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the use and need of the life of carrie a. nation-第44部分

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be fined。 If men will smoke or commit nuisance; let it be where others
are not injured。 I have no right to bring a skunk into any public place。
People should be taught that others have the right to object to anything
done that is wrong。

While I was still persisting in my request to the men to leave the
door; I was shown my state room; to which there were two doors; one
leading from the corridor and the other opening out next the water。 The
captain; accompanied by the First and Second mate appeared at the former;
saying。 〃Madam; you are to keep your room this evening。〃 I replied;
while eating a sandwich; 〃I do not feel like this; and neither will I。〃 Said
he; 〃I will see that you do〃 at the same time telling the officers to lock
the doors。 I said: 〃You can lock the doors to restrain me of my liberty;
but having paid my fare for the service of this company; I will tie up
this boat; when we reach New York; and you will learn that I can turn
a lock as well as yourself。 I saw his countenance change。 Mr。 Furlong;
my manager; who was on the boat; and almost shaking with fear; began
to make excuse for me; etc; etc; but I said; 〃Never mind; Mr。 Furlong;
I can attend to this little captain and myself too; he said no more。 The
three men walked out of the corridor; shutting the door after them; but
did not lock it; in a few moments; they returned and opened both doors
for fear I would think they were locked。 This was about supper time。
When I finished my lunch; and; having put on a clean tie and fixed my
hair; I took from my valise a lot of little hatchets and put them in a little
leather case I carry by a strap over my shoulder。 Thus equipped I entered
the ladies cabin; where there were perhaps fifty people sitting。 When
I went in; they began to look at one another; some smiled; I knew they
had heard of the captain trying to prevent my coming out。 Taking my
seat on a sofa in the middle of the room; I was listening to the lovely
string band when some one came up and opened a conversation with me。
After a while I was quite surrounded and the cabin soon becoming crowded
some one asked to see a little hatchet; so I opened my satchel to show
them。 One of the officers who had come to the State Room with the
captain; had been standing near the stairway; and when he saw the people
begin to press to me to get the hatchets; he came up saying; 〃Madam;
you are not allowed to sell these here。〃 I replied; 〃You sell wine; beer;
whiskey; tobacco; cigarettes and anything that will drug these people。
Now these are my own little souvenirs; and they will advertise my cause;
help me; and be a little keep sake from the hand that raised the hatchet;
so I claim the right to sell them; where you have no right to sell bad
things。〃 He went up to see the captain; who said; 〃I am too busy to fool
with that woman。〃 So he came down; and called up Mr。 Furlong; asking
him to compell me to stop selling hatchets; but he told him he could
not prevent Mrs。 Nation doing anything she had set her head to。 We
had a nice time。 I repeated poetry on the evils of drink and smoking; all
were happy; and at ten o'clock; I bade good…night to many friends who
regarded me not as the wild vicious woman; but one who meant well。

Next morning when we went ashore in New York; and were identifying
our baggage; a small man was passing; Mr。 Furlong remarked in an
undertone; 〃Our captain。〃 He had changed his uniform to go ashore;
and I had not recognized him。 I extended my hand which he took; and
I said; 〃Captain; I know you were told I was a nuisance;〃 〃Yes; they
said you would raise the devil; but if anyone thinks you are a fool they
are very much mistaken。〃 We parted in a very pleasant humor。 Thus
it is; my life is a constant contention; but there have been many laughable
circumstances and none hurt。 I can truly say that there is no ill will in
my heart toward a creature God has made; but it is a hatred for the enemy
of mankind for I have an intense hatred for the enemies of those I
intensely love。



Having a spare month in May of 1904 I made a trip to Canada; and
never was so cordially received in my life; selling all the hatchets I had
in three meetings。

I returned to fill a Chicago engagement of six weeks; which was made
by my manager; with Mr。 Houseman; one of the Editors of the Chicago
Inter…Ocean; who owned a theatre with which a museum was connected。
Realizing that this would provide an excuse for the papers to lie about
me; I wrote my manager if possible; to cancel the engagement。 I was;
however; persuaded to stay one week; with the result; that it was published
all over the country that ; Carry A。 Nation was in a Museum getting
300 a week just to be looked at; when in fact; I spoke in the theatre;
not in the museum。 I would not object to going into a museum or any
place to bring my cause before the people; but resented the idea of being
placed on exhibition。

