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history of friedrich ii of prussia v 18-第54部分

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g and acting; though now in a dingier manner'; by Mr。 Whitfield's people; for the signal Victories gained by the King of Prussia over his Enemies。 ' Gentleman's Magazine;  xxviii。 (for 1758); p。 41。''Why rage the Heathen; why do the people imagine a vain thing? Sinful beings we; perilously sunk in sin against the Most High:but they; do they think that; by earthly propping and hoisting; their unblessed Chimera; with his Three Hats; can sweep away the Eternal Stars!'〃In this strain; I suppose: Protestant Hero and Heaven's long…suffering Patiences and Mercies in raising up such a one for a backsliding generation; doubtless with much unction by Mr。 Whitfield。

No。 2。 KING OF PRUSSIA'S BIRTHDAY (Tuesday; January 24th)。 〃This being the Birthday of the King of Prussia; who then entered into the forty…seventh year of his age; the same was observed with illuminations and other demonstrations of joy;〃throughout the Cities of London and Westminster; 〃great rejoicings and illuminations;〃 it appears; ' Gentleman's Magazine;  xxviii。 (for 1758); p。 43; and vol。 xxix。 p。 42; for next year's birthday; and p。 81 for another kind of celebration。'now shining so feebly at a century's distance!No。 3 is still more curious; and has deserved from us a little special inquiring into。

No。 3。 MISS BARBARA WYNDHAM'S SUBSIDY。 〃March 13th; 1758;〃while Pitt and Knyphausen are busy on the Subsidy Treaty; still not out with it; the Newspapers suddenly announce;

〃Miss Bab。 Wyndham; of Salisbury; sister of Henry Wyndham; Esq。; of that City; a maiden lady of ample fortune; has ordered her banker to prepare the sum of 1;000 pounds to be immediately remitted; in her own name; as a present to the King of Prussia。〃 ' London Chronicle;  March 14th…16th; 1758;  Lloyd's Evening Post;  &c。 &c。' Doubtless to the King of Prussia's surprise; and that of London Society; which would not want for commentaries on such a thing!

Before long; the Subsidy Treaty being now out; and the Wyndham topic new again; London Society reads; in the same Newspaper; a Documentary Piece; calculated to help in its commentaries。 There is good likelihood of guess; though no certainty now attainable; that the 〃English Lady〃 referred to may be Miss Bab。 herself;of whose long…vanished biography; and brisk; airy; nomadic ways; we catch hereby a faint shadow; momentary; but conceivable; and sufficient for us:

〃TO THE AUTHORS OF THE LONDON CHRONICLE。  London Chronicle;  of 13th…15th April; 1758。

〃The following Account; which is a real fact; will serve to show with what punctuality and exactness the King of Prussia attends to the most minute affairs; and how open he is to applications from all persons。

〃An English Lady being possessed of actions 'shares' in the Embden Company; and having occasion to raise money on them; repaired to Antwerp 'some two years ago; as will be seen'; and made application for that purpose to a Director of the Company; established there by the King of Prussia for the managing all affairs relative thereto。 This person;〃 Van Erthorn the name of him; 〃very willingly entered into treaty with her; but the sum he offered to lend being far short of what the actions would bring; and he also insisting on forfeiture of her right in them; if not redeemed in twelve months; she broke off with him; and had recourse to some merchants at Antwerp; who were inclinable to treat with her on much more equitable terms。 The proceeding necessarily brought the parties before this Director for receiving his sanction; which was essential to the solidity of the agreement; and he; finding he was like to lose the advantage he had flattered himself with; disputed the authenticity of the actions; and thereby threw her into such discredit; as to render all attempts to raise money on them ineffectual。 Upon this the Lady wrote a Letter by the common post to his Majesty of Prussia; accompanied with a Memorial complaining of the treatment she had received from the Director; and she likewise enclosed the actions themselves in another letter to a friend at Berlin。 By the return of the post; his Majesty condescended to answer her Letter; and the actions were returned authenticated; which so restored her credit; that in a few hours all difficulties were removed relating to the transaction she had in hand; and it is more than probable the Director has felt his Majesty's resentment for his ill…behavior。The Lady's Letter was as follows:

