative; as our readers have seen; she is not referred to until after Smith's return from the captivity in which Powhatan used him 〃with all the kindness he could devise。〃  Her name first appears; toward the close of the relation; in the following sentence:

〃Powhatan understanding we detained certain salvages; sent his daughter; a child of tenne yeares old; which not only for feature; countenance; and proportion; much exceedeth any of the rest of his people; but for wit and spirit the only nonpareil of his country: this hee sent by his most trusty messenger; called Rawhunt; as much exceeding in deformitie of person; but of a subtill wit and crafty understanding; he with a long circumstance told mee how well Powhatan loved and respected mee; and in that I should not doubt any way of his kindness; he had sent his child; which he most esteemed; to see mee; a Deere; and bread; besides for a present: desiring mee that the Boy 'Thomas Savage; the boy given by Newport to Powhatan' might come again; which he loved exceedingly; his little Daughter he had taught this lesson also: not taking notice at all of the Indians that had been prisoners three daies; till that morning that she saw their fathers and friends come quietly; and in good termes to entreate their libertie。

〃In the afternoon they 'the friends of the prisoners' being gone; we guarded them 'the prisoners' as before to the church; and after prayer; gave them to Pocahuntas the King's Daughter; in regard of her father's kindness in sending her: after having well fed them; as all the time of their imprisonment; we gave them their bows; arrowes; or what else they had; and with much content; sent them packing: Pocahuntas; also we requited with such trifles as contented her; to tel that we had used the Paspaheyans very kindly in so releasing them。〃

The next allusion to her is in the fourth chapter of the narratives which are appended to the 〃 Map of Virginia;〃 etc。  This was sent home by Smith; with a description of Virginia; in the late autumn of 1608。  It was published at Oxford in 1612; from two to three years after Smith's return to England。  The appendix contains the narratives of several of Smith's companions in Virginia; edited by Dr。 Symonds and overlooked by Smith。  In one of these is a brief reference to the above…quoted incident。

This Oxford tract; it is scarcely necessary to repeat; contains no reference to the saving of Smith's life by Pocahontas from the clubs of Powhatan。

The next published mention of Pocahontas; in point of time; is in Chapter X。  and the last of the appendix to the 〃Map of Virginia;〃 and is Smith's denial; already quoted; of his intention to marry Pocahontas。  In this passage he speaks of her as 〃at most not past 13 or 14 years of age。〃  If she was thirteen or fourteen in 1609; when Smith left Virginia; she must have been more than ten when he wrote his 〃True Relation;〃 composed in the winter of 1608; which in all probability was carried to England by Captain Nelson; who left Jamestown June 2d。

The next contemporary authority to be consulted in regard to Pocahontas is William Strachey; who; as we have seen; went with the expedition of Gates and Somers; was shipwrecked on the Bermudas; and reached Jamestown May 23 or 24; 1610; and was made Secretary and Recorder of the colony under Lord Delaware。  Of the origin and life of Strachey; who was a person of importance in Virginia; little is known。  The better impression is that he was the William Strachey of Saffron Walden; who was married in 1588 and was living in 1620; and that it was his grandson of the same name who was subsequently connected with the Virginia colony。  He was; judged by his writings; a man of considerable education; a good deal of a pedant; and shared the credulity and fondness for embellishment of the writers of his time。  His connection with Lord Delaware; and his part in framing the code of laws in Virginia; which may be inferred from the fact that he first published them; show that he was a trusted and capable man。

William Strachey left behind him a manuscript entitled 〃The Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britanica; &c。; gathered and observed as well by those who went first thither; as collected by William Strachey; gent。; three years thither; employed as Secretaire of State。〃  How long he remained in Virginia is uncertain; but it could not have been 〃three years;〃 though he may have been continued Secretary for that period; for he was in London in 1612; in which year he published there the laws of Virginia which had been established by Sir Thomas Gates May 24; 1610; approved by Lord Delaware June 10; 1610; and enlarged by Sir Thomas Dale June 22; 1611。

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