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history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18-第29部分

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Ever since July 29th; three days after Hastenbeck; Pitt had been in Office again; such the bombardment by Corporation…Boxes and Events impinging on Britannic Majesty: but not till now; as I fancy; had Pitt's way; in regard to those German matters; been clear to him。 The question of a German Army; if you must; have a No…General at the top of it; might well be problematical to Pitt。 To equip your strong fighting man; and send him on your errand; regardless of expense; and; by way of preliminary; cut the head off him; before saying 〃Good…speed to you; strong man!〃 But with a General; Pitt sees that it can be different; that perhaps 〃America can be conquered in Germany;〃 and that; with a Britannic Majesty so disposed; there is no other way of trying it。 To this course Pitt stands henceforth; heedless of the gazetteer cackle; 〃Hah; our Pitt too become German; after all his talking!〃like a seventy…four under full sail; with sea; wind; pilot all of one mind; and only certain water…fowl objecting。 And is King of England for the next Four Years; the one King poor England has had this long while;his hand felt shortly at the ends of the Earth。 And proves such a blessing to Friedrich; among others; as nothing else in this War; pretty much his one blessing; little as he expected it。 Before long; Excellency Mitchell begins consulting about a General; and Friedrich dimly sees better things in the distance; and that Kloster…Zeven had not been the misfortune he imagined; but only 〃The darkest hour;〃 which; it is said; lies 〃nearest to the dawn。〃


Friedrich's march has gone by Dobeln; Grimma; to Pegau and Rotha; Leipzig way; but; with Leipzig well to right: it just brushes Weissenfels to rightward; next day after Rotha; crosses Saale River near Naumburg; whence straight through Weimar Country; Weimar City on your left; to Erfurt on the northern side;and;

〃ERFURT; TUESDAY 13th SEPTEMBER; 1757; About 10 in the morning 'listen to a faithful Witness'; there appeared Hussars on the heights to northward:'Vanguard of his Prussian Majesty!' said Erfurt with alarm; and our French guests with alarm。 And scarcely were the words uttered; when said Vanguard; and gradually the whole Prussian Army 'only some 9;000; though we all thought it the whole'; came to sight; posting itself in half…moon shape round us there; French and Reichs folk hurrying off what they could from the Cyriaksberg and Petersberg; by the opposite gates;〃towards Gotha; and the Hills of Eisenach。

〃Think what a dilemma for Erfurt; jammed between two horns in this way; should one horn enter before the other got out! Much parleying and supplicating on the part of Erfurt: Till at last; about 4 P。M。; French being all off; Erfurt flung its gates open; and the new Power did enter; with some due state: Prussian Majesty in Person (who could have hoped it!) and Prince Henri beside him; Cavalry with drawn swords; Infantry with field…pieces; and the band playing〃Prussian grenadier march; I should hope; or something equally cheering。 〃The rest of the Vanguard; and; in succession; the Army altogether; had taken Camp outside; looking down on the Northern Gate; over at Ilgertshofen; a village in the neighborhood; about two miles off。〃 ' Helden…Geschichte;  iv。 636; 637。'

That is the first sight Friedrich has of 〃LA DAUPHINE;〃 as the Versailles people call this Bellona; come to 〃deliver Saxony;〃 and she is considerably coyer than had been expected。 Many sad days; and ardent vain vows of Friedrich; before he could see the skirt of her again! From Ilgertshofen; northwestward to Dittelstadt; Gamstadt; and other poor specks of villages in Gotha Territory; is ten or fifteen miles; from Dittelstadt eastward to Buttstadt and Buttelstadt; in Weimar Country; may be twenty…five: in this area; Friedrich; shifting about; chiefly for convenience of quarters;head…quarter Kirschleben for a while; Buttelstadt finally and longest;had to wander impatiently to and fro for four weeks and more; no work procurable; or none worth mentioning:in the humor of a man whose House is on fire; flaming out of every window; front and rear; who has run up with quenching apparatus; and cannot; being spell…bound; get the least bucket of it applied。 And is by nature the rapidest soul now alive。 Figure his situation there; as it gradually becomes manifest to him!

