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the complete writings-3-第70部分

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The last work of our author was published in 1631; the year of his death。  Its full title very well describes the contents: 〃Advertisements for the Unexperienced Planters of New England; or anywhere。  Or; the Pathway to Experience to erect a Plantation。  With the yearly proceedings of this country in fishing and planting since the year 1614 to the year 1630; and their present estate。  Also; how to prevent the greatest inconvenience by their proceedings in Virginia; and other plantations by approved examples。  With the countries armes; a description of the coast; harbours; habitations; landmarks; latitude and longitude: with the map allowed by our Royall King Charles。〃

Smith had become a trifle cynical in regard to the newsmongers of the day; and quaintly remarks in his address to the reader: 〃Apelles by the proportion of a foot could make the whole proportion of a man: were he now living; he might go to school; for now thousands can by opinion proportion kingdoms; cities and lordships that never durst adventure to see them。  Malignancy I expect from these; have lived 10 or 12 years in those actions; and return as wise as they went; claiming time and experience for their tutor that can neither shift Sun nor moon; nor say their compass; yet will tell you of more than all the world betwixt the Exchange; Paul's and Westminster。。。。 and tell as well what all England is by seeing but Mitford Haven as what Apelles was by the picture of his great toe。〃

This is one of Smith's most characteristic productions。  Its material is ill…arranged; and much of it is obscurely written; it runs backward and forward along his life; refers constantly to his former works and repeats them; complains of the want of appreciation of his services; and makes himself the centre of all the colonizing exploits of the age。  Yet it is interspersed with strokes of humor and observations full of good sense。

It opens with the airy remark: 〃The wars in Europe; Asia and Africa; taught me how to subdue the wild savages in Virginia and New England。〃  He never did subdue the wild savages in New England; and he never was in any war in Africa; nor in Asia; unless we call his piratical cruising in the Mediterranean 〃wars in Asia。〃

As a Church of England man; Smith is not well pleased with the occupation of New England by the Puritans; Brownists; and such 〃factious humorists〃 as settled at New Plymouth; although he acknowledges the wonderful patience with which; in their ignorance and willfulness; they have endured losses and extremities; but he hopes better things of the gentlemen who went in 1629 to supply Endicott at Salem; and were followed the next year by Winthrop。  All these adventurers have; he says; made use of his 〃aged endeavors。〃 It seems presumptuous in them to try to get on with his maps and descriptions and without him。  They probably had never heard; except in the title…pages of his works; that he was 〃Admiral of New England。〃

Even as late as this time many supposed New England to be an island; but Smith again asserts; what he had always maintainedthat it was a part of the continent。  The expedition of Winthrop was scattered by a storm; and reached Salem with the loss of threescore dead and many sick; to find as many of the colony dead; and all disconsolate。  Of the discouraged among them who returned to England Smith says: 〃Some could not endure the name of a bishop; others not the sight of a cross or surplice; others by no means the book of common prayer。 This absolute crew; only of the Elect; holding all (but such as themselves) reprobates and castaways; now made more haste to return to Babel; as they termed England; than stay to enjoy the land they called Canaan。〃  Somewhat they must say to excuse themselves。 Therefore; 〃some say they could see no timbers of ten foot diameter; some the country is all wood; others they drained all the springs and ponds dry; yet like to famish for want of fresh water; some of the danger of the ratell…snake。〃  To compel all the Indians to furnish them corn without using them cruelly they say is impossible。  Yet this 〃impossible;〃 Smith says; he accomplished in Virginia; and offers to undertake in New England; with one hundred and fifty men; to get corn; fortify the country; and 〃discover them more land than they all yet know。〃

This homily endsand it is the last published sentence of the 〃great Smith〃with this good advice to the New England colonists:

〃Lastly; remember as faction; pride; and security produces nothing but confusion; misery and dissolution; so the contraries well practised will in short time make you happy; and the most admired people of all our plantations for your time in the world。

〃John Smith writ this with his owne hand。〃

The extent to which Smith retouched his narrations; as they grew in his imagination; in his many reproductions of them; has been referred to; and illustrated by previous quotations。  An amusing instance of his care and ingenuity is furnished by the interpolation of Pocahontas into his stories after 1623。  In his 〃General Historie〃 of 1624 he adopts; for the account of his career in Virginia; the narratives in the Oxford tract of 1612; which he had supervised。  We have seen how he interpolated the wonderful story of his rescue by the Indian child。  Some of his other insertions of her name; to bring all the narrative up to that level; are curious。  The following passages from the 〃Oxford Tract〃 contain in italics the words inserted when they were transferred to the 〃General Historie〃:

