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the six enneads-第132部分

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on is concerned with the realm of True Being。     Whether time is There; remains to be considered。 Apparently it has less claim than even Place。 If it is a measurement; and that a measurement of Motion; we have two entities; the whole is a composite and posterior to Motion; therefore it is not on an equal footing with Motion in our classification。     Action and Passivity presuppose Motion; if; then; they exist in the higher sphere; they each involve a duality; neither is a simplex。     Possession is a duality; while Situation; as signifying one thing situated in another; is a threefold conception。     17。 Why are not beauty; goodness and the virtues; together with knowledge and intelligence; included among the primary genera?     If by goodness we mean The First… what we call the Principle of Goodness; the Principle of which we can predicate nothing; giving it this name only because we have no other means of indicating it… then goodness; clearly; can be the genus of nothing: this principle is not affirmed of other things; if it were; each of these would be Goodness itself。 The truth is that it is prior to Substance; not contained in it。 If; on the contrary; we mean goodness as a quality; no quality can be ranked among the primaries。     Does this imply that the nature of Being is not good? Not good; to begin with; in the sense in which The First is good; but in another sense of the word: moreover; Being does not possess its goodness as a quality but as a constituent。     But the other genera too; we said; are constituents of Being; and are regarded as genera because each is a common property found in many things。 If then goodness is similarly observed in every part of Substance or Being; or in most parts; why is goodness not a genus; and a primary genus? Because it is not found identical in all the parts of Being; but appears in degrees; first; second and subsequent; whether it be because one part is derived from another… posterior from prior… or because all are posterior to the transcendent Unity; different parts of Being participating in it in diverse degrees corresponding to their characteristic natures。     If however we must make goodness a genus as well 'as a transcendent source'; it will be a posterior genus; for goodness is posterior to Substance and posterior to what constitutes the generic notion of Being; however unfailingly it be found associated with Being; but the Primaries; we decided; belong to Being as such; and go to form Substance。     This indeed is why we posit that which transcends Being; since Being and Substance cannot but be a plurality; necessarily comprising the genera enumerated and therefore forming a one…and…many。     It is true that we do not hesitate to speak of the goodness inherent in Being〃 when we are thinking of that Act by which Being tends; of its nature; towards the One: thus; we affirm goodness of it in the sense that it is thereby moulded into the likeness of The Good。 But if this 〃goodness inherent in Being〃 is an Act directed toward The Good; it is the life of Being: but this life is Motion; and Motion is already one of the genera。     18。 To pass to the consideration of beauty:     If by beauty we mean the primary Beauty; the same or similar arguments will apply here as to goodness: and if the beauty in the Ideal…Form is; as it were; an effulgence 'from that primary Beauty'; we may observe that it is not identical in all participants and that an effulgence is necessarily a posterior。     If we mean the beauty which identifies itself with Substance; this has been covered in our treatment of Substance。     If; again; we mean beauty in relation to ourselves as spectators in whom it produces a certain experience; this Act 'of production' is Motion… and none the less Motion by being directed towards Absolute Beauty。     Knowledge again; is Motion originating in the self; it is the observation of Being… an Act; not a State: hence it too falls under Motion; or perhaps more suitably under Stability; or even under both; if under both; knowledge must be thought of as a complex; and if a complex; is posterior。     Intelligence; since it connotes intelligent Being and comprises the total of existence; cannot be one of the genera: the true Intelligence 'or Intellect' is Being taken with all its concomitants 'with the other four genera'; it is actually the sum of all the Existents: Being on the contrary; stripped of its concomitants; may be counted as a genus and held to an element in Intelligence。     Justice and self…control 'sophrosyne'; and virtue in general… these are all various Acts of Intelligence: they are consequently not primary genera; they are posterior to a genus; that is to say; they are species。     19。 Having established our four primary genera; it remains for us to enquire whether each of them of itself alone produces species。 And especially; can Being be divided independently; that is without drawing upon the other genera? Surely not: the differentiae must come from outside the genus differentiated: they must be differentiae of Being proper; but cannot be identical with it。     