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voyages of dr[1]. doolittle(都利特尔的航行)-第48部分

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world was a great puzzle to us。 John Dolittle asked him by what means he 

navigated how he knew he was on the right road to Puddleby River。 And 

what the snail said in reply got the Doctor so excited; that having no paper 

left; he tore out the lining of his precious hat and covered it with notes。 

     By night of course it was impossible to see anything; and during the 

hours of darkness the snail used to swim instead of crawl。 When he did so 

he could travel at a terrific speed; just by waggling that long tail of his。 

This was the reason why we completed the trip in so short a time five and 

a half days。 

     The air of our chamber; not having a change in the whole voyage; got 

very close and stuffy; and for the first two days we all had headaches。 But 


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                         THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

after that we got used to it and didn't mind it in the least。 

     Early in the afternoon of the sixth day; we noticed we were climbing a 

long gentle slope。 As we went upward it grew lighter。 Finally we saw that 

the snail had crawled right out of the water altogether and had now come 

to a dead stop on a long strip of gray sand。 

     Behind us we saw the surface of the sea rippled by the wind。 On our 

left was the mouth of a river with the tide running out。 While in front; the 

low   flat   land   stretched   away   into   the   mist   which   prevented   one   from 

seeing very far in any direction。 A pair of wild ducks with craning necks 

and     whirring    wings     passed    over    us  and    disappeared      like  shadows; 


     As a landscape; it was a great change from the hot brilliant sunshine of 


     With the same whistling suction sound; the snail made the opening for 

us to crawl out by。 As we stepped down upon the marshy land we noticed 

that a fine; drizzling autumn rain was falling。 

     〃Can   this   be   Merrie   England?〃   asked   Bumpo;   peering   into   the   fog 

〃doesn't look like any place in particular。 Maybe the snail hasn't brought 

us right after all。〃 

     〃Yes;〃   sighed   Polynesia;   shaking   the   rain   oft   her   feathers;   〃this   is 

England all rightYou can tell it by the beastly climate。〃 

     〃Oh; but fellows;〃 cried Jip; as he sniffed up the air in great gulps; 〃it 

has a SMELLa good and glorious smell!Excuse me a minute: I see a 


       〃Sh!Listen!〃 said   Chee…Chee through teeth that   chattered with   the 

cold。 〃There's Puddleby church…clock striking four。 Why don't we divide 

up   the   baggage   and   get   moving。   We've   got   a   long   way   to   foot   it   home 

across the marshes。〃 

     〃Let's   hope;〃   I   put   in;   〃that   Dab…Dab   has   a   nice   fire   burning   in   the 


     〃I'm sure she will;〃 said the Doctor as he picked out his old handbag 

from among the bundles〃With this wind from the East she'll need it to 

keep the animals in the house warm。 Come on。 Let's hug the river…bank so 

we   don't   miss   our   way   in   the   fog。   You   know;   there's   something   rather 


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                      THE VOYAGES OF DOCTOR DOOLITTLE 

attractive in the bad weather of Englandwhen you've got a kitchen…fire to 

look forward to。 。 。 。 Four o'clock! Come alongwe'll just be in nice time 

for tea。〃 


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