For the present; DAUPHINESS Bellona; hurrying to the Hills; has left some tagrag of remnant in Gotha。 Whereupon; the second day; here is an 〃Own Correspondent〃 again;not coming by electric telegraph; but (what is a sensible advantage) credible in every point; when he does come:

〃GOTHA; THURSDAY; 15th SEPTEMBER。 Grand…Duke and Duchess; like everybody else; have been much occupied all morning with the fact; that the Prussian Army 'Seidlitz and a regiment or two; nothing more' is actually here; took possession of the Town…Gates and Main Guard this morning;certain Hungarian…French hussar rabble; hateful to every one in Gotha; having made off in time; rapidly towards Eisenach and the Hills。

〃Towards noon; his Royal Majesty in highest person; with his Lord Brother the Prince Henri's Royal Highness; arrived in Gotha; sent straightway; by one of his Officers; a compliment to the Grand…Duke; and 'would have the pleasure to come and dine; if his Serene Highness permitted。' Serene Highness; self and Household always cordially Friedrich's; was just about sitting down to dinner; and answered with exuberantly glad surprise;or was answering; when Royal Majesty himself stept in with smiling face; and embracing the Duke; said: 'I timed myself to arrive at this moment; thinking your Durchlaucht would be at dinner; that I might be received without ceremony; and dine like a neighbor among you。' Unexpected as this visit was; the joy of Duke and Duchess;〃 always fast friends to Friedrich; and the latter ever afterwards his correspondent; 〃may be conceived; but not adequately expressed; as both the Serenities were touched; in the most affecting manner; by the honor of so great a King's sudden presence among them。

〃His Majesty requested that the Frau von Buchwald; our Most Gracious Duchess's Hof…Dame; whose qualities he much valued; might dine with them;〃being always fond of sensible people; especially sensible women。 〃The whole Highest and High company 'Royal; that is; and Ducal' was; during table; uncommonly merry。 The King showed himself altogether content; and his bright clever talk and sprightly sallies; awakening everybody to the like; left not the least trace visible of the weighty toils he was then engaged in; as if the weightier these were; the less should they fetter the noble openness (FREYMUTHIGKEIT) of this high soul; which is not to be cast down by the heaviest burden。

〃His Majesty having taken leave of Duke and Duchess; and graciously permitted the chiefest persons of the Gotha Court to pay their respects; withdrew to his Army。〃 'Letter in  Helden… Geschichte;  iv。 638; 639。' Slept; I find elsewhere; 〃at Gamstadt; on the floor of a little Inn;〃 meaning to examine Posts in that part; next morning。

Here has been a cheerful little scene for Friedrich; the last he has in these black weeks。 A laborious Predecessor; striving to elucidate; leaves me this Note:

〃What a pity one knows nothing; nor can know; about this Duke and Duchess; though their names; especially the latter's name; are much tossed to and fro in the Books! We heard of them; favorably; in Voltaire's time; and may again; at least of the Lady; who is henceforth a Correspondent of Friedrich's。 The above is a dim direct view of them; probably our last as well as first。 Duke's name is Friedrich III。; I do believe; a man of solidity; honor and polite dignified sense; a highly respectable Duke of Sachsen…Gotha; contented to be obscure; and quietly do what was still do…able in that enigmatic situation。 He is Uncle to our George III。;his Sister is the now Princess…Dowager of Wales; with a Lord Bute; and I know not what questionable figures and intrigues; or suspicions of intrigue; much about her。 His Duchess; Louisa Dorothee; is a Princess of distinguished qualities; literary tastes;Voltaire's Hostess; Friedrich's Correspondent: a bright and quietly shining illumination to the circle she inhabits。 Duke is now fifty…eight; Duchess forty…seven; and they lost their eldest Son last year。 There has been lately a considerable private brabble as to Tutorage of the Duke of Weimar (Wilhelmina's maddish Duke; who is dead lately; and a Prince left; who soon died also; but left a Son; who grew to be Goethe's friend); Tutorage claimed by various Cousins; has been adjudged to this one; King Friedrich co…operating in such result。

〃As to the famed Grand…Duchess; she is a Sachsen…Meiningen Princess; come of Ernst the Pious; of Johann the Magnanimous; as her Husband and all these Sachsens are: when Voltaire went precipitant; with such velocity; from the Potsdam Heaven; she received him at Gotha; set him on writing his HISTORY OF THE EMPIRE; and endeavored to break his fall。 She was noble to Voltaire; and well honored by that uncertain Spirit。 There is a fine Library at Gotha; and the Lady bright loves Books; and those that can write them;a friend of the Light; a Daughter of the Sun and the Empyrean; not of Darkness and the Stygian Fens。〃 'Michaelis; i。 517; &c。 &c。'

Friedrich's first Letter to her Highness was one of thanks; above a year ago; for an act of kindness; act of justice withal; which she did to one of his Official people。 Here; on the morrow of that dinner; is the second Letter; much more aerial and cordial; in which style they all continue; now that he has seen the admired Princess。


DITTELSTADT; 〃16th September; 1757。

〃MADAM;Yesterday was a Day I shall never forget; which satisfied a just desire I have had; this long while; to see and hear a Princess whom all Europe admires。 I am not surprised; Madam; that you subdue people's hearts; you are made to attract the esteem and the homage of all who have the happiness to know you。 But it is incomprehens
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