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the use and need of the life of carrie a. nation-第33部分

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Testament more than the Old。 It is not possible to understand the New;
unless we first study the Old。 One of my favorite books is Deuteronomy;
the dying words of Moses。 He here repeats the great mercy; consideration
and power of God's dealings with his people。 Tells the kind of
characters God will bless。 How God loves the pure and good。 How He
hates the wicked。 We here see that God creates good and evil; and holds
us responsible for the choosing。 While God rules in all things we have
the power to bring on ourselves blessings or cursings。 This book declares
the man or woman invincible that abandons himself or herself to do
God's will。

〃True merit lies in braving the unequal。
True glory comes from daring to begin。
God loves the man or woman; who reckless of the sequel;

Fights long and well; whether they lose or win。〃

In the seventh chapter of Deuteronomy; God commanded the
children of Israel to 〃destroy the images;〃 〃break down〃 the altars
and 〃burn the graven images〃 of the Gods of the heathen。 This was
smashing。 Also said to them: 〃If you do not drive them out they shall
be thorns in your sides。〃 God gave them power and ability to do this;
then he required them to do it。 God supplies man's cannots; not his
〃will nots。〃 In Numbers twenty…fifth chapter; Phineas was given God's
covenant of peace and the priesthood; because be slew the woman and
man that were committing sin: 〃Because he was jealous for his God
and made an atonement for the children of Israel。〃 This was smashing。
God himself smashed up Sodom and Gomorrah。 In the seventeenth
chapter of Deuteronomy; God says: 〃The idolator and blasphemer shall
be stoned with stones till he die。 So shalt thou put away evil from you。〃
This is smashing。 I could write a book recounting the incidents recorded
in God's Word。

〃What is in thine hand; Abel?〃

〃Nothing but one wee lamb; O God; taken from the flock。 I purpose
offering it to thee; a willing sacrifice。〃

And so he did。 And the sweet smell of that burning has been filling
the air ever since; and constantly going up to God as a perpetual sacrifice
of praise。

〃What is it thou hast in thine hand; Moses?〃

〃Nothing but a staff; O God; with which I tend my flocks。〃

〃Take it and use it for me。〃

And he did; and with it wrought more wondrous things than Egypt
and her proud king had seen before。

〃Mary; what is that thou hast in thine hand?〃

〃Nothing but a pot of sweet…smelling ointment; O God; wherewith I
would anoint thine only One called Jesus。〃

And so she did; and not only did the perfume fill all the house in
which they were; but the Bible…reading world has been fragrant with the
memory of this blessed act of love; which has ever since been spoken of
〃for a memorial of her。〃

〃Poor woman; what is it that thou hast in thine hand?〃

〃Only two mites; Lord。 It is very little; but then it is all I have; and
I would put it into thy treasury。〃

And so she did; and the story of her generous giving has ever since
wrought like a charm; prompting others to give to the Lord。

〃What is it that thou hast in thine hand; Dorcas?〃

〃Only a needle; Lord。〃

〃Take it and use it for me。〃

And so she did; and not only were the suffering poor of Joppa warmly
clad; but inspired by her loving life。 〃Dorcas Societies〃 even now continue
their benign mission to the poor throughout the earth。

〃What is it in thine hand; Shamgar?〃

〃Only an ox goad; a stick with which to drive oxen。 I slew six hundred
enemies of God and man delivering from slavery God's people。〃

〃What is it in thine hand Samson?〃

〃The jaw bone of an ass which was a power in the hand used by God;
to slay a thousand wicked cruel infidels。〃

〃David why do you lay aside the armor of Saul and meet the giant;
with only a sling?〃

〃My God will give me the power to slay the foe to mercy and truth。〃

〃Carry Nation; what have you in your hand?〃

Sometimes a rock; sometimes a hatchet; God told me to use these to
smash that which has smashed and will smash hearts and souls。 The
sound of this loving deed will stir conscience and hearts and while I
can not finish the smashing; the voter of this nation will use their ballots
that will; and this impulse will Carry A。 Nation。

God sent an angel from heaven to tell Gideon to smash up the altar
and image of Baal。 By divine command Achan and family were smashed。
God would not give Joshua victory until this was done。 Saul was commanded
by God (through his prophet Samuel;) to utterly destroy the
Amalekite's nation; and all their substance。 He was disobedient and saved
the king。 Samuel hacked or smashed up Agag; although Saul was the
regularly appointed one。 This is a case directly in point。 The officers
in Kansas were oath…bound to do what Carry A。 Nation did。