〃So revived their dead spirits (especially the love of Pocahuntas) as all anxious fears were abandoned。〃

〃Part always they brought him as presents from their king; or Pocahuntas。〃

In the account of the 〃masques〃 of girls to entertain Smith at Werowocomoco we read:

〃But presently Pocahuntas came; wishing him to kill her if any hurt were intended; and the beholders; which were women and children; satisfied the Captain there was no such matter。〃

In the account of Wyffin's bringing the news of Scrivener's drowning; when Wyffin was lodged a night with Powhatan; we read:。

〃He did assure himself some mischief was intended。  Pocahontas hid him for a time; and sent them who pursued him the clean contrary way to seek him; but by her means and extraordinary bribes and much trouble in three days' travel; at length he found us in the middest of these turmoyles。〃

The affecting story of the visit and warning from Pocahontas in the night; when she appeared with 〃tears running down her cheeks;〃 is not in the first narration in the Oxford Tract; but is inserted in the narrative in the 〃General Historie。〃  Indeed; the first account would by its terms exclude the later one。  It is all contained in these few lines:

〃But our barge being left by the ebb; caused us to staie till the midnight tide carried us safe aboord; having spent that half night with such mirth as though we never had suspected or intended anything; we left the Dutchmen to build; Brinton to kill foule for Powhatan (as by his messengers he importunately desired); and left directions with our men to give Powhatan all the content they could; that we might enjoy his company on our return from Pamaunke。〃

It should be added; however; that there is an allusion to some warning by Pocahontas in the last chapter of the 〃Oxford Tract。〃  But the full story of the night visit and the streaming tears as we have given it seems without doubt to have been elaborated from very slight materials。  And the subsequent insertion of the name of Pocahontas of which we have given examples aboveinto old accounts that had no allusion to her; adds new and strong presumptions to the belief that Smith invented what is known as the Pocahontas legend。〃

As a mere literary criticism on Smith's writings; it would appear that he had a habit of transferring to his own career notable incidents and adventures of which he had read; and this is somewhat damaging to an estimate of his originality。  His wonderful system of telegraphy by means of torches; which he says he put in practice at the siege of Olympack; and which he describes as if it were his own invention; he had doubtless read in Polybius; and it seemed a good thing to introduce into his narrative。

He was (it must also be noted) the second white man whose life was saved by an Indian princess in America; who subsequently warned her favorite of a plot to kill him。  In 1528 Pamphilo de Narvaes landed at Tampa Bay; Florida; and made a disastrous expedition into the interior。  Among the Spaniards who were missing as a result of this excursion was a soldier named Juan Ortiz。  When De Soto marched into the same country in 1539 he encountered this soldier; who had been held in captivity by the Indians and had learned their language。  The story that Ortiz told was this: He was taken prisoner by the chief Ucita; bound hand and foot; and stretched upon a scaffold to be roasted; when; just as the flames were seizing him; a daughter of the chief interposed in his behalf; and upon her prayers Ucita spared the life of the prisoner。  Three years afterward; when there was danger that Ortiz would be sacrificed to appease the devil; the princess came to him; warned him of his danger; and led him secretly and alone in the night to the camp of a chieftain who protected him。

This narrative was in print before Smith wrote; and as he was fond of such adventures he may have read it。  The incidents are curiously parallel。  And all the comment needed upon it is that Smith seems to have been peculiarly subject to such coincidences

Our author's selection of a coat of arms; the distinguishing feature of which was 〃three Turks' heads;〃 showed little more originality。 It was a common device before his day: on many coats of arms of the Middle Ages and later appear 〃three Saracens' heads;〃 or 〃three Moors' heads〃probably most of them had their origin in the Crusades。  Smith's patent to use this charge; which he produced from Sigismund; was dated 1603; but the certificate appended to it by the Garter King at Arms; certifying that it was recorded in the register and office of the heralds; is dated 1625。  Whether Smith used it before this latter date we are not told。  We do not know why he had not as good right to assume it as any
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