Where then is it to find them? Obviously not in non…beings。 If then in beings; and the three genera are all that is left; clearly it must find them in these; by conjunction and couplement with these; which will come into existence simultaneously with itself。     But if all come into existence simultaneously; what else is produced but that amalgam of all Existents which we have just considered 'Intellect'? How can other things exist over and above this all…including amalgam? And if all the constituents of this amalgam are genera; how do they produce species? How does Motion produce species of Motion? Similarly with Stability and the other genera。     A word of warning must here be given against sinking the various genera in their species; and also against reducing the genus to a mere predicate; something merely seen in the species。 The genus must exist at once in itself and in its species; it blends; but it must also be pure; in contributing along with other genera to form Substance; it must not destroy itself。 There are problems here that demand investigation。     But since we identified the amalgam of the Existents 'or primary genera' with the particular intellect; Intellect as such being found identical with Being or Substance; and therefore prior to all the Existents; which may be regarded as its species or members; we may infer that the intellect; considered as completely unfolded; is a subsequent。     Our treatment of this problem may serve to promote our investigation; we will take it as a kind of example; and with it embark upon our enquiry。     20。 We may thus distinguish two phases of Intellect; in one of which it may be taken as having no contact whatever with particulars and no Act upon anything; thus it is kept apart from being a particular intellect。 In the same way science is prior to any of its constituent species; and the specific science is prior to any of its component parts: being none of its particulars; it is the potentiality of all; each particular; on the other hand; is actually itself; but potentially the sum of all the particulars: and as with the specific science; so with science as a whole。 The specific sciences lie in potentiality in science the total; even in their specific character they are potentially the whole; they have the whole predicated of them and not merely a part of the whole。 At the same time; science must exist as a thing in itself; unharmed by its divisions。     So with Intellect。 Intellect as a whole must be thought of as prior to the intellects actualized as individuals; but when we come to the particular intellects; we find that what subsists in the particulars must be maintained from the totality。 The Intellect subsisting in the totality is a provider for the particular intellects; is the potentiality of them: it involves them as members of its universality; while they in turn involve the universal Intellect in their particularity; just as the particular science involves science the total。     The great Intellect; we maintain; exists in itself and the particular intellects in themselves; yet the particulars are embraced in the whole; and the whole in the particulars。 The particular intellects exist by themselves and in another; the universal by itself and in those。 All the particulars exist potentially in that self…existent universal; which actually is the totality; potentially each isolated member: on the other hand; each particular is actually what it is 'its individual self'; potentially the totality。 In so far as what is predicated of them is their essence; they are actually what is predicated of them; but where the predicate is a genus; they are that only potentially。 On the other hand; the universal in so far as it is a genus is the potentiality of all its subordinate species; though none of them in actuality; all are latent in it; but because its essential nature exists in actuality before the existence of the species; it does not submit to be itself particularized。 If then the particulars are to exist in actuality… to exist; for example; as species… the cause must lie in the Act radiating from the universal。     21。 How then does the universal Intellect produce the particulars while; in virtue of its Reason…Principle; remaining a unity? In other words; how do the various grades of Being; as we call them; arise from the four primaries? Here is this great; this infinite Intellect; not given to idle utterance but to sheer intellection; all…embracing; integral; no part; no individual: how; we ask; can it possibly be the source of all this plurality?     Number at all events it possesses in the objects of its contemplation: it is thus one and many; and the many are powers; wonderful powers; not weak but; being pure; supremely great and; so to speak; full to overflowing powers in very truth; knowing no limit; so that they are infinite; infinity; Magnitude…Absolute。     As we survey this Magnitude with the beauty of Being within it and the glory and light around it; all contained in Intellect; we see; simultaneously; Quality already in bloom; and along with the continuity of its Act we catch a glimpse of Magnitude at Rest。 Then; with one; two and three in Intellect; Magn
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