〃'ANTWERP; 19th February; 1756。

〃'SIR;Having had the happiness to pay my court to your Majesty during a pretty long residence at Berlin 'say in Voltaire's time; Miss Barbara's 〃Embden Company;〃 I observe; was the first of the two; date 1750; that of 1753 is not hers'; and to receive such marks of favor from their Majesties the Queens 'a Barbara capable of shining in the Royal soirees at Monbijou; of talking to; or of; your Voltaires and lions; and investing moneys in the new Embden Company' as I shall ever retain a grateful sense of;I presume to flatter myself that your Majesty will not be offended at the respectful liberty I have taken in laying before you my complaints against one Van Erthorn; a Director of the Embden China Company; whose bad behavior to me; as set forth in my Memorial; hath forced me to make a very long and expensive stay at this place; and; as the considerable interest I have in that Company may farther subject me to his caprices; I cannot forbear laying my grievances at the foot of your Majesty's throne; most respectfully supplicating your Majesty that you would be graciously pleased to give orders that this Director shall not act towards me for the future as he hath done hitherto。

〃'I hope for this favor from your Majesty's sovereign equity; and I shall never cease offering up my ardent prayers for the prosperity of your glorious reign; having the honor to be; with the most respectful zeal; Sir; your Majesty's most humble; most obedient; and most devoted servant;              * * *'


〃'POTSDAM; 26th February; 1756。

〃'MADAM;I received the Letter of the 19th instant; which you thought proper to write to me; and was not a little displeased to hear of the bad behavior of one of the Directors of the Asiatic Company of Embden towards you; of which you were forced to complain。 I shall direct your grievances to be examined; and have just now despatched my orders for that purpose to Lenz; my President of the Chamber of East Friesland;' Chief Judge in those parts。 'Seyfarth; ii。 139。' 'You may assure yourself the strictest justice shall be done you that the case will admit。 God keep you in his holy protection。              FRIEDRICH。'〃

Whether this refers to Miss Barbara or not; there is no affirming。 But the interesting point is; Friedrich did receive and accept Miss Barbara's 1;000 pounds。 The Prussian account; which calls her 〃an English JUNGFRAU; LADY SALISBURY; who actually sent a sum of money;〃 'Preuss; ii。 124; whose reference is merely  〃Gentleman's Magazine  for 1758。〃 Both in the ANNUAL REGISTER of that Year (i。 86);and in the  Gentleman's Magazine;  pp。 142; 177; the above Paragraph and Letters are copied from the Newspapers; but without the smallest commentary (there or elsewhere); or any mention of a 〃Lady Salisbury。〃' would not itself be satisfactory: but; by good chance; there is still living; in Salisbury City; a very aged Gentleman; well known for his worth; and intelligence on such matters; who; being inquired of; makes reply at once: That the First Earl of Malmesbury (who was of his acquaintance; and had many anecdotes and reminiscences of Friedrich; all noted down; it was understood; with diplomatic exactitude; but never yet published or become accessible) did; as 〃I well remember; among other things; mention the King's telling him that he;〃 the King; 〃had received a Thousand Pounds from Miss Wyndham; with a part of which he had bought the Flute then in his hand。〃 'Letter from John Fowler; Esq。; 〃Salisbury; 2d April; 1860;〃 to a Friend of mine (PENES ME): of Barbara's identity; or otherwise; with the Antwerp Embden Lady; Mr。 F。 can say nothing。' Which latter circumstance; too; is curious。 For; at all times; however straitened Friedrich's Exchequer might be; it was his known habit; during this War; to have always; before the current year ended; the ways and means completely settled and provided for the year coming; so that everything could be at once paid in money (good money or bad;good still up to this date);And nothing was observed to fall short; so much as the customary liberality of his gifts to those about him。 I infer; therefore: Friedrich had decided to lay out this 1;000 pounds in what he would call luxuries; chiefly gifts;and; among other things; had said to himself; 〃I will have a new flute; too!〃 Probably one of his last; for I understand he had; by this time (Malmesbury's time; 1772); ceased much playing; and ceased altogether not long after。 'Preuss; i。 371…373。'

James Harris; First Earl of Malmesbury; was Resident at Berlin; 1772: that is all the date we have for the King's saying; 〃And with part of it I bought this Flute!〃 Date of Lord Malmesbury's mention of it at Salisbury; we have none;likeliest there might be various dates; a thing mentioned more than once; and not improvable by dating。 The Wyndhams still live in the Close of Salisbury; a respected and well…known Family; record of them (none of Barbara there; or elsewhere except here) to be found in the County Histories。 'Britton's  Beauties of England and Wales;  xv。 part ii。 p。 118; Hoare's  Salisbury  (mistaken; p。 815); &c。' I only know farther; Barbara died May; 1765; 〃aged and wealthy;〃 and 〃with the bulk of her fortune endowed a Charity; to be called 'Wyndham College;'〃 'ANNUAL REGISTER (for 1765); viii。 86。'which I hope still flourishes。 Enough on this small Wyndham matter; which is nearly altogether English; but in which Friedrich too has his indefeasible property。

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