Our Savior's mission on earth was to 〃break (smash) every yoke
and set the captive free。〃 Upon two occasions he made a scourge; of
small cords and laid it on the backs of wicked men who were doing unlawful
things。 He came into this world 〃to destroy the works of the devil〃;
to 〃bruise〃 or crush the 〃head of the serpent〃。 We are told to 〃Abhor
that which is evil〃; to 〃resist (or fight) the devil and he will flee〃'。 We
are not to be 〃overcome with evil but to overcome evil with。 good〃。
How? Resist the devil。 God blessed the church at Ephesus; because
they 〃hated the evil workers; tried them and found them liars〃。 The
hatred of sin is one mark of a Christian。 Just in proportion to your love
for God will be your hatred of evil。 I will here give you a Bible reading
on the subject。 These are some instances of smashing。 The ten plagues
of Egypt and the overthrow of Pharaoh; were smashing。 The death of
of the first born also。

Gen。     19:24   30:15…19   6:25  9:5;6
Josh。    7:25; 26  7:20  4:7…11  7:10;11  15:15
Lev。     19:17  10:24…26  9:53
Num。     33:55;56  23:7
1 Sam。   15:33
Deut。    7:2…5   7:10…13  
2 Chron。 34:4;5  21:1…9    19:20    
Neh。     13:8…25  21:18…21 
Judg。    2:3 
Isa。     28:21  13:12…18  3:10  54:16  17:5…7  3:31
Matt。    21:12  19:13…20  4:21
John     2:13…23  25:17…19  5:7 
Acts    13:8…11。

If I could I would turn the key on every church in the land; so as
to teach some preachers to go out; and not stay in; and compel poor sinners
to stay out。 I yield no territory to the devil。 Let us take every
saloon; every house of prostitution of men and women for God。 〃There
shall not a hoof be left behind。〃 〃The kingdom of heaven suffereth
violence; and the VIOLENT take it by force;〃 which means that where the
evil is aggressive; we must be more so; and take; compelling surrender
by the determination never to yield。

I feel that I have been peculiarly favored to go into these places; to
〃cry aloud and spare not and show my people their sins。〃 I find this
class so hungry for something better。 These poor actresses; who dress
in tights and sing indecent songs; are a weary; tired; heart…sick lot of
slaves。 I mingle with them as a sister。 When I can say a warning word
I say it。 I call them affectionate names and mean it。 God will judge
both of us。 He knows who loved much; he can forgive much。 Christ
said to a lot of men who took the amen pews: 〃The publicans and harlots
will go into heaven before you。〃 Why? They 〃repented when they
heard〃。 〃How are they to bear without a preacher?〃 I never see a man
or woman so low but as a sculptor said of the marble: 〃There is an
angel there。〃 Oh; God; help me to bring it out!

Jesus received sinners and ate with them。 He left a command that
Christians should invite these to feasts in their homes。 Oh! what a
revival of religion there would be if the homes of Christians were opened
to the lost and sinful; who are dying for some demonstration of love。
If the Son of God; the lovely; the pure; the blessed ate with sinners;
ought it not to be a privilege to follow Him。 We are commanded to
〃warn; rebuke; and reprove with all long suffering and doctrine。〃 People
will work in a revival to get sinners saved; and will pass them day
after day on the street and not a word of Scripture; do they use to
remind them of God's judgements。 Jesus said: 〃The world hateth me
because I testify that the works thereof are evil。〃 I have had men to
swear at me; call me names and threaten to knock me down。 At first
this caused me to feel mortified but that passed off。 These very men
have afterward told me I was right and they were wrong。 The devil
〃threw some on the ground and they foamed at the mouth〃 before he
was cast out。 I have often taken cigars and cigarettes out of men's and
boy's mouths。 I wished to show them the wrong and that I was a friend。
Would you let one you love take a knife to open a vein or cut himself?
Oh! the sweetness and force of that promise: 〃Your LABOR is never in
vain in the Lord。〃 This covers all cases; if you; for the love of God; do
anything。 I often say to myself; after rebuking for sin: 〃You made a
mistake in the way you did this or that; and are you sure it was done
for the love of God and your neighbor?〃 〃Yes。〃 Then 〃your labor is
never in vain in the Lord〃。 It is not WHAT we do that prospers; but what
God blesses。。 〃He that planteth is nothing and he that watereth is
nothing; but it is God that giveth the increase。〃 And it matters not how
awkward the work; if it be done from love of God; it will prosper。 Like
other things; the more you do; the better you can do。

All the Christian work I ever did seemed to meet with severe opposition
from church members。 This is a great stumbling…block to some。
The church crucified our blessed Christ; that is; it was the hypocrites;
for the church is the light and salt; the body of Christ。 〃If I yet please
men; I should not be the servant of Christ。〃 There is no other organization
but the church of Christ that persecutes its own followers。 The
hierarchy in the church told Christ 〃He had a devil;〃 but they could not
meet the argument when He said: 〃A kingdom divided against itself
will not stand。〃 If I; by the spirit of Beelzebub; cast out devils; by what
kind of a spirit do your children cast them out。〃 The devil never destroys
his own work。 If the saloon is of the devil; the power that destroys it
is the opposite。 If a mot
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