As I had promised to return to Canada; I did so in the month of June;
visiting the Maritime Provinces; where I was very much delighted with
the people; finding in Prince Edward's Island the most intelligent and
moral people; as a body; that I have ever met。

That Island has a Prohibition Law similar to Kansas; but the primier;
Peters; told the former premier; Mr。 Farguason; that the Club in Charlotte
Town; the Capitol; had to be an exception to the prohibitive amendment
or he would vote against and ruin it。 This condition is similar in our
own government…conspiracy and treason。 I visited this club; strange that
I should get in; God opened the way。 It was fitted up like other drinking
clubs; where men congregate together to act in a manner and talk of subjects
they would be ashamed for their wives to see and hear。 The back
room was stacked with empties and imported liquors of different brands。
I went up into the parlor about nine o'clock in the morning; where I met
one of these beer…swelled outlaws; I asked him; 〃Will you object to
answering some questions about this place。〃 His pompous and indignant
reply was; 〃No; I will do nothing of the kind。〃 I said; I will tell you
some things about it。 You are a set of traitors; you pose as being the
elite; but you are criminals; shame on such villainy。〃 He held his paper
up before his face。 I had the satisfaction of telling him the truth in plain
language; such men are well dressed; gold fobbed; diamond studded rummies that
are more hateful than those behind the prison bars; their bodies
a reeking mass of corruption。

Prince Edward's Island is a large farm; one hundred miles long; by
forty broad。 Can only be reached by boat。 A very high grade of cheese;
milk; butter; oats and turnips are raised there。 Instead of weather…boarding
the houses they have the sides shingled。 They have the nicest; small;
fat horses; fine travelers。

On this; my second visit to Canada; the people did not receive me as
cordially as before; owing to a report that I had been in a museum in
Chicago on exhibition。 In order to counteract this prejudice against me;
I offered a reward of 50。00 for any one who had ever seen me in a
museum or on exhibition; which had the desired effect。 There are rum
bought papers in Canada as there are in the States。

I was asked to speak in Parliament in Fredericton。 There was a
great laugh when I said that governments like fish stink worse at the

On my visit to Sydney; Cape Breton; I found that; although they have
the Scott Act; which makes it a misdemeanor to sell intoxicants there are
dives there just like in Kansas; the officers and political wire pullers
them just in the same way。

I went into a vile den; the Belmont Hotel。 There was a crowd gathered
around the place。 When I went out in front an officer came to me;
saying; 〃You will have to get off the street; you are collecting a crowd。〃
I said; I am not disturbing anything; if you object to the crowd; disperse
them; let me alone。 He insisted; and so did I。 He said nothing to the
crowd no one was doing anything; but standing around when he walked
up to me and arrested me in the King's nameTwo got on either side of
me and carried me to jailWhen I was there; I found a young boy of
about 14 or 15 years of age。 I asked; 〃Why are you here?〃 He began to
cry bitterly; said; he was put in for calling names。 〃Oh; if I had a father
or mother to help me out; but they are dead; and I have no friends。〃
〃What is your fine?〃 I asked; 〃Only a dollar。〃 〃My dear boy; I will
do what mother would do; if she were here; kneel down here and let us
pray。 He did; weeping so bitterly all the time。 I asked God to make this
a means of saving that dead mother's precious one。 I said to him; 〃Now
my boy; mother would say my darling son; don't use bad language。 Be
good and love God。 Now I will pay your fine just as mother would do。〃
So I called the jailer; who seemed to be a kind man; and paid the dollar。
The boy with his face glowing with happiness; fairly flew out。 In
a few minutes the door was opened; a friend went on my bond; and I
left to fill my appointment。 There were as many as twenty…five men who
volunteered to testify to the unfair arrest。 The case was tried the next
day and I was acquitted; the judge saying that。 〃All Carry Nation wanted
was advertising。 〃Man's inhumanity to woman。〃 I was glad to open
the prison door to the boy; and give him advice at a time when he would
take it; for he promised me to be a good boy and serve God。 I expect
God sent me there for that purpose。



A saloon keeper; G。 R。 Neighbors; of Elizabethtown; Ky。; struck me
over the head